Well I thought you might want to share part of your testimony?
Ok Mitspa here is my Testimony. I am putting it here because it has to do with the Occult. Instead of the short version I'll try to give some more info on what let up to my Occult participation and my breaking free from it.
Like most of us I was raised in a Christian family. I went to an Assembly of God church and saw my share of speaking in tongues and all sorts of gifts of the spirit. I was the good boy and went to bible camp, youth group etc.... I never really felt the spirit of God during those years and I did accept Jesus as my personal savior at age 5 (don't remember it though) During High School I was constantly being told by a lot of people that they felt God calling me to the ministry. This kinda freaked me out so I joined the military instead. I did go to church and tried to hang out with Christian friends. I ended up getting married and stopped going to church and within a year divorced. I turned to alcohol instead of God. I pretty much hated women and used them for sex and a good time. During my long 1 year marriage I also had to file for bankruptcy. So along with hating women I also ran up my credit and refused to pay it off. I had terrible credit and blamed it on everyone but myself.
I ended up getting stationed in Colorado and I decided to give Church a try again. I started reading up on a gentleman named Andrew Wommack. I actually started a distance learning program at his college. I also met a woman who I ended up moving in with. I ended up getting scared by the relationship so I moved out and about the same time quit college. I also ended up getting her pregnant. This is about the time I started reading up on the Occult.
My friend was cheating on his wife with a Wiccan and I told him I would research Wicca. During my research I stumbled across different pagan paths and I was totally astonished that a lot of their nature beliefs seemed familiar to me. This is how it draws some people in. I found a group called The Order of Bards Ovates and Druids and joined their distance learning program. I purchased every book I could find on Druidry. I began meditation, astral projection, calling in spirits, honoring the sabbats etc... I basically practiced this by myself until I got stationed at Fort Bragg. By the way I was still involved in every sin you can think of. I even tried insurance fraud with my vehicle, which I got caught doing but for some reason I never got charged.
After moving to Fort Bragg I started having Astral Projection classes and started meeting like minded individuals. My military career started going down hill as well. Received my first Article 15 for being drunk on duty, quit a school without notifying anyone so was suppose to get an Article 15 for this but I found the file and destroyed it. I was still doing my rituals and actually reading the bible more as well. I was finding anything I could to say the Bible contradicts itself. I would purposely go to forums to argue my side of the story. While in Fort Bragg I also got paperwork for some guy to adopt my daughter (never had contact with her) and I signed them without any second thought.
After my stint in Bragg I was stationed in Hawaii. This is where I fell into my first Coven/Group/Grove. Myself and a Wiccan I met started a study one time a week on the base I was at. We ended up having around 10 different individuals from different pagan paths. This is where I got into more spells and using energy to influence people and things. I was the Priest of many rituals for full moon ceremonies and many others things. Yes I had ritual robes and the like. My military career was pretty much over and I even tried for Conscientious objector status. Keep in mind I started active duty military in 1992 and got out in 2003. I had tremendous hate in me and once again received an article 15 for AWOL. I didn't actually leave, I was at a friends house watching it and just decided to take a 4 day weekend without letting anyone know. During this time I really got into online gaming and was on that every waking minute. I ended up leaving the group in 2002 and joined a group called New Order of Knights Templar. I was trying to mix Christianity and Paganism. We did a lot of astral projection and they basically worshiped Jesus and Mary (his wife). Well after a year of this in 2003 I finally convinced my chain of command to release me early from my contract and was released under a General (under honorable conditions) discharge.
From 2003 until about 2012 I was still not living for Christ. I wasn't doing anything with the Occult but I was still rebelling quite a bit. Not until 2012 I finally decided to give my life back to the Lord. One thing that I didn't do was attend church. I still had a lot of luggage from my past that I couldn't get rid of. Not until recently have I been able to fully able to rid all the bondage I was having to really have a relationship with Jesus.
Really quick like I will kinda give a short little bit of things I experienced during my time in the Occult.
1. Some say demons can't attack us physically? I will argue that statement because I was attacked constantly when in the Occult. One occasion after a mediation I was thrown to my knees by something. It wasn't a friendly throw.
2. I have had demons attack me in my sleep. I was having a dream for three nights about friends and family members getting killed. One night was my childhood friend, next night was a high school friend and last night was my dad. Each night I woke up after dream and I could feel evil surrounding me. The last night when I woke up I felt it and could see a shadow above me. I called out to the Lord for help and it went away. I still stayed in Druidry after this.
3. During Astral Projections a friend of mine was bed ridden for two days after running into something that he says, felt like it was draining his energy from him. During Astral projections most people go up when they leave their body, this time he went down into the earth and ran into something he says was the most evil thing he has every felt. I can't say this actually happened since I wasn't there but I do know he looked like death when he came out of his projection.
I'm sorry this post was long, but the Occult is seriously dangerous. It lures people in because they are discouraged with church, and they find a path they can follow that teaches about nature and that you can do what you want as long as it harms no one. Well they don't tell you that it is harming you. I have ran into more hardcore pagans that practice the darker side of things. I have seen pagans leave the Wiccan/Druidry groups and get into the darker Witchcraft. It took me almost 10 years to remove the garbage I put myself through. This is why it is so important for people who have been involved with the Occult to stay away from any talk of it or even researching it. If that person isn't strong in their walk with the Lord these things can bring up things that they thought was gone. I still sometimes find myself looking at websites that I use to go to and I will pray for forgiveness and bind any of my old urges in the name of Jesus.
This was my first testimony to anyone and not even sure if I did it right. I know I am a sinner but by the Grace of God I am saved. My Occult past isn't full of Harry Potter type magick, but it is still dangerous and I don't wish anyone to follow the path I did. Keep your eyes on the Lord and he will be your guide through this life and the next.
Polly, this is why I tell you to focus on God and not on the things you use to get involved with. If you aren't rooted in the Word of God you will get sucked back in to this evil mess. Pray Pray Pray and worship Jesus. He loves you and if you put your faith in him sister you will be fine.
P.S. I am back with Andrew Wommacks college and done rebelling against God. Amen