THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Quote by Bondman
This all being true, then does it really matter if we go out and wilfully sin? Answer: why would we do that against a wonderful God Who we love and Who loves us so much?!!

Very true, I would also think I am correct in saying, if we ignored the convictions of the Holy Spirit for long enough, we would end up not being able to see/feel/hear them (Which would be the start of getting lost)??

Absolutely right, JLA, that it is NOT good to ignore the Holy Spirit's convictions!!

Very fortunately for foolish people who do this, it's pretty hard to get yourself 'unborn'. Such people will likely instead lose a lot of their REWARD in heaven - which I see as pretty serious because I suspect that reward is not just a 'for now' one, but rather a 'keep on going' one. The NT doesn't make this clear, but if I'm right on this then the latter could mean missing out on piles and piles and piles of wonderful things for a very great long time!!

So to me the easiest and best by a long shot is to sin less and less by taking careful note of, learning, remembering, and doing God's commands in the NT, and being sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit!!

Bless you, bro!

- BM
Quote by Bondman

Absolutely right, JLA, that it is NOT good to ignore the Holy Spirit's convictions!!

Very fortunately for foolish people who do this, it's pretty hard to get yourself 'unborn'. Such people will likely instead lose a lot of their REWARD in heaven - which I see as pretty serious because I suspect that reward is not just a 'for now' one, but rather a 'keep on going' one. The NT doesn't make this clear, but if I'm right on this then the latter could mean missing out on piles and piles and piles of wonderful things for a very great long time!!

So to me the easiest and best by a long shot is to sin less and less by taking careful note of, learning, remembering, and doing God's commands in the NT, and being sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit!!

Bless you, bro!

- BM
It would be very hard to be unborn I think...
I think its the kinda thing you would have to knowingly do, as in knowing God is real, beyond doubt then rejecting that... Kinda a statement to say you dont need it, but yes its real??
Like now I have seen God, felt God and so on, I know He is real and couldn't reject it...

To reject what I KNOW, is kinda saying that you are bigger than God. I guess.

Know is the key word, doubting means you probably have not seen God fully yet, but you kinda KNOW, theres a point where you KNOW, you dont just have blind faith anymore, you get past that to this KNOW point..
Thats when I think you could become unborn, seen the kingdom and rejected it anyway...
Like now I have seen God, felt God and so on, I know He is real and couldn't reject it...

I agree! I could no more turn my back on God than fly to the moon! And because of His grace I never have, so that even when I was once in serious sin for a short time, I never left Him. (And I firmly believe He's honoured me for that.)

You must realise that not all Believers have the firm faith that you have. Many are still babies - and building further on what you said, they've not yet grown much, if at all, and so they've not really experienced a lot of God's goodness and love, nor (yet) feel a relationship with Him. This is most often the fault of the church: a person came to the Lord, but was NEVER followed up and effectively discipled. 'Spiritual criminal negligence' I call this!

Gospel for Asia fully disciples EVERY convert! Not even one is missed!! Discipling in the West is a crying need where the church is failing and disobeying this command of Jesus: Teaching them to observe (obey) ALL things that I have commanded you. Matthew
ch 28:20a. To me that's just common sense - as well as His Word to all!!

Could such a person at some later point blaspheme the Spirit? I think so. We all have total free-will, and if life went against this person and they had terrible experiences, it could be they eventually give Him up, even turning AGAINST Him. Sounds like a contradiction in terms I know, but people can be very strange how they live their lives..

- BM
Yes I agree bro.

I really dont know what it takes to go beyond, iv done lots and lots of things...
and God made it clear that I was forgiven, so yeah...
I do know that it would be pretty hard to become 100% unborn for EVER...
Maybe blasphemy of the Holy Spirit in a sense of crediting satan for Gods works knowinly

Blessings to all in Jesus' name! It's been an interesting week, and by making 2 changes in my diet we believe we've improved my energy reserves! Whoo-hoo!! I can walk a little on my crutches and that feels just fantastic! Changing my clothes doesn't cause me to puff also. So we're hoping it may hold...

Beloved is continuing her exercises to help her body not freeze up (they are not going to stop all her pains, which are still bad - only God can heal her of those). She IS still brighter in herself much of the time - very exciting!! The cataract in my left eye has taken about half my vision away now - it's like looking at everything through a fog, so there's a great lack of clarity. The one in the right eye is slowly growing, but isn't too much of a problem so far.

God has slowly connected us to a beautiful Christian Russian family of 7. They are poor and the terrible drought there has made food very dear. The Lord then ensured we miraculously had extra money out of our 2 Pensions (on top of our ministry of giving to India) and so we are able to help support them! Australia and Russia are sooo different, but in Jesus we are becoming like 2 loving families in one!! Thankyou, Lord!!!

Last Time's Question: You've done something wrong and are really feeling pretty bad about it. How do you tell if this is from God or the devil? Answer: There's a massive difference between Holy Spirit conviction of sin and the devil condemning you. He makes you feel dreadful, like he's belted you down onto the floor! The Holy Spirit's conviction can be tough, and quite definite but gentle, and you're most likely to just feel quite SAD about your sin! Certainly NOT condemned!!

New Question: You are a true and earnest Christian, but suddenly if feels like God is not with you at all, and for quite awhile you feel dreadfully and totally alone. What's wrong here? What should you do?

Thankyou so much for prayers! Love you guys!!

- BM
Wonderful news all around my friend. Do pray that your health will continue to improve so those cataracts can be taken care of as well. May God continue to shine his blessings on you. And so happy to hear about the help your providing others as well.

God Bless!!
Thanks so much, my brother! It's SO good to see you here after the recent massive hardships you've gone through! But I know that your trust is fully and firmly in THE LORD!! Bless His beautiful name!!

Much love from us both!

- BM and Mrs
New Question: You are a true and earnest Christian, but suddenly if feels like God is not with you at all, and for quite awhile you feel dreadfully and totally alone. What's wrong here? What should you do?

Hi there, been awhile. Loved the question and truly am looking forward to your answer. Kind of feel right there now myself. For me, I have learned he never leaves you nor forsakes you, therefore he is right there with me during this alone period. It may very well be a time of repositioning. What should i do, I need to rest in him, knowing he has the ultimate path for me, that path is to sit with him allow him to love me , lead me, guide me. I also think of the words you wrote, true and earnest Christian, so maybe during this time , take the time to reflect upon my life, is there things going on in my life that is seperating me from him, where is my focus at? is it really on my great Lord, or the things of the world?

Been such a learning journey this past year. It has been a crazy summer. I am off work today to go and spend the day with my daughter shopping for college. Bondman I am meeting her in the town that I left to come here.. the town where i would sit many a late night typing on this exact forum or emailing you, pming you, etc. I will then come home tonight and then leave on Friday to take her to college which is 4 hours from here. Yes it has been a journey, a journey filled with tears, frustrations but more importantly a journey filled with the hope and love of our Lord. The word for today REST.. rest in him, knowing he is in control and I need to take my hands off the wheel and allow him to steer me in my walk with him. I love you and the Mrs. so much. I miss writing here and miss writing for him. Still praising him for the job, and all he has done in my life. Have a very blessed day!
Yep, I sure do remember the days of you posting right here in this thread, the PM's, and later the emails. It was all very wonderful for me to be able to help guide you in your walk with the Lord!

I hear the uncertainty you still have about your life, and because of how busy you keep yourself, yes rest - and even time out - is very important. Many folks have rushed around doing things for the Lord that were good things, but nonetheless they were NOT on His track, and therefore they had NO foundation of certainty and assurance in their lives. Sometimes there's a strong point to be made for getting drastic by completely stopping and doing nothing. Nothing that is, but restfully seeking where He wants us to BE, and what He wants us to DO, and most of all WHO He wants us to be (which cannot be found while we remain "busy").

Very happy to hear about work, and hope you have a great day with that daughter of yours!

With much love and lotsa HUGS,

- BM

Just wanted to share with you a couple of wonderful and amazing stats about the Inner Room:

.. A few days ago (on the 21st) the total number of visits to the IR quietly ticked over the 100,000 mark!!

.. The day before registered 362 visits.

.. The average visits each day were 226 per day.

I couldn't help thinking of a pastor starting a new church from scratch, one where he stood and preached a solid Biblical message every day, and after awhile he had 200 to 300 people coming to listen to the message DAILY. Think that maybe he'd be pretty rapt?!!

I sure am!! - stunned that people would still be reading what this ill and unworthy man wrote. Also very humbled, grateful to Jeff, CFS, and to the Lord, and yes He surely IS the greatest!!

- BM

Day 1. Gertie got her 3rd puncture - $13.
Day 2. Had to replace Gertie's 2 deep cycle batteries - $400
Day 2. Then the battery charger died on the same day! - $200 more
Day 5. 4th puncture - another $13. Yup, we're goin' broke fast, folks!!

Ah well, it's all good fun (a Bondman saying!!...) And we are both manfully struggling on (well manfully and womanly I guess) - the usual pain for Beloved; low energy reserves and low motivation for me. BUT I have been feeling some things from the Lord about our healing and ministry funds being, well, soon. (Yes I know that 'soon' to the Lord may mean 1,000 yrs or so, but I do believe He's talking 'our time' on this!)

Make sure you read what God is doing HERE - in the previous post!

Previous Question: You are a true and earnest Christian, but suddenly (and I do stress that word) it feels like God is not with you at all, and for quite awhile you feel dreadfully and totally alone. What's wrong here? What should you do?

Well, given that you are a true Christian, maybe nothing!! This going from all is fine to suddenly God is a million miles away can happen to anyone. Don't panic! The Lord is teaching you to trust Him. That's exactly what to do. Be restful and TRUST. Meantime don't change anything. Keep going. Jesus said,"I am with you always." Matthew Ch 28:20. Would He lie? Doesn't 'always' mean 'always'?

I remember this happening to me many years back. God was nowhere to be found. I had no idea what to do. But I hung on, and after quite some time, just as suddenly as He'd left - He was back. And guess what - IMMEDIATELY I had the strong and real feeling that He had never been away!! *surprise, surprise!!* Hardships of ALL kinds, Him being 'away', etc., are all to test you and train you. They are proof that He loves you millions!!!

New Question: Repenting of (saying "sorry" for) all of your sins against Almighty God is a first essential to salvation. Then you are ready to believe in Jesus! You've done this and are a true Christian, but have been drifting away from the Lord recently, have been sinning, and have not said sorry to Him for months - and you get killed instantly in a car accident. No time for repenting here! So will you go to heaven - or miss out?

We're SO grateful for prayers!! Love to everyone!!!

- BM

Hello to all! I could easily enough wish I could be living a 'normal' life like most of you. But we each have our own path to follow. Mine is being ill, coping with that via the Lord, and accepting the things I cannot do that I may desperately want to!!

The latter includes being able to keep up with emails and PM's, and with writing this more regularly. I got worn out again this week and have had to take it easy. My sight is not good: most things I now have to read with a large magnifying glass cos of the growing cataract - including the computer screen if it's something I can't make larger! So if you're writing to me 14pt or size 4 would be great!!

I've been building up the things I thank God for during my prayer time. I'm discovering amazing things I don't remember ever having said thankyou for! - they are everywhere, all around us (some small and even simple!!) Take them all for granted we do! *not good!* My greatest thanks go for my Beloved though. I often say to her, "I don't know what I'd do without you!!" (the answer to that of course is: NOT very well!)

Last Time's Question: Repenting of (saying "sorry" for) all of your sins against Almighty God is a first essential to salvation. Then you are ready to believe in Jesus! You've done this and are a true Christian, but have been drifting away from the Lord recently, have been sinning, and have not said sorry to Him for months - and you get killed instantly in a car accident. No time for repenting here! So will you go to heaven - or miss out?

PROVIDED you really are a genuinely born again Christian, you will still go to heaven, because the forgiveness of sin Jesus died to make available to us covers ALL of our sins - including ones not yet committed. At the judgement no doubt you'll not be happy about the way you treated Him prior to your death! Happy is the man or woman who "keeps a short account" - saying sorry now, not later. And again. And again. Keeping it all UP TO DATE!!

New Question: There are at least 2 major problems for a Believer who does no good works (for others, for the Lord). What are they?

We appreciate you, love you, and are most grateful for your prayers!!

Love, joy and peace in the Lord Jesus!!

- BM
New Question: There are at least 2 major problems for a Believer who does no good works (for others, for the Lord). What are they?

We appreciate you, love you, and are most grateful for your prayers!!

Love, joy and peace in the Lord Jesus!!

- BM

Okay, i'll take a crack at it . thank you for the questons .

I'd say the first main problem is the perception that believing is an intellectual assent . Trusting in God, in Jesus Christ, is a process of being Born again, and the new life that springs from that produces a completely new way of being than was being lived before . and this way because it is seeded in trust and rooted in Love/God changes us from the inside out .

The second main problem is that if one does not become as Jesus Christ is in this world in a way that complements who God has made them to be but as something else .. one might ask what seed was planted? or giving the benefit of the doubt .. where in the parable of hearts was the good seed planted?

So say someone lives among thorns and is unfruitful . Paul said those having works of straw and wood would pass through the fire .. and some would only pass through the fire but their works would be burned . but still saved .

So say another problem is . even if someone is saved in such a circumstance .. they wouldn't have any fruit that lasts? that seems a problem . so it's always good to seek him and that all growth as it began in the Spirit of God is made complete in the Spirit of God as Paul so exhorted the foolish Galatians so many centuries ago .

that's what comes to mind .

Bless you .

Yes its interesting.
Do these unfruitful people make it to heaven? Paul seems to say they do..
So.. Do people with fruit get blessed in heaven?
I mean I am not bothered, I just wanna be apart of Gods solution, I dont care about rewards, but do these people get them or not, some people have told me they do, others have said they dont.
Have not studied it yet though lol.

In a PM I received, a young lady in serious distress in her life, with a shocking 'yes' OR 'no' decision to make for herself and her child, made this flat and powerful statement:


HAS to be the same for us all, right - but how much of THAT do we truly live out every day?

Broke the record of visits per day to the Inner Room yesterday: an amazing 626!! Staggering... Praise His precious Name!!!

Last Time's question: There are at least 2 major problems for a Believer who does no good works (for others, for the Lord). What are they? My answers are;

1. God says, firstly, that a genuine Believer who FAILS to do any good works will still make it to heaven by the skin of his teeth, having been tried by fire and all of his works burned up. Secondly, he will receive NO reward at Judgement time - a most SERIOUS matter in my view!! The Bible doesn't say, but I do have to wonder if this 'only just made it' Christian may suffer from losing his reward for all of eternity!!

Read about this HERE (with the other Parts below), including the relevant Scriptures.

2. Jesus spoke POWERFUL WORDS to us all - in two different sections - about a way of life concerning constantly taking care of His brothers (arguably Believers) in the areas of need, e.g., food, clothing, water, etc, saying that if you DO, then you are doing these to HIM; but if you DON'T then you are FAILING to do them to Him. No guesses which group He's pleased to have with Him in eternity. But look where those who fail go (which shockingly looks to me like most Christians): He actually CURSES them before sending them to hell!! WHOA!!!

Read this seldom taught/preached WARNING HERE, with Scriptures (plus Part 2).

Next Question: Jesus made a solemn promise that He'd answer all prayers to Him: If you ask anything in My Name, I will do it. John Ch 14:14 No ifs, no buts there!! SO... if I ask Him for me to be Australian's Prime Minister by tomorrow afternoon, how do you think I'll go with that? Not too good, right!! Okay then, what's the problem here?

Piles of love to everyone!!

- BM

EDIT: Prayer please for Beloved who's stressed out like crazy and at the end of her tether with pain, headaches and lack of sleep. She can NEVER catch up on jobs that need doing - not just a list, but lists. Too many things in our lives with NO answers doesn't help... Thankyou!!!

EDIT 2: I've unusually been a bit 'down' during Beloved's bad time, probably cos she's so far 'down'. Oh, and Gertie just had puncture #5. So we will have to buy 2 solid tyres, but the smell of new rubber tires with go right through the house, making my Lady sick, with possibly a threat of serious asthma for me too... Anyone got any "Solutions" that they want to sell? (we'll buy piles of 'em!)
Next Question: Jesus made a solemn promise that He'd answer all prayers to Him: If you ask anything in My Name, I will do it. John 14:14 No ifs, not buts there!! SO... if I ask Him for me to be Australian's Prime Minister by tomorrow afternoon, how do you think I'll go with that?Not too good, right!! Okay then, what's the problem here?

Good two answers, so for this one . i suppose asking isn't the problem . but "in Jesus name" that is the problem?

i suppose one could ask is one living in Jesus name? and another is one trusting in Jesus?

and yet another could ask also .. would Jesus ask such a thing? but then Jesus did say anything so if we limit John 14:14 "to his will" then it is no longer the same anything as the other gospels say that if you ask believing anything and if two or more gather anything . so in the context .

it most likely relates to faith . and by saying that i mean the James kind of faith . and by works i don't mean the law . i mean what is written in his letter as showing goodwill to those in distress and as 1st John explains . this is something people who love do .

so i think there is a matter of growth here also . it is Jesus living through us who prays . so sometimes we are just waiting . for him to outgrow us .

i might write more later . back to work .

blessings, will pray def .

but the smell of new rubber tires with go right through the house, making my Lady sick, with possibly a threat of serious asthma for me too... Anyone got any "Solutions" that they want to sell? (
how about using some type of air freshners, like the plug in ones or burn some candles that smell good? BETTER YET::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;


Just popped on for a quick minute.. late here.. love ya and piles of hugs to you and the Mrs..
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