Major, while I agree that faith is the key element in a solid Christian's life, and I reject orchestrated "miracle services" as show or worse, I do know by experience that amazing things can happen via the Lord these days too.
However: What has happened to me has always come by surprise, not begged for, not "prayed down" and not in a crowded church, but in the field when God saw a need that I alone could not fulfill. It's God's emergency method to reach the unsaved. I don't agree that it is a weekly routine performed every Sunday for those that already have the Gospel in hand.
We are thinking alike Rusty.
God moves when He wants to NOT when we call Him down to perform a sign or a miracle or a wonder.
These orchestrated events are or should be an embarrsmentto the true believers today. They are an open rejection of Biblical teaching where we are told to live by faith and NOT Works.