THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Oh me, oh my, what a long time since I've written! My sincere apologies to you all!

When I was writing messages over the years Beloved was like the proverbial computer widow - me in here much of the day; she out in the lounge much of the day doing about all that her body could do: watching stupid TV!! That's not changed, but my life has. So I'm using a lot of my time not just helping her with things I'm able to, but just spending time together. It's GREAT!!

She understood that my teaching ministry came first and took a pile of every day, but it was still very hard on her. Now I'm able to make up for that just a little.

She seems to be getting a handle on a few of her pain areas - what sets them off and how to maybe prevent it starting, at least sometimes. I think me just being there to take care of her helps a bit too! *happy smile!*

Waiting on all of our ministry funds is a pain. According to regular reports we get it's been "ready" to be distributed to all the folks round the word a dozen times every year - but there's always one more hitch... caused by those who run actually the world who do not want ordinary people like us to have money. THEY are allowed to - NOT us!!

So they are always throwing up roadblocks. The fact that in total it's almost 1 billion dollars I'm sure affects their thinking greatly!! It's now all in a bank in the City, London, and just 1 guy is holding it up.

I still do posts from time to time in the other parts of the forum, though I do find this frustrating much of the time. So many all with different ideas!! Maybe I'll go have a look there now to see if there's anything much happening.

Love you all, and thankyou for your care and prayers as always!!

- BM
Good morning from NY! I am glad to hear that you and the Mrs. are getting to spend some quality time together. I continue to lift the both of you up on prayer daily.
I will continue to pray for healing and for the funds to be released.

I have been trying really hard each day as I arise in the morning to get some good prayer time and bible reading done before my day even starts. I have also been reminding myself at the job, that I work for the Lord.
Last night was a great night out on the streets for our weekly cookout, many hurting single moms that I got a chance to visit with and pray with and shasre the gospel. It is so sad to see even the ones who say they are saved, but are just not living the way of the Lord.. (been there done that)..

On some medication Prednisone for a rash that won't go away and I am bloating up like a toad! Last time I took it I gained 11 pounds in 2 days! Next week is my 30 year high school reunion.

Oh to serve our Lord every day is an awesome way to live.. to continue to learn to live and be sold out for him 100%! I can't wait to see what the new year brings, but I am trying to live one day at a time and be led by the spirit. May the Lord bless you and the Mrs. and everyone here.

God Bless
Thanks for your newsy post, sweetie! It's always good to be able to keep up with where you are at (for both prayer and care *smile!*)

I agree with you completely, being totally the Lord's sure is the ONLY way to live so far as I'm concerned!

Yes, I wonder how many millions it would add up to if we were able to count how many say they are Christians but their life indicates that they are NOT. This is something that always breaks my heart, as it seems to be such a contradiction and for the person an awful futility. Why be without God in punishment and torment when instead you could be WITH the Lord and all His angels and all the saints for all of eternity??

It's great to be able to start the day with prayer and reading His Word. What a great start that is! I've not been able to do this for decades now as I'm so tired and worn out when I wake up. So mostly it's afternoons resting on my bed, or if that doesn't work out, before I turn in for sleep. I find that it's the PLACE where I pray that's important to get you into the 'groove' of every day, rather than when. Go to your 'prayer closet' daily and it will become a habit that WORKS!

Your prayers are a real blessing to us, just as for everyone here who does the same. Thankyou all SO MUCH!!

Enjoy your high school reunion!!

Love n hugs!

- BM
Hi there Bondman, Just checking in to say Hi and let you know that I continue to pray for you and the Mrs.
My life seems , I don't know how to explain it.. not odd, but like at this point that I have no clue where I am to go and I have been feeling in a bit of slump, and not to excited about things. (shame on me!_.. but I continue on... I just need a few days here at home to get things done. never seems to be enough hours in a day..
Love you and the Mrs. to pieces!

Hi there Bondman, Just checking in to say Hi and let you know that I continue to pray for you and the Mrs.
My life seems , I don't know how to explain it.. not odd, but like at this point that I have no clue where I am to go and I have been feeling in a bit of slump, and not to excited about things. (shame on me!_.. but I continue on... I just need a few days here at home to get things done. never seems to be enough hours in a day..
Love you and the Mrs. to pieces!


Sorry to hear that, sweetie! I expect to get an email to you by tonight your time.

Love you!

- BM
Bondman and Beloved,

My beloved's struggles are over and the great healing touch has been supplied. While sad I also am happy and praising God! She was fortunate to suffer only a short while before going home. I think of you at this time and appreciate so much your love, prayer and concern for my sweet Liz. I also think how ironic that some are spared, some are healed and some continue to struggle through their pain and illness. My prayers continue for both of you and won't let up until that your bodies are restored to full health. Won't stop then either because there is still left undone the finances for your ministry.

To each of you who has prayed for Liz I am very grateful as was Liz. Liz went home to be with her Lord July 20th. She'll be missed but I know where to find her when my time comes and I know she'll be waiting.

Blessings to all and once again thank you from the fullness of my heart.


My prayers are with you and yes praise she is home with the Lord. With praying with my father for his healing for prostrate cancer , my dad told me there were 2 kinds of healing.. 1. where the Lord heals them while they are here on earth and 2. the healing he does when he brings them home.

Just think, I have never met you or her, but one day we will meet in eternity. Man can't wait to see all of you then .. and give ya big hugs!

God bless
Dear Nick, thankyou for writing here about Liz. I wasn't sure whether to or not.

What you wrote is beautiful!

I also think how ironic that some are spared, some are healed and some continue to struggle through their pain and illness.

Yes, we cannot put 'patterns' onto how life works itself out for each of us. The other thing that amazes me is how un-ready most Christians are for the end of their lives. And so not ready to meet the Lord. (It only takes one bus...)

Thankyou for your wonderful prayers for us. We sure do NOT take that for granted! And we continue to pray for you, the one left behind, with the grieving that is to be done. We love you very, very much!

- BM and Mrs

Once more a week or more has gone past since the last Musings. *sigh!* I've been posting in the regular part of CFS, and got into 2 'incidents' with another member. So sad! And so stressful also! I'm going to post differently there so that hopefully this won't be able to happen again.

We are not doing well at all. Beloved's pains are still driving her mad, especially because she's working SO HARD to try and figure out ways to stop them, e.g., don't use her arms so much, don't type too long on the PC. Trouble is NO idea or procedure (or special med.) is working, and that's truly getting her down! Her sleep has continued awful also - lie there 3 to 5 hrs trying to go to sleep, then end up with only 2 or 3 hrs when she finally does go off.

My energy level has been even lower this week. I feel like I've gone down enough that Doc would possibly again be warning Nettie that 'he can only go down one more step before he's a goner!' So yes, feeling pretty low physically.

BUT... I trust God. I continue in my assurance that the time is coming soon when His promises to me will have us weller than we've ever been in our life. So I am always positive and at peace and enjoying the presence and activity of the Lord in my life!!

I know I forgot the question from earlier. Sorry If I recall the question correctly(!), the answer is in IR 183 and 184, starting HERE. VERY serious for your sure salvation, and hardly ever preached about - OR lived out at all by Christians!!

Question for This Time: When we did RBBR (in RH 29 HERE: Repent, Believe in Jesus, Be baptised, Receive the Holy Spirit) how come 'Believe' isn't first? We all have told people to 'believe in Jesus' for salvation, right? So shouldn't IT be first? So the question is: why put Repent FIRST?

Tonsa love to each of you!!

- BM




Continued from Part 2...


If you are comfortable in your Christianity, and don't wish to be challenged, and even shocked, then DON'T bother reading further - and I'm quite serious about that.

This series has been looking CLOSELY at: MATTHEW Ch 25:31-46 "When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, THEN He will sit on the throne of His glory!! ALL THE NATIONS will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats. And He will set the SHEEP on His right hand, but the GOATS on the left."


Here is the Lord Jesus SEATED IN JUDGMENT on all men!! This is the BIG ONE! Here it's one of two destinies for you and me: 'HEAVEN' or 'HELL'! No second choices here, folks!!! And our Judgment Destination for all ETERNITY is stated BY JESUS HIMSELF to be based on... Well, WHAT? On the comfortability of most of us Believers that Jesus is our Saviour and Lord, and so we ARE saved?? Is that what HE said? NOPE!! Couldn't possibly be farther from it in fact!!!


First, judgment very much concerns our RIGHTEOUSNESS as I said at the end of Part 2 (click) Matthew 25:46. But it very, very clearly has to be OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS IN ACTION. Faith it great! With it we believe in the Lord Jesus. There is NO salvation except we come, and continue to live, BY FAITH IN JESUS. But our FAITH has to produce WORKS: or else it's a FALSE faith!! - which is NO FAITH AT ALL!!! "Show me your faith BY YOUR WORKS!!" (Click) James 2:16-18.

The hallmark and the WHOLE of Christianity is FAITH.. that then works by LOVE.. to perform our GOOD WORKS that THEN FLOW from this!! That is JESUS' STRAIGHT MESSAGE to EVERY ONE OF US, in His ACCOUNT of the JUDGMENT that HE WILL be presiding over - and YOU will be there, and so will I.

Please go to the next post...
Faith is not enough? Jesus blood just doesn't cut it? We need Jesus blood plus all this other stuff? Now I know that willful sin hardens our hearts towards God which can make us vulnerable to Satan's reach so faith without works enevitably leads us to damnation but I believe God still loves us and none of us are perfect so He knows we will make mistakes but as we realize we aren't perfect and grow in faith we will sin less and less and automatically start to care for the homeless and the sick and the ones in prison. It's love. It pretty much goes with loving God and following what He tells us to do. Though say if you were born again into Christ and then shortly died and haven't had the time to grow in Christ so you still had some anger and uncarlessness towards homeless and people in prison etc... I think God would understand. The theif on the cross didn't have time to grow and get rid of all the hate he had and grow in faith but he went to heaven.

Sorry, old lesson on page 189 I think it was...
Faith is not enough? Jesus blood just doesn't cut it? We need Jesus blood plus all this other stuff? Now I know that willful sin hardens our hearts towards God which can make us vulnerable to Satan's reach so faith without works enevitably leads us to damnation but I believe God still loves us and none of us are perfect so He knows we will make mistakes but as we realize we aren't perfect and grow in faith we will sin less and less and automatically start to care for the homeless and the sick and the ones in prison. It's love. It pretty much goes with loving God and following what He tells us to do. Though say if you were born again into Christ and then shortly died and haven't had the time to grow in Christ so you still had some anger and uncarlessness towards homeless and people in prison etc... I think God would understand. The theif on the cross didn't have time to grow and get rid of all the hate he had and grow in faith but he went to heaven.

Sorry, old lesson on page 189 I think it was...

I agree with you, Phil. At the Judgement I'm certain Jesus will deal with the whole life of every person in perfect justice, whether they died young in the faith, or even as fast as the thief did. And yes, love is certainly what propels us to care for others!

- BM
I agree with you, Phil. At the Judgement I'm certain Jesus will deal with the whole life of every person in perfect justice, whether they died young in the faith, or even as fast as the thief did. And yes, love is certainly what propels us to care for others!

- BM
Though I agree with you I feel I shouldn't. I sinned today... My brother phoned me. Now lets just say that we aren't the closest brothers should be... Although we didn't say much on the phone today, I felt heartless even saying what little I said. I didn't raise my voice or anything. I stayed neutral but I felt heartless and ignorant. I now feel very regretful and sinful. Even though you agree with what I said earlier, I think I would be happier now if you disagreed with me. I honestly feel like from my lovelessness today even though there were no arguments or debates and he probably didn't notice my heartlessness, I still feel very bad about it. Very regretful. Sinful. That if I died today that I would probably end up in hell. As what you said earlier. We need to love our neighbor and I really didn't do that. If Jesus was here today He would have judged me as unrighteous in my act. This is bad... If I were to die today, I might go to hell. I would have been the lamb on His left side rather than the sheep on His right.
My dear brother, if it was that easy to lose our salvation and be sent to hell none of us would ever make it to heaven!! When Jesus died for our sin on that cross He died for it ALL. The born again Christian's past, present and future sin is covered. ALL of our sin He died for!! Consider: we all sin without meaning to; we all wilfully sin; AND we all sin by falling short of God's standard and requirements - some of which you or I may not even realise we're sinning about! We are a sinful race. The only difference for the Christian is that He is totally forgiven, bless God!!

To feel better and feel reunited with the Lord, repent ("Lord, I'm sorry; I truly don't want to do this any more") then immediately tell Him 'thankyou' for forgiving you - cos you ARE forgiven! You don't need to plead with God for forgiveness. You already have it! The repentance and being thankful is a matter of relationship - in order for there to be nothing you KNOW about that you've not said sorry for. We used to call this 'keeping a short account', and it's a great way to go!

This all being true, then does it really matter if we go out and wilfully sin? Answer: why would we do that against a wonderful God Who we love and Who loves us so much?!!

Hope that clarifies for you and you and God will be again close!

Love in Him!

- BM

A Story

From the time of my energy level collapse, I have been very very slowly improving a little each day. Earlier I couldn't sit on the bed to change night for day clothes without ending up puffing and panting from the effort of it all. I had to ride Gertie everywhere. Couldn't take even a couple of steps, and certainly couldn't use my crutches.

The story is how Beloved and I both messed up pretty bad! I was due for a bath by my carer. She does most of the work, but there's still some physical I have to do - like get into and out of the bath!! lol, stand to get pants on, and a few other things.

Soon as I'm 'done' I ride Gertie and go onto the bed to recover. Silly us never thought a thing about my low energy!!! So I arrived in bed and delayed puffing and panting started, along with my heart racing. It was so hard to get enough oxygen in! I banged the wall hard to alert Beloved. She started helping me to monitor how I was breathing - speed, degree, to try and get me settled down without any harm.

It took ages. Then I started to realise there was an extra problem. The heavy breathing for so long had brought asthma on! This is bad, as I nearly died in 05 from dreadful asthma, plus Ventolin spray does NOT work for me any more, so there is NOTHING I can take to stop an attack!! All I can do is breathe slowly and really shallow for about half an hour and that will normally settle it (part of the Buteyko Method).

Problem! Overdoing it so badly in the bath meant I needed a lot of oxygen - so heavy breathing. But asthma required I do hardly any breathing!! It was a serious dilemma - which to do?? God came to my aid cos the need for oxygen soon dropped quickly, and so I changed to really light breathing. After a time the asthma subsided. Phew!! Just one more crisis to do my health averted! (I couldn't possibly count how many like that I've had in my life, only the times I've almost died (which is 4 or maybe 5).

My legs and arms are still both shaky, but I can change my clothes now, and hopefully will recover fully in time (meaning back to being normal ill!)

Had another 'issue' here again this week. Fortunately it got sorted in about 24 hrs. Thankyou, Lord!

The question from last time. Did you work it out? If I believe in Jesus without repenting I've put the cart before the horse. I believe in Jesus to get my sins forgiven (among other things), right, but how can God apply THAT forgiveness to me before I've even recognised that I AM a sinner!! PLUS that ALL of my sin was against God, seen how incredibly serious this is, and earnestly confessed and repented of it ("Lord I DON'T want to do that any more! Please help me!") Once I've done that, I'm then ready to believe in the Lord Jesus, with some reasonable understanding of what I'm really doing! So it really does need to be RBBR!!

For this time: As an earnest Believer, it's essential that I confess my sin to the Lord before He'll forgive it, right? (Now come on, make a decision on this, so you can check if you really 'get' how it works.)

Piles of love to you all!!

- BM
Whew.. glad you are doing better. Just checking in here for a quick update.
Work is going well, challenging but well. I am off tomororw headed to a local amusement park for Kingdom Bound where they have a ton of Christian bands, one of my favorites Kutless is playing, along with many speakers, water park and lots of fun stuff to do. Then will work Wed, then off to drive to NJ to see my whole family for a beach blast, really do not want to put the swim suit on this year!

Still finding my way here. Got to get down and serioius on the health stuff, ie eating healthy, exercising , etc.. I would feel sooooooooooo much better!
Have had so many awesome God divine appointments lately.. a woman on Sat , age 48 same age as me and has terminal cancer. I mean she is unbelievably strong in the Lord. . amazing. today was at local park and used the Lord's boldness to speak to a man,, great conversation.. come to find out he WAS going to take his life today! unbelievable! I got to get that journal going! Ok Got to hit the sack. . enjoyed my 30 year high school reunioin. it is hot here and I do not hardly have any windows that open in my apartment.. wish I would have noticed that before I moved in! It is an older home with large windows.

Ok.. have a blessed week-end, just wanted you to know I was thinking of ya!
SO pleased to hear that work is going better. When we do it well it can be a source of great satisfaction of doing something good for your bosses.

Amazing about the suicidal man, and lovely the cancer lady is so strong in the Lord. Way to go!!

I never could believe, and still don't, how you guys can have 30-yr high-school reunions. Some reunions do happen here, but that's way past what we'd do! Different cultures, hey!

I hadn't heard whether your hot weather has subsided. Sounds like it hasn't!

Keep growing in Him.

Lotsa hugs!!

- BM

Hi everyone! I've had to take a bit of a holiday, i.e., time out from CFS. My energy level is so low. Wish we knew some 'trick' to get it back up a bit again. Everything is hard, but thank God for my 'Gertie' who faithfully carts me round the house and helps me get jobs done I couldn't otherwise do.

I'm still having to make myself breathe every time I change my clothes or do anything that takes about that much effort and time. What a silly business that is!!

Beloved has no less pain to contend with night and day, but is mostly a bit brighter in herself. It's so wonderful to see!! I believe this is purely PRAYER from people who love us! THANKYOU!!

She's still working on keeping parts of her body from 'freezing' up. She's worked out movement programs for fingers, hands, arms, head and neck, and numbers of different ones for her legs. It's also to try and keep some strength in her muscles. I'm really proud of her with her exercising every day. We went out together on Sunday - me in Gertie and she walking beside me for maybe 200m/yds. It may make you smile, but that was SO lovely to do!!!

From Last Time: As an earnest Believer, it's essential that I confess my sin to the Lord before He'll forgive it, right? Answer: certainly not. Once you become a sincere Believer you are fully forgiven for ALL sins committed throughout your whole life!!

How could it be otherwise? Just before a bus runs you down you're supposed to confess all of your sin to make sure it's forgiven? Silly, right! And about all the sins you commit but don't know, like things you FAIL to obey on, what, they're not forgiven either? Of course they are!! Jesus' amazing and wonderful sacrifice covered EVERY sin of yours. Every one!

But you do need to confess and repent of sin you are aware of. This is the only way to keep growing towards maturity in Christ. This helps keep you CLEAN before God, with your relationship to Him in best possible condition! This is VERY important! - but has NOTHING to do with forgiveness, all of which you already have!

Did you get that right? I hope so!

Today's Question: You've done something wrong and are really feeling pretty bad about it. How do you tell if this is from God or the devil?

Much love to everyone - and keep on GROWING!!!

- BM
This all being true, then does it really matter if we go out and wilfully sin? Answer: why would we do that against a wonderful God Who we love and Who loves us so much?!!
Very true, I would also think I am correct in saying, if we ignored the convictions of the Holy Spirit for long enough, we would end up not being able to see/feel/hear them (Which would be the start of getting lost)??
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