you are in my prayers as well. Hope tomorrow will be a better day for you...(and Mrs. Bondwoman of course)
HI everyone!
I just had to step in and hopefully not throw a wrench or sidebar this issue but my thought on loving oneself is this:
you are in my prayers as well. Hope tomorrow will be a better day for you...(and Mrs. Bondwoman of course)

HI everyone!
I just had to step in and hopefully not throw a wrench or sidebar this issue but my thought on loving oneself is this:
We do not have to learn to love ourselves; because we already do.
God created us to care for ourselves AND others
and there are times that we focus on ourselves too much
instead of trusting and asking God how HE sees us.
I like this saying:God created us to care for ourselves AND others
and there are times that we focus on ourselves too much
instead of trusting and asking God how HE sees us.
Humility is not thinking less of yourself...
it is thinking of yourself LESS.
it is thinking of yourself LESS.
Accepting yourself in the way that God has made us is another topic altogether. If we are having a hard time loving ourselves; I think we should ask ourselves "what don't I love about myself?" and after prayer, if God is directing you; then do something about it. If we are saying that we are not worthy of God's love...WHOA!!! God loves you no matter what you think!!! Let's not argue with him, He sent His son Jesus; Our Savior to die FOR YOU...YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!
FLUFFY----- I love those pics!!! thanks!