Church history is one of my fields of deep research, and missions especially so. I own around 3,000 Christian books of many denominations, and mission stories are particularly relevant for me. Original mission books of the 1800's that I own are quite clear: God used miracles in EXTREME situations, not as common-every-Sunday-altar-call events.
He used plain ordinary God inspired preaching much more often then miracles. He used the pricking of heathen consciences while listening to missionaries or their converted friends or in dreams, He used providential circumstances witnessed only by the unsaved quite often, He used salvation from deadly animals, fire and flood with and without the pleadings of the unchurched or converted.
But SWM as promoted today....very very rarely.
Why? As Pharaoh's priests "created" snakes before Moses, the devil has had 4000 years of demonic manifestations to keep the pagan and heathen in awe and wonder. God does not need to take "second billing" to him, nor does He wish to look like the Cowboy with the White Hat, doing things like the bad Black Hat Cowboy.
However, sadly: some Christian folks want the flash bang of miracles and discount His usual free will methods.