Letter from Hell
Hi guys. this is my first letter from here.
Turns out I got eternal life and imprisonment in Hell on judgement Day. God was going to overlook some of my sins because he said my sense of humour was at least original if a little eccentric. But in the end, those sins I never repented properly, stuck with me. And here I am.
Air con doesn't work here and man, is it hot! Id say 50 degrees centrigrade but I think they use a different scale here. People here are really annoying but I suspect they might say the same thing about me. Whoever made that saying "Hell is other people" is right on the money. There is one guy here who keeps brushing his teeth at midnight. I can hear him easily cause I live next door. Walls here are quite thin but made of unflammable stuff naturally. The place I live in is like a disco inferno without the disco.
How's Heaven? Well imagine that is where you would be. You always were better at loving others than I was. I bet you have ice cream. That is what I really miss. Funny how you miss the little things. Only hot food here. I liked it at first but by the third day, I was hanging out for something cold. Id give my right little finger for a frozen strawberry yoghurt!!
But Im toughening up gradually. My goal here is to find a nice person to talk to. haven't found one yet. They are all so grumpy and complaining how God was too mean to them. I feel the same but I have this tiny glimmer of hope. that God will change his mind and cancel the "eternal hell and damnation" part.
Hope my letter wasn't too sad....look forward to hearing from you....
JAS (Just Another Sinner)
HELLo there
Well, in my own thinking, in my own judgment…
Judgment? Can MAN judge?
Sure of course, with thousands of years of man’s existence being with each other: old laws of ancient world, Philosophies of the WEST, Plato, Aristotle, etc. middle ages, of study of ETHICS, St. Thomas Aquinas and modern Philosophers and ancient WISDOM of the Eastern Philosophies: Gandhi, Buddha and of course Confucius,
and at the same time Political: How to Govern people: Biblical : Moses, Judges, Kings
Emperors, Kings, Dictators, then rise of Democracy: People can vote their Leader, the industrial revolution: Capitalism: rise of Communism, then back to Democracy again…
SURE, Man can Judge. Man can lead
Is it a good judgement or a good lead is beside the point.. the point is Man can Judge, Man can lead
Getting back on the first few line: in my own thinking: in my own JUDGEMENT:
I should not be here in HEAVEN.
But God says so, it is CLEARLY said so, written in good old Book. The Bible.
How can I dispute that? He said so.
So I believe in Jesus Christ’s Salvation
Then after I believe: my eyes was opened why was that big statue in Rio, Brazil was name Christ the Redeemer in the first place: Redeemer, redeemer for what?
Now I know, I believe.
What to do next?
In my own judgment, in my own thinking: can i do the Christian walk?
Christ before Salvation, and Christ after Salvation.
Christ is the Author, the Finisher, the Perfecter, the Sustainer of our Faith.
Just another sinner as well in my own judgement...
I cannot even judge myself anymore... only God can Judge... and if God is with us, who can be against us.