I asked whether the Government must be bound to follow the will of the people...
Whether the elected representatives of a Government generally be made up of it's constituency....
"Everyone doing what is right in their own eyes" is a sign that society has run off the rails....
Well I don't really see how I didn't answer the first "question," but I'll give it another go. If the people are instead to be bound to follow the will of the government, will that do anything to actually turn those people's hearts toward God? Is it our job to keep society "on the rails" against its will? Can you find evidence of that in scripture? Is that Christ's example? We should be advocating repentance, not obligatory morals.
In the bible....
Democracy is NEVER advocated....
The will of the people is always suspect.....
And the Final Arbiter is God....
Jesus and Paul's direction had to do with violence, sedition, and revolution against the government... Being a "Good" citizen of the government you HAVE. This has nothing to do with preventing participation in the political process that is specifically declared a "Right" of citizens....
Well, democracy is the government, arguably , that we do have, at the moment. Is there some Biblical evidence that we should be trying to change that? Either way, we're still faced with the question of whether the hearts of people change from the top down, through legislation, or whether governments change from the bottom up, by being answerable to the people.
At any rate, what you are describing is the Kingdom where, as Christians, our true citizenship lies. There is no indication in scripture that our job is to make unbelievers behave as if they are also part of the Kingdom.
1 Cor 5
12For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Do you not judge those who are within the church?13But those who are outside, God judges.
The things you are talking about... that's for the Church. It's our responsibility to keep sin out of the church, not sin out of the society beyond the Church, unless you can find some scripture that teaches something different?
So let's do the job God's clearly given us (which is make disciples of the nations, not to rule them) and let Him do His job in the way that He sees fit, yes?