THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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GET out of town!!!!!!!!! ARe you serious? HOW are you??? WOW! am I glad to see you too!!! YAY!! A familiar face! Yes, it really is me. what is new?? (To psalmody, my quote thing didn't work!)
OH Mr. Bondman, sorry!!! You know me as HadessahRose. I thought you would know me by my Mr. Bondman!! I am SO excited to see you! I have been worried about you!! How are you doing?

Yes I should have got that! We're both a LOT sicker than when on CF, but you mustn't worry about that because we are in the Lord's hands. There's NO better place! Illness deterioration includes my memory badly affected by Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, thus I simply didn't remember "MR" (I can now that you've reminded me!)

You've obviously found Fluffy's thread here. Fabulous place!! (BESTEST Coffee on the planet!!) That's where to do chatting, while we reserve the IR for the Spiritual: serious Christian living, etc.

- BM
Wow! Awesome stuff, ya'll!
Bondman, that was not too heavy. It was "spot on"!

HADESSAH!!! Is that really you??? I didnt recognize you in the Coffee House! Long time no see! We missed you, too!!
Oh, wait, you probably dont know my new name! I used to be Psalmody!

Wow, "Psalmody" takes me back! (always loved that name!)

I'm really glad it wasn't 'too heavy'. Reckon I may write a Message soon on "Things I'm Passionage About!" I LOVE the Lord Jesus! I am passionate about Him - and about His Word and what it really says.

So it's not too hard at all for me to get 'carried away' by my passion. If ever I do go a bit overboard I seriously hope that you or someone will love me enough to TELL ME!! (cos I'm a hopeless mind reader! *chuckles* and so need people to speak up and let me know!)

Bless ya, hon!
Instead of rejoicing that they were like God, our first parents chose to become "as gods" for themselves, rejecting God's rule and usurping His throne in their own lives.

Reading what you wrote, an upsetting picture came into my mind of looking down at over 6 billion little gods moving round on the earth. I could sort of see them represented just by their head and there were all these heads populating the earth, bobbing around as their own little gods. Man, that's sad...

"Lord - you really ARE! - and I very happily acknowledge your LORDSHIP over all of my life! Please help me to keep true to this on a moment by moment basis - that I may constantly please You!

"Please continue to bless the efforts of those who seek to obey what we call The Great Commission, taking the Gospel to the MOST UNREACHED in the earth - that some dear people there may also get to acknowledge you as LORD OF LORDS! Wow, that now makes me change over to 'excited'!!"
Short break for Bondman. A list of 10 important things needing to be attended to is making me feel quite weak at the knees (well, weaker than usual, I mean! *hee!*) Next Message tomorrow I expect.

Meantime I hope everyone (who needs to) is workin' hard with the Lord on that essential attitude change to our materialism and worldliness. (We've done it - and 'tis incredibly LIBERATING and truly LIFE-CHANGING!)
Hey! I found something really interesting!
I have a list of numbers and what they symbolize, and found the numbers 100 (for Bondman's 100 messages) and 1000 (for the Inner Room's 1000th post!)

100= God's election under grace or choice by promise

1000=Glory of YHWH.

Now how cool is that???
Hey! I found something really interesting!
I have a list of numbers and what they symbolize, and found the numbers 100 (for Bondman's 100 messages) and 1000 (for the Inner Room's 1000th post!)

100= God's election under grace or choice by promise

1000=Glory of YHWH.

Now how cool is that???

WOW, VERY COOL INDEED!!!! (Thanks for that, Fluf!)
Hey! I found something really interesting!
I have a list of numbers and what they symbolize, and found the numbers 100 (for Bondman's 100 messages) and 1000 (for the Inner Room's 1000th post!)

100= God's election under grace or choice by promise

1000=Glory of YHWH.

Now how cool is that???

The grace imparted to Bondman for his ministry is given, preserved, and used in God's amazing timing for His own glory.
The grace imparted to Bondman for his ministry is given, preserved, and used in God's amazing timing for His own glory.

Are you tempting me to pride, friend Mark? *kidding!*

If His grace is given so that I may speak for and about Him, so that HE gets all glory - then that makes Bondman a very happy man indeed!

Bless you, my brother!
When you think about it - the love and praise I give to you for being such a good person and all - is going to make you happy and make you shine even more for God's glory. Take it take it take it. Noone can accuse you of being too proud Bondman. It's the endless circle of supernatural love and glory from God that we have our part in as His sons and daughters. What a GREAT Father! Hallelujah!

You know - sometimes it hurts not being able to physically hug you guys. XD



... continued from Part 3 ("What the Bible Does NOT Say (and DOES!)

Continuing our series on what the Bible REALLY says, i.e., what GOD clearly says in His Word, not what man says. So do we actually HAVE to tithe as so many preach? NO!!! NOWHERE does the Bible say that you and I must tithe!! And I can see the raised eyebrows from here! - "Hang about, BM! I know that it says we must. Somewhere in Malachi I think" Yes, Malachi does speak about tithing, but that's Old Covenant (Old Testament). Today we are NOT under the Old Covenant, but under the New Covenant in Jesus' precious blood! (New Testament), as I've said here a number of times.


I can assure you that tithing is nowhere taught as a must in the New Testament! Thus, "Nowhere does the Bible say that you and I must tithe," is accurate to God's Holy Word. What's happening here is something that continually astonishes me, that many preachers and teachers around the world seem to be blissfully unaware of the two radically different Covenants in the Bible, and seriously unaware that we are all now ONLY under this incredibly NEW and WONDERFUL Covenant as set forth in the New Testament!! Maybe they'd all like to start back with constant blood sacrifices of lambs and birds and things under the Old Covenant - well, that's the illogic of their teaching!!


So can you still tithe if you want to? Of course! You can give 1/10th, 1/20th, or 1/5th or whatever God guides you to. Because what you give is now totally between you and the Lord! NO LONGER are you under THE LAW of "you MUST!" but rather are under this beautiful new situation where you GIVE because you WANT to, and you GIVE because of your LOVE for God, and you GIVE because of your LOVE for people in need, and you GIVE so that seriously lost people CAN HEAR THE GOSPEL OF JESUS!! AND YOU MAY GIVE TO GOD'S WORK OTHER THAN YOUR CHURCH! Different?? - you bet your sweet life it's different!!!


Okay then, someone may say, "But I've heard numbers of preachers very strongly saying that I MUST tithe - and that if I don't I'M ROBBING GOD!" Yes, that's in Malachi Ch 3:8. Still Old Covenant, right!! And I have to tell you that this more than upsets me - millions being led astray by this false teaching plus making you feel GUILTY that you're actually ROBBING GOD!! But not only is the tithing they're teaching you NOT in the New Testament - IT'S NOT IN THE OLD TESTAMENT EITHER! Check it for yourself if you want to waste some time - check out the complexity of the matter of the TITHE in the Old Testament: it's incredibly complicated and IS NOTHING WHATSOEVER LIKE WHAT'S BEING TAUGHT AROUND THE WORLD TODAY!

So here we go again. THEY'VE MADE THIS ALL UP!! - changing an OLD TESTAMENT principle to suit their own purposes. Once again this is ADDING and TAKING AWAY (messing around with) THE WORD OF A HOLY GOD, WHICH THE END OF REVELATION SERIOUSLY WARNS US NOT TO DO!!! Not for me, thanks! I want to do only what GOD SAYS - not man!


So WHY is this? For an answer I simply point you to the fancy sanctuaries (church buildings) this tithing often goes to fund. PLUS giving they encourage ABOVE tithing of course. Talk about an unholy focus on MONEY!! Check out their audio-visual equipment, and in many of the larger churches television, in order to send their messages to millions around the world. Which of course brings in more money still, and some who preach these false doctrines fly around the world in their multi-million dollar private jet planes. (On their website one preacher was actually asking for money to purchase TWO new $20million jets, one for himself and one for his wife. And I understand that they already have A NUMBER OF OTHER JETS! - as well their own private airfield!!)


Oh me, oh my!! What can one say to all this?? IT'S PATENTLY OBVIOUS THAT SOMETHING IS DRASTICALLY WRONG HERE!! - the Christian world has, and is, MOVING AWAY FROM THE TRUE DOCTRINES of our fathers, to a new religion filled with error and falsehoods, and countless millions have been ENTICED by words they want to hear (and love), and drawn away by teaching not in God's precious Word. What more can I say? - I'm done here....

Continued in Part 5 "Dealing Correctly with the Scriptures"...

- BM and his Lady-love

No man can ever know all the truth - only GOD can!
All I can do is constantly depend on the Holy Spirit to show me
THE Truth from His Holy Word. If you ever see what
looks like wrong Scripture please tell me.

When you think about it - the love and praise I give to you for being such a good person and all - is going to make you happy and make you shine even more for God's glory. Take it take it take it. Noone can accuse you of being too proud Bondman. It's the endless circle of supernatural love and glory from God that we have our part in as His sons and daughters. What a GREAT Father! Hallelujah!

You know - sometimes it hurts not being able to physically hug you guys. XD

What a great God indeed, my Brother! Hallelujah to His name!!

I agree about not being able to hug and be hugged, man do I AGREE!!!
Just sharing a short, but deep and emotional time for me, that a few moments ago I had with Jesus - maybe feeling (showing) something of my frailty and human-ness...
"Jesus, is it wrong that I'm leaning so much on You... Coming and saying again that 'I love You'... makes me feel... good inside - just to be able... to have You here!... The Father, He's spirit, and I guess it's like He's the One in charge, and... maybe I don't feel so 'comfortable' with Him at the moment, as with You. And the Holy Spirit, He's spirit too, and He's the One... Who works in me... but He's different too.

"Whereas, You're like me, *slaps both legs* You got a body, just like mine. Still got a body, something like mine! You've been down here... and lived it all! Oh Lord Jesus, I LOVE YOU!! *emotional*... MAN I LOVE YOU!!!

"I dunno what heaven's gonna be like, no idea really. But I'd love to come, because... You'll be there... *emotion* Lord, YOU DID IT ALL!... YOU.. DID.. IT.. ALL!!!"
- BM
I tithe because I am a "part of something". Oh, I dont know how to explain this. I am a part of the Body of Christ, and it is my way of contributing. Does that make sense? I just feel like its not quite conveying what I am thinking.
Its my way of participating in what my church is doing. How's that? We are a small congregation, but we sponser several different misisonaries around the world.
But you've made some really good points, Bondman, about it not being mandatory. And some churches use it only for material gain. Sad. We should do it because of our relationship with God and what He wants us to do, and not from anything dictated by man.
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