@lesjude: IMHO you are still very, very focused on THIS life's issues. As followers of the Living Christ who was raised from the dead and sits at the right hand of the Father, aren't we supposed to be preparing for eternal life - not focusing on how to be more successful and more comfortable in this life by focusing on being healed of an infirmity, or make a bill, or find a winning lottery ticket.....whatever it may be? He is clear: "Seek FIRST the Kingdom of God...."
(BTW - I am not saying here that He is not absolutely interested in every detail in our lives! I only mean to say - His focus is not like ours; ours focus should be like His.)
The focus is ALWAYS Jesus. Here one major way he is glorified, healing! It is what Jesus did for others over and over, expects us to do for others, and willingly does for any of His disciples that by grace through faith meet the conditions. If anyone thinks that living Matthew 5, 6, and 7, doing Matthew 10:7-8 and Mark 16:17-18, living the heartbreak of Luke 14:25-33, and Matthew 5:11 is being successful and comfortable they are deceived. This is the flip side of our testimony. If you see how Jesus was treated in the gospels it is the same as a disciple will be treated including your own death, not a physical one, but death to the self life. There are times you will think you will die however. If you finish the verse you will see it promises this: Matthew 6:32-33
New King James Version (NKJV)
32 For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and
all these things shall be added to you.
In the verses you quoted in your post (#35) you absolutely miss His main concern. YES, he came to heal the sick and infirmed, and the broken-hearted. He could have done that from HEAVEN, my friend! But, what was JESUS' main concern for these people, and by extension all of humanity? THEIR (OUR) ETERNAL LIFE WITH THE FATHER. That is the ONLY reason He reconcile us to the Father! Right? He had to die a physical, blood-soaked, tortured, horrible, inconceivable death.
No, He came to teach, preach, and demonstrate the Kingdom of God and then died to give His elect the right to have the blessings He taught and demonstrated here on earth with eternal life. AND just as important to do the same things He did and greater to bless people and bring them into His Kingdom with ALL its blessings
with persecutions.
As the incarnate God and being fully the Son of Man, simultaneously, He (the Son of God and the fullness of the Godhead incarnate) was broken-hearted to see His (the Son of Man's) people's pain and suffering so, of course, He healed them of their physical infirmities - first. But, He didn't always heal. The answer wasn't always no. The answer wasn't always yes. His Infinite Wisdom sees the heart's deepest needs - whether they be physical healing, mental healing, spiritual healing or otherwise. HE alone decides WHAT we need and thus He delivers upon His promise to love us more completely than we could even imagine. He only asks that we trust He will meet our needs. I will say it again...NEEDS. Our perception of a situation is not always His perception of the situation.
You need to give me just one scripture where Jesus did not ALWAYS heal those who came to Him.
And are we as His disciples not to have the same compassion He did and do what He says in Matthew 10:7-8 and Mark 16:17-18. One NEED that seems quite pressing for most is healing otherwise why would millions be spent on drugs, doctors and medical insurance? Jesus dealt with that in Isaiah 53:4-5 on the cross.
The Bible says we have the mind of Christ IF we allow the Holy Spirit to renew the mind with the word. Religion is the opiate of the people and retards/stops that renewal.
Please, please allow the Holy Spirit to show you what He desires you to see, not what I, we (on this forum), or anyone else in your day-to-day path desires for you to see and understand regarding this matter. As much as you may wish we (on this forum) would open our spiritual minds to this "truth" you so adamantly proclaim, my sincere wish and prayer is that you would be willing to genuinely step outside of your traditional teachings, and even what you've personally experienced, to be open to see just what He is trying to teach you at this moment in time - I don't proclaim to know this - only that the current dissension on the subject WILL be used for His glory, somehow. (And for that matter, we would all do well to do the same!) I mean, we came here - to this forum - to sharpen our irons, right? We can do that without piercing each other, I believe.
REMEMBER: He doesn't have to follow any rules. He is the Rule.
No one here has given one scripture to prove what they say. It has been all traditions and doctrines of men. I give experience and scripture with it.
We have lived this for 34 years. Do I have all the truth? No. But what I have lines up with scripture and works for us and those we get to minister to. It will be the same for anyone as it is NORMAL Christianity. Here is scripture for God's rules: Psalm 138:2
New King James Version (NKJV)
2 I will worship toward Your holy temple,
And praise Your name
For Your lovingkindness and Your truth;
For You have magnified Your word above all Your name.
And: John 1:1
New King James Version (NKJV)
The Eternal Word
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and
the Word was God.
He never goes against His word!
Please forgive me if I've been anything to you except a differing opinion, as I don't intend to be anything else, especially "right." Instead, may His name be praised forevermore!