THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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you are in my prayers as well. Hope tomorrow will be a better day for you...(and Mrs. Bondwoman of course) :pray:

HI everyone!
I just had to step in and hopefully not throw a wrench or sidebar this issue but my thought on loving oneself is this:
We do not have to learn to love ourselves; because we already do.
God created us to care for ourselves AND others
and there are times that we focus on ourselves too much
instead of trusting and asking God how HE sees us.
I like this saying:
Humility is not thinking less of yourself...
it is thinking of yourself LESS.

Accepting yourself in the way that God has made us is another topic altogether. If we are having a hard time loving ourselves; I think we should ask ourselves "what don't I love about myself?" and after prayer, if God is directing you; then do something about it. If we are saying that we are not worthy of God's love...WHOA!!! God loves you no matter what you think!!! Let's not argue with him, He sent His son Jesus; Our Savior to die FOR YOU...YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!

FLUFFY----- I love those pics!!! thanks!
You are in my prayers BM!


you are in my prayers as well. Hope tomorrow will be a better day for you...(and Mrs. Bondwoman of course) :pray:

Thankyou SO MUCH dear ones!! The state our ill-health has now reached is seriously threatening our ability to continue on in this world - the daily struggle is really becoming too much, despite the help of my and Beloved's carers.

For me it's certainly getting closer and closer to either healing or heaven. For those who believe that God literally DOES heal when we storm heaven with our prayers and refuse to give up until He has answered, I invite you to join with me in this. The joy and blessings of being part of the end result are beyond expression!!

For those who believe God CAN heal, but aren't sure if he WILL, try looking at it this way: if we pray and He doesn't heal, then we've lost nothing! But if we pray and this results in a miracle from God, then we've GAINED SO MUCH!!

Thankyou all!

- BM
I cannot lay claim to the above. It was something that the Lord told me after reading Bondman's post. I give Him (God) all the credit and all the glory.

Then that makes it a million times more special. "Yes my Lord you ARE indeed so good to those of us who belong to You!!"
HI everyone!
I just had to step in and hopefully not throw a wrench or sidebar this issue but my thought on loving oneself is this:
We do not have to learn to love ourselves; because we already do.
God created us to care for ourselves AND others
and there are times that we focus on ourselves too much
instead of trusting and asking God how HE sees us.
I like this saying:
Humility is not thinking less of yourself...
it is thinking of yourself LESS.

Accepting yourself in the way that God has made us is another topic altogether. If we are having a hard time loving ourselves; I think we should ask ourselves "what don't I love about myself?" and after prayer, if God is directing you; then do something about it. If we are saying that we are not worthy of God's love...WHOA!!! God loves you no matter what you think!!! Let's not argue with him, He sent His son Jesus; Our Savior to die FOR YOU...YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!

So good!!

I especially loved: "We do not have to learn to love ourselves; because we already do."

And: "Humility is not thinking less of yourself... it is thinking of yourself LESS."

The tragedy about the first quote is that, Christian or unbeliever, there are those whose state is that of un-love of themselves, even to the point of despising themselves or aspects of themselves! This is so often because of lack of LOVE and ACCEPTANCE by THE most important people ever in their lives - their parents!) And without serious and effective help they may never get over this...



Are you one of those rare Believers who wants ALL of Jesus, along with all of those things He has for you? - and please DON'T mistake what I'm talking about here - I'm speaking of totally "BASIC" things in the spirit realm like LOVE, deep-down JOY, continual PEACE "the peace of God that passes all understanding", personal FREEDOM "if the Son shall set you free, you shall be free indeed", and POWER to fully live the Christian life - well then, JESUS REQUIRES ALL OF YOU!!! For so long as you choose to (foolishly) hang on to parts of YOURSELF and your life, and the things that YOU want, you will continue to miss out on the things above, and their fullness!

Which do you think will be the BEST for you in the long run? – those human things of THIS WORLD that you believe that you want, OR the things of the SPIRIT REALM that He has for you? Humanity is SINFUL, and your innate SELF-CENTEREDNESS is your enemy, and will continue to strongly URGE you to keep your focus upon YOURSELF and what YOU want. This means that day by day, month by month, year by year you are continuing to miss out on all the FULLNESS that God wants you to have!

These are basic Spiritual blessings I'm talking about here, not human blessings, okay. They are NOT of this world at all! When we step through death, as 100% of us do, the HUMAN part - including ALL the human blessings we ever sought for - is LEFT BEHIND and GONE FOREVER. Only the SPIRITUAL continues on! Here's a really CRITICAL QUESTION for you to consider before the Lord God: if He handed you a Report on your Life right now, how much of it would be spiritual and how much of it human and of this world? Should I be fearing for you and your current state in the Lord??

Things I write are all from my practical Christian experience. No theory here, and THEY WORK! They include things YOU can have if you truly WANT them - and are prepared to seriously SEEK for, and KEEP seeking! Receiving them over a period of time can change and revolutionise your life. This will be a matter of GREAT JOY to you, and MUCH WONDER!

If you want ALL OF HIM, well then He wants ALL OF YOU. Don't be keeping to yourself some for you, else you continue to DENY yourself of all of the wondrous things He has for you. Please don't do this to your dear self! Jesus really IS Lord! Acknowledging this fact of His Lordship over all of you, and taking Him as your personal Lord, IS THE ONLY EFFECTIVE WAY TO THESE BLESSINGS IN THE SPIRIT REALM!! - which will then go with you through death!

"Lord what YOU want for me is what I want. Nothing more, nothing less!"

- BM, with his Lady


What a wonderful post, BM! :) How true it is! To leave aside all the wishes of this world and to seek the things of spirit realm which are everlasting and will never gone!!!

All this time I was reading your messages in silence, now I want to thank you for this wealth of helpful practical advises. I haven't read all the messages yet, but I try to read them when I can and I enjoy doing it.


Things I write are all from my practical Christian experience. No theory here, and THEY WORK! They include things YOU can have if you truly WANT them - and are prepared to seriously SEEK for, and KEEP seeking! Receiving them over a period of time can change and revolutionise your life. This will be a matter of GREAT JOY to you, and MUCH WONDER!

I really wish to have them all in my life! The only problem is not to stop seeking :( I find it's not easy at all, especially when you don't see results very soon. O Lord, help me!!!
Thank you so much, BM !!! Blessings and much love !!!





What a wonderful post, BM! :) How true it is! To leave aside all the wishes of this world and to seek the things of spirit realm which are everlasting and will never gone!!!

All this time I was reading your messages in silence, now I want to thank you for this wealth of helpful practical advises. I haven't read all the messages yet, but I try to read them when I can and I enjoy doing it.


I really wish to have them all in my life! The only problem is not to stop seeking :( I find it's not easy at all, especially when you don't see results very soon. O Lord, help me!!!
Thank you so much, BM !!! Blessings and much love !!!


It's SO WONDERFUL to hear of someone who so badly wants to truly GROW in the Lord by getting all these new things into their life! WOW!!

BUT... It's highly important to take your time reading new truths, otherwise it's so VERY easy to simply be filling our HEAD up with things that we cannot POSSIBLY put into practice ALL AT ONCE! Also, if we read too much we may become so OVERWHELMED with it all that we STOP reading and learning altogether - which is obviously NOT a good idea! So please take your time with it all.

As with all of life what we need is BALANCE, i.e., it's so important that we be LEARNING so we can GROW in Christ, but we also need to work out how to actually DO and to actually LIVE the things we learn! And that usually takes TIME! To achieve RESULTS what you need is PATIENCE from the Holy Spirit (Galatians Ch 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,) and to be WAITING upon the Lord.(Psalm Ch 27:14 Wait on the LORD; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the LORD!)

So what I'm saying is that we cannot rush things, and we need to pray for HIS GUIDANCE to find out HOW to proceed with new truths. I've always been aware that I write TOO MANY things that are new to many folks here. But what's new to one person is not new to another, and vice versa. Therefore I write as much as I can, some for new Christians and some that's more advanced, trusting readers to go to the Lord for guidance as to what things HE wants them to LEARN and to DO.

SUGGESTIONS: (a) Before reading, send up a quick prayer to the Lord to guide you as to what He's got for you today. Then as you read (b) Make a NOTE of any SPECIFIC thing that the Holy Spirit HIGHLIGHTS to you. (c) Pray about that and continue to, so that eventually you will start to be able to DO it and LIVE it out! (d) Every so often go back and re-read your list to see if there's more you can do on any particular things there.

The upsetting part about all of this, is that I SHOULD HAVE WRITTEN ALL OF THAT IN THE OPENING POST - but I just never thought to do so! SORRY EVERYONE!!

Thankyou so much for raising this now, dear one!!

- BM, with his Love


I understand - we can't hurry in spiritual things. I remember message 14 - Spiritual Indigestion. Spiritual growth needs time, like physical one.
Thanks for advice and Suggestions, they are really veryuseful!

I understand - we can't hurry in spiritual things. I remember message 14 - Spiritual Indigestion. Spiritual growth needs time, like physical one.
Thanks for advice and Suggestions, they are really veryuseful!


I was sure I'd responded to this - spose I must have written it but not clicked 'Submit' *sigh!*

Wow, in Message 14 I said that?!! (You are very, very welcome to any help I may be able to give you.)
Thanx, BM! your message was just a confirmation of what I need to obey God in. And, I need to tell all of you here so that I will be sure and carry through with it.

I have been feeling convicted of the way I dress for awhile. But, I didn't exactly take it as a directive from God to dress differently. Maybe I was just trying to ignore it because I didn't want to obey. :( But, everything I run into lately is like prompting me that it is something I need to do as an act of obedience to God.

I was even given the reason I need to do this by God in my thoughts last night. He reminded me of how I sometimes stuggle with falling into a certain sin or being faced with the temptation at times. I don't know why I didn't connect the two before. But, if I don't want that temptation, then I shouldn't be the temptress! This was what He told me in plain language. I am so dull of mind sometimes! Before, I just thought it was kinda radical to have to dress differently. Then it became clear that if I had just obeyed in the first place, without having to know why, I would have reaped more benefits. I would have been protected and anyway, being obedient can only be good, right?!

It was easy for me to see that I shouldn't be going into bars, but this just seemed too far out. Who cares how I dress. If it made me comfortable, then who cared. I feel ashamed of how I didn't "get it" completely until God had to spell it out. Anyway, there, I got it off my chest. (no pun intended). And now I expect to be held accountable by you all.

I intend to pack up my old stuff and go shopping with a lady from the church and buy some new stuff! There's a benefit, right!? And I know I will be in obedience and therefore have a chance at getting to know my Jesus more and more, which is worth it all. Thank you, Jesus, for keeping after me, for hounding me. :eek:
Wooo! Move on in Sis! He's taking you up into the heavens to be closer with Him with every little thing you do. Your old self and your flesh are dying every day. But every day your spirit grows stronger and wiser. The real you, that will last forever.

First off, I need to make an apology to all. I have not been around much lately, only but lurking occasionally. As many may already know, I much like many of you have many physical problems that make it uncomfortable setting at my computer for any length of time.

Unfortunately, I too often allow my ailments to consume my life and place the things that I truly care about to the side. And after catching up today, I am ashamed that I have not been participating.

Every person here is a very special person to me. This is the absolute best thread on any forum that I have ever had the privilege to be a part of. The love of Christ is always evident and it is always a pleasure to share in that love with you all.

I am going in the hospital tomorrow for prostate surgery and will be there for about 3 days barring any complications. May I ask that you ask a quick prayer that all will go well?

Again, I wish to apologize for not taking part like I should. You all are the most fabulous people and what a fantastic time we will have in glory someday.


Thanx, BM! your message was just a confirmation of what I need to obey God in. And, I need to tell all of you here so that I will be sure and carry through with it.

I have been feeling convicted of the way I dress for awhile. But, I didn't exactly take it as a directive from God to dress differently. Maybe I was just trying to ignore it because I didn't want to obey. :( But, everything I run into lately is like prompting me that it is something I need to do as an act of obedience to God.

I was even given the reason I need to do this by God in my thoughts last night. He reminded me of how I sometimes stuggle with falling into a certain sin or being faced with the temptation at times. I don't know why I didn't connect the two before. But, if I don't want that temptation, then I shouldn't be the temptress! This was what He told me in plain language. I am so dull of mind sometimes! Before, I just thought it was kinda radical to have to dress differently. Then it became clear that if I had just obeyed in the first place, without having to know why, I would have reaped more benefits. I would have been protected and anyway, being obedient can only be good, right?!

It was easy for me to see that I shouldn't be going into bars, but this just seemed too far out. Who cares how I dress. If it made me comfortable, then who cared. I feel ashamed of how I didn't "get it" completely until God had to spell it out. Anyway, there, I got it off my chest. (no pun intended). And now I expect to be held accountable by you all.

I intend to pack up my old stuff and go shopping with a lady from the church and buy some new stuff! There's a benefit, right!? And I know I will be in obedience and therefore have a chance at getting to know my Jesus more and more, which is worth it all. Thank you, Jesus, for keeping after me, for hounding me. :eek:

Sometimes you guys just blow me away! WOW!!

Bonnie, as the others have already said, this is quite fantastico!

"But, if I don't want that temptation, then I shouldn't be the temptress! Absolutely right. Wish everyone could see this so-obvious fact!

"This was what He told me in plain language. I am so dull of mind sometimes!" Don't you worry your pretty head about that, cos we are all the same! And I'm thrilled to bits that He told you "in plain language"! Whoo-hoo!!!

"Then it became clear that if I had just obeyed in the first place, without having to know why, I would have reaped more benefits. I would have been protected and anyway, being obedient can only be good, right?!" Oh yes, obedience is GOOOOOD!!! Wait till you see the end of the Message the Lord gave me just a few minutes before I read your post!!

And maybe the most important thing you said was "just obeyed in the first place, without having to know why," We do NOT have to know why! Gotta QUIT asking God "Why?" HE'S GOD!! HE knows EXACTLY what He's doing! All we gotta do is OBEY HIM!!!

Bless you heaps, sweetie - and have a great outing with your church lady!!

- BM
Wooo! Move on in Sis! He's taking you up into the heavens to be closer with Him with every little thing you do. Your old self and your flesh are dying every day. But every day your spirit grows stronger and wiser. The real you, that will last forever.

Amen and Amen!!!

First off, I need to make an apology to all. I have not been around much lately, only but lurking occasionally. As many may already know, I much like many of you have many physical problems that make it uncomfortable setting at my computer for any length of time.

Unfortunately, I too often allow my ailments to consume my life and place the things that I truly care about to the side. And after catching up today, I am ashamed that I have not been participating.

Every person here is a very special person to me. This is the absolute best thread on any forum that I have ever had the privilege to be a part of. The love of Christ is always evident and it is always a pleasure to share in that love with you all.

I am going in the hospital tomorrow for prostate surgery and will be there for about 3 days barring any complications. May I ask that you ask a quick prayer that all will go well?

Again, I wish to apologize for not taking part like I should. You all are the most fabulous people and what a fantastic time we will have in glory someday.



Wayne, my Beloved and I undestand exactly about how your ailments can consume your life! God's taught me how to accept them from His hand and then focus on Him and others. And you can get to there too, I just know it!!

PRAYING for you and your op. Please let us know how it goes so we know, okay.

I FULLY AGREE: the love of the Lord is here in such amazing measure. What a God we have!!!

You and yours are precious to us, man, just as you say we are to you.

The Lord your God is with you - and will BE with you every moment in hospital!

All our best wishes!

- BM



I want to do
what YOU want me to do!’

That’s all I need to say! GREAT DECISION TO MAKE!! Choose to do exactly that from today on and you are well on your way to living a true Christian life!!

Much love!

BM, with his Lady

EDIT! At the same time this will fix what is one of the most serious problems in the life of Western Christians: it will make you OBEDIENT to the Lord!!!


Ok, Sweetsurrender started it. Its confession time!
I have recently been made aware of, by the Lord, that when I pray "Lord, what do You want me to do?" I am actually planning on seeing if His agenda fits mine. Will what He tells me to do fit in with what I want? If its not in my comfort zone will I say "oh, not right now, Lord!" or "oh, I cant do THAT!" Or if I dont like what He says I will reject it? Pick and choose so to speak. ACK! Not a good thing!
When we ask, we should be fully prepared to obey exactly what He says, when He says it!

Sweetsurrender, that said, I am proud of you that you are learning to recognize His voice! At first, you didnt know, but now you do! Believe me, it gets easier to recognize Him as you go along. The more you hear from Him, the more you will know His voice.

Forgivenwretch, we've been missing you! I've been wondering where you were.
Lord, be with him as he goes thru his surgery. Please guide the doctor's and nurses hands. Give them knowledge and wisdom and good judgement. Father, we ask that the hospital be clean, and caring and particular about his care. Father, we ask for quick healing, little pain, and lots of cards and flowers! And opportunities to touch other peoples lives while in the hospital as he has touched ours here on this forum.
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