The Letter Kills But The Spirit Gives Life

Fall from grace means trying to live for Christ by following and keeping the Torah or some other form of law like the catholic rules of life. It means you no longer live by faith. But living by faith means faith or trust in that one is totally redeemed and saved. That means that we continue on in our walk by reckoning ourselves to have the righteousness of Christ. Rather than making a sacrifice when we sin we just confess the sin and move on.

If we think we have to do anything more than confess our sins like doing a million Hail Marys or offering burnt sacrifices we have fallen from "grace living"!
Fall from grace means trying to live for Christ by following and keeping the Torah or some other form of law like the catholic rules of life. It means you no longer live by faith. But living by faith means faith or trust in that one is totally redeemed and saved. That means that we continue on in our walk by reckoning ourselves to have the righteousness of Christ. Rather than making a sacrifice when we sin we just confess the sin and move on.

If we think we have to do anything more than confess our sins like doing a million Hail Marys or offering burnt sacrifices we have fallen from "grace living"!
You obviously didn't read the whole thread. No one thinks you have to do burnt sacrifices.
Hey Mitspa

On another note- how do you think we 'grow' in grace( use scripture for your explanation please). I am really interested to see if we have the same thoughts on that, given grace is spiritual and we grow stronger spiritually as a result of our growth...

I did not see this is a good question. To grow in grace, is to die to the confidence one would place in self or the flesh. As we walk out our Faith in Christ we should be in an ever decreasing of self and ever increasing of Christ in us. Our dependence upon Him and His grace towards us should be replacing and increasing in relation to the natural ability we might have. As Paul understood, when we are weak then we are strong, and Gods strength is made perfect in our weakness. Since the issue of "need" has been raised, I will use that as an example. ...If we have ability through some effort of self to supply our own needs in this world, there will be a dependence upon the flesh to provide the needs in this life "bios". Many who have acquired the things of this world through self-effort (flesh) have also acquired a covetousness for those things. Because the strife of man always brings a curse, the efforts of the flesh have always been and always will be cursed. Now under the true Grace of God, we should understand that we have nothing of value apart from that which God gives to us freely, by His grace! Those who begin there walk in Christ having wealth and ability are often the ones who are the farthest from a true understanding of Gods ways? It is not Gods desire that we walk in this world without having the things that we need for an abundant life (bios) is Gods desire that these things have no power (through covetousness) over us or in any way have a hold upon us. If we understand that all that we have is a matter of Gods free grace, given to us through His Promises..covetousness will not have power over us as it relates to the things of this world. As one continues there walk in Gods grace there should be an ever-increasing understanding and dependence upon that grace to supply the needs of this life (bios)..That through Gods blessing alone we have our dependence and put our trust completely that the One who feeds the birds has always made a way for us. Covetousness comes because we don't trust God to supply, because we attempt through the striving of our flesh to have the gain of this world. If we can come to the place of His Grace where the things of this world have no power over us, we have come to a new liberty and freedom from the god of this world. This is not a matter of being some monk somewhere, who depends upon some religious group or make pretense of their own poverty. This is about walking in this world before God and man, knowing that God has giving us all things through Christ Jesus.
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When we say someone got "saved"...what does that mean in that we should see a evidence of that salvation in a person? Look, the evidence is a New Life..working in that person. Righteousness peace and joy in the Holy the evidence that a person has been "saved". Now in our "church" tradition, what is the first thing most religious people want to do when they see a new believer walking in the "life" of God? They want to "kill" that joy and peace and awareness of Gods righteousness that that "saved" person is walking in. How do they do that evil work? They attempt to bring that believer in bondage to the law-"letter", to bring them into forms of religious bondage, to religious doctrines of so-called holiness and other such religious traditions of man. Instead of teaching the simplicity of Christ of how love fulfills all that God demands? They put them under bondage to the written code of the law. Instead of teaching them the Royal law...they put them under the law of sin and death. Instead of teaching them the righteousness and life of faith...they teach them dead works of the flesh. How far is most of the "church" from the truth of God? Its is shameful the condition of the "church". They are blind guides teaching the "letter" because they do not know the "Spirit"....flee from such people!
The law of Moses was good. It was the flesh that misused it. Somehow God thought it fit to place the Jews under a law that would make an increase of sins.

Yet David who knew that salvation was by grace apart from the law said that the law was his delight.

The Royal law is every New Testament command that speaks to ethics for us today. And we do well to:

1. Acknowledge that salvation is by grace alone apart from that law.

2. Realize that the law of Christ is our rule of life similarly as the law of Moses was the rule of life for the Old Testament saint.

3. Realize that the law of Christ comes with the permanent indwelling of the Holy Spirit unlike the Old Testament where David said the Spirit could be removed.

4. Realize that the law of Moses is a tutor that stayed with the immature child all the way up to right before becoming an adult.

5. That Christ represents the adult toga. The toga was placed on the child at adulthood in greek culture and the tutor who had parental authority over the child was sent away. Christ is put on like a garment.

5.5 We now reach spiritual adulthood because the law of Moses is annulled.
The law of Moses was good. It was the flesh that misused it. Somehow God thought it fit to place the Jews under a law that would make an increase of sins.

Yet David who knew that salvation was by grace apart from the law said that the law was his delight.

The Royal law is every New Testament command that speaks to ethics for us today. And we do well to:

1. Acknowledge that salvation is by grace alone apart from that law.

2. Realize that the law of Christ is our rule of life similarly as the law of Moses was the rule of life for the Old Testament saint.

3. Realize that the law of Christ comes with the permanent indwelling of the Holy Spirit unlike the Old Testament where David said the Spirit could be removed.

4. Realize that the law of Moses is a tutor that stayed with the immature child all the way up to right before becoming an adult.

5. That Christ represents the adult toga. The toga was placed on the child at adulthood in greek culture and the tutor who had parental authority over the child was sent away. Christ is put on like a garment.

5.5 We now reach spiritual adulthood because the law of Moses is annulled.

I am going to have to leave soon but you can continue the conversation on Blood moon about it being by faith not works.
I am leaving right now. You don't have to know that. The discussion between me and IXOXE is I am saying we are saved by faith only and IXOXE says we are saved by works. I know you like this type of discussion so I thought you could continue it when I am gone.
God Bless - be fruitful Olivia