The Scriptural Heart.

Now someone said an interesting thing, it obviously involves our hearts, that's why I'm posting it here.
We are body, mind and spirit - some exchange the word soul with another.
Now the spirit is our inner most being, that is where God comes and makes house if we allow Him.
So he said, our spirits are inner most to our being, around that the mind and around that the body or flesh.
Think of three circles around each other.
So if God is in your Spirit after being born again, he has taken up that house, but the mind and/or flesh around it can still be demon possessed, and thus supressing the spirit and so the things of God to come to the fore.
This rattled me a bit, as I do not know this from the word of God, but to be honest, with the devil cronies it would not surprise me.
What do you think?
God has been teaching me this principle in many areas of my life. In Deut. 30:19....God gives us the choice to choose life or death....and encourages us to choose life..that we and our seed may live. Well in my mind the Word of God is my life. And Jesus is my life and the Truth of the Word, thus made if i imitate Him, speaking only what God has said...then it is the Father that dwells within me that does the works, that He so graciously gives me the credit for doing....... how cool is that. Getting credit for obeying God, and it is really God that does the works.

You my friend are a super example of how to gently instruct people in the ways of God! Especially when they are coming against you. I have never seen you get in a bad attitude, even when it is clear that you are frustrated.

The Lord love you and bless you beyond all that you could ever ask or think Chopper! And thanks!

Thank you so much for those very kind words Cturtle my friend. I credit our Lord Jesus for all the good that is in me and flows out....You hit a home run with your statement,"so if i imitate Him, speaking only what God has said...then it is the Father that dwells within me that does the works, that He so graciously gives me the credit for doing....... how cool is that. Getting credit for obeying God, and it is really God that does the works." That is so true!
Just wanted you to know brother abdicate, that your examples have helped me to understand things a little bit deeper. And have blessed me greatly! To have gotten to see the wisdom that God has imparted to you is truly a blessing!

Sarah and hagar, are a good example of someone trying to do things in their own strength, apart form God. Blessings to you in abundance!
Glory goes to God! And thank you for the very wonderful and kind words :)
Now someone said an interesting thing, it obviously involves our hearts, that's why I'm posting it here.
We are body, mind and spirit - some exchange the word soul with another.
Now the spirit is our inner most being, that is where God comes and makes house if we allow Him.
So he said, our spirits are inner most to our being, around that the mind and around that the body or flesh.
Think of three circles around each other.
So if God is in your Spirit after being born again, he has taken up that house, but the mind and/or flesh around it can still be demon possessed, and thus supressing the spirit and so the things of God to come to the fore.
This rattled me a bit, as I do not know this from the word of God, but to be honest, with the devil cronies it would not surprise me.
What do you think?
True Christians cannot be possessed, for they are owned by Another, but they certainly can be oppressed and vexed.
That is my belief too. Oppression by demons I understand. Vexed like in bothered? I thought that is what your kids do to you. Ha ha ha.
Glory goes to God! And thank you for the very wonderful and kind words :)

I agree with Cturtle. You are a Heavenly treasure Abdicate. For you to pass on into the future, the knowledge that you have received from our Heavenly Father to others that the Holy Spirit brings to your attention, is a great spiritual assignment for your life. May God's Grace and Peace fill your heart.
That is my belief too. Oppression by demons I understand. Vexed like in bothered? I thought that is what your kids do to you. Ha ha ha.
Yep... in Greek, vexed is to tire down with toil, exhaust with labour, to afflict or oppress with evils, to make trouble for, to treat roughly.

2 Peter 2:7 (KJV)
And delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked:​
In my mind you brought up a good point...the Holy Spirit gives us a new heart and spirit when we first accept Jesus into our hearts....but if we do not develop or renew what God has placed in there it will become useless or weak. Much like if we don't develop our muscles....we will not have the strength to walk or lift things or what have you.
Yes well said and Jesus' teaching supports this.
Mat 12:43. "When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, but finds none.
Mat 12:44. Then it says, 'I will return to my house from which I came.' And when it comes, it finds the house empty, swept, and put in order.
Mat 12:45. Then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter and dwell there, and the last state of that person is worse than the first. So also will it be with this evil generation."
For as is oft said "nature abhors a vacuum". So when a person is cleaned up He needs to be filled with something.
We are told to be being filled with the Holy Spirit but we leak badly.
Maybe the heart can be likened to a sieve.
Eph 5:17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.
Eph 5:18. And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit,
Eph 5:19. addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart,
Eph 5:20. giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Eph 5:21. submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.
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Now someone said an interesting thing, it obviously involves our hearts, that's why I'm posting it here.
We are body, mind and spirit - some exchange the word soul with another.
Now the spirit is our inner most being, that is where God comes and makes house if we allow Him.
So he said, our spirits are inner most to our being, around that the mind and around that the body or flesh.
Think of three circles around each other.
So if God is in your Spirit after being born again, he has taken up that house, but the mind and/or flesh around it can still be demon possessed, and thus supressing the spirit and so the things of God to come to the fore.
This rattled me a bit, as I do not know this from the word of God, but to be honest, with the devil cronies it would not surprise me.
What do you think?

Sorry, I just saw your post Arrie03. That is an interesting way to look at our spirit. The Holy Spirit surely has taken up residence in our spirit as well as our body. After a person is born again, we become a temple of the Holy Spirit. There is plenty of Scripture that warns us to be careful what we allow to happen with our body or temple of the Holy Spirit.

What I disagree with that statement of your "someone" is he said "the mind and flesh can be demon possessed". This cannot happen to a believer in Christ Jesus because in a born again believer, his body, soul and spirit is in the control of the Holy Spirit. "Greater is He Who is in you than he who is in the world." Satan can only operate against you on the outside, not the inside.

We say that somehow the devil can pose "suggestions" to our mind. There is perhaps one demon who had the responsibility of keeping you unsaved. He failed to do that. Now his mission, if you will, is to keep you operating in the "flesh" or to keep you like you were when you were unsaved.

This demon has been assigned to you since birth. He knows what evil things you used to like and he will try to deceive you into doing some of those things again. That demon has some very tricky means to get you thinking of something that would make your flesh happy. That always leads to sin....I hope this helps.
Sorry, I just saw your post Arrie03. That is an interesting way to look at our spirit. The Holy Spirit surely has taken up residence in our spirit as well as our body. After a person is born again, we become a temple of the Holy Spirit. There is plenty of Scripture that warns us to be careful what we allow to happen with our body or temple of the Holy Spirit.

What I disagree with that statement of your "someone" is he said "the mind and flesh can be demon possessed". This cannot happen to a believer in Christ Jesus because in a born again believer, his body, soul and spirit is in the control of the Holy Spirit. "Greater is He Who is in you than he who is in the world." Satan can only operate against you on the outside, not the inside.

We say that somehow the devil can pose "suggestions" to our mind. There is perhaps one demon who had the responsibility of keeping you unsaved. He failed to do that. Now his mission, if you will, is to keep you operating in the "flesh" or to keep you like you were when you were unsaved.

This demon has been assigned to you since birth. He knows what evil things you used to like and he will try to deceive you into doing some of those things again. That demon has some very tricky means to get you thinking of something that would make your flesh happy. That always leads to sin....I hope this helps.
Thanks Chopper
I am much happier with this view. To me also, the house is the person not a house with three levels that requires three levels of indwelling.
An assigned demon with purpose to make you stumble makes more sense as you mentioned. But he works by means of oppression or vexing as mentioned earlier in this thread.
The evil threat for an believer who is born again of the Holy Spirit is an outside in event because the house is being occupied by Him.
But there is still the chance that He may leave the house and it can then be occupied by that evil spirit.
We have to be on guard.
Sorry, I just saw your post Arrie03. That is an interesting way to look at our spirit. The Holy Spirit surely has taken up residence in our spirit as well as our body. After a person is born again, we become a temple of the Holy Spirit. There is plenty of Scripture that warns us to be careful what we allow to happen with our body or temple of the Holy Spirit.

What I disagree with that statement of your "someone" is he said "the mind and flesh can be demon possessed". This cannot happen to a believer in Christ Jesus because in a born again believer, his body, soul and spirit is in the control of the Holy Spirit. "Greater is He Who is in you than he who is in the world." Satan can only operate against you on the outside, not the inside.

We say that somehow the devil can pose "suggestions" to our mind. There is perhaps one demon who had the responsibility of keeping you unsaved. He failed to do that. Now his mission, if you will, is to keep you operating in the "flesh" or to keep you like you were when you were unsaved.

This demon has been assigned to you since birth. He knows what evil things you used to like and he will try to deceive you into doing some of those things again. That demon has some very tricky means to get you thinking of something that would make your flesh happy. That always leads to sin....I hope this helps.

I have never herd this before. I have always herd that we all have an angel protecting us, and ministering to us, but never a demon. Sure does make a lot of sense though! Is there a place in scripture where this is found?
Love ya brother!
I have never herd this before. I have always herd that we all have an angel protecting us, and ministering to us, but never a demon. Sure does make a lot of sense though! Is there a place in scripture where this is found?
Love ya brother!

There are several that come to mind. The Apostle Paul had a demon (his thorn) that caused him a whole lot of trouble, Also in 1 Cor. 5:5 you have a fellow being put out of the church into the realm of Satan for the destruction of the flesh. It wouldn't actually be Satan but one of his demons.

Satan has many angels that accompanied him when he fell. These demons have jobs to do just like good angels do. Demons try and keep the lost from seeking Jesus.

Right now I can't think of a clear Scripture of what you're asking. Perhaps someone can help me.
I have never herd this before. I have always herd that we all have an angel protecting us, and ministering to us, but never a demon. Sure does make a lot of sense though! Is there a place in scripture where this is found?
Love ya brother!
No there is not! Unless of course the 'Screwtape letters' are considered scripture. I'm sure C S Lewis would be moved.
It is a common enough phrase ' his/her personal demon' but it ranks with other nonsensical folklore.
That is not to say that demon possession does not occur, nor demon oppression, but that is a far cry from personal appointees.
There are several that come to mind. The Apostle Paul had a demon (his thorn) that caused him a whole lot of trouble, Also in 1 Cor. 5:5 you have a fellow being put out of the church into the realm of Satan for the destruction of the flesh. It wouldn't actually be Satan but one of his demons.

Satan has many angels that accompanied him when he fell. These demons have jobs to do just like good angels do. Demons try and keep the lost from seeking Jesus.

Right now I can't think of a clear Scripture of what you're asking. Perhaps someone can help me.

Please forgive me for doubting you, but as i read that verse in 1 cor 5:5....i am not convinced that the meaning of a personal demon should be applied to that. Gotta pray on that one.

And in the case of Paul with the messenger of satan, being the thorn in his flesh....i believe God in a round about way told him to cast it out.

however i do agree that if we give the devil an open door to send one of his minions to attack he will. I'll help you look, because it seems as if i always have one ready to attack me in my weakness.

Blessings my friend!
Please forgive me for doubting you, but as i read that verse in 1 cor 5:5....i am not convinced that the meaning of a personal demon should be applied to that. Gotta pray on that one.

And in the case of Paul with the messenger of satan, being the thorn in his flesh....i believe God in a round about way told him to cast it out.

however i do agree that if we give the devil an open door to send one of his minions to attack he will. I'll help you look, because it seems as if i always have one ready to attack me in my weakness.

Blessings my friend!

Thank you my friend. Years ago, I did an in-depth study into "spiritual warfare" It was there, that I discovered the background of how difficult it is for someone to believe in Jesus for Salvation. The principalities and powers of evil are against all people who would be saved. Because many have never studied the chain of command with the army of Satan and what their duties are, they have a hard time accepting demons who are assigned to us to keep us lost.

When I get some time, I'll go back to my library and get some quotes and Scripture. Thank you for not dismissing this idea as false.
Ephesians 6:10-17 is the introduction into this area of study, that I remember.
Thank you my friend. Years ago, I did an in-depth study into "spiritual warfare" It was there, that I discovered the background of how difficult it is for someone to believe in Jesus for Salvation. The principalities and powers of evil are against all people who would be saved. Because many have never studied the chain of command with the army of Satan and what their duties are, they have a hard time accepting demons who are assigned to us to keep us lost.

When I get some time, I'll go back to my library and get some quotes and Scripture. Thank you for not dismissing this idea as false.
Ephesians 6:10-17 is the introduction into this area of study, that I remember.

Thanks so very much! I am very interested in the study that you did. And look forward to what you find. I will indeed look up the scripture in Ephesians, and keep praying over it all.

I don't dismiss what you have said, because i trust that you have studied things greatly, and are truly are in tune with the Holy Spirit, thus i value you and the things that God has given you! And i have not had the opportunity to study as you have and being that you have studdied more than i have, i can guarantee you have more knowledge that i do not have.

You are a blessing to me!
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No there is not! Unless of course the 'Screwtape letters' are considered scripture. I'm sure C S Lewis would be moved.
It is a common enough phrase ' his/her personal demon' but it ranks with other nonsensical folklore.
That is not to say that demon possession does not occur, nor demon oppression, but that is a far cry from personal appointees.

Brother don't be to sure of your self. There is more going on in the spiritual realm then there is in the natural realm. It does not matter if you believe this or not Calvin for it wont change a thing. I am not applying all evil in that statement either.
Brother don't be to sure of your self. There is more going on in the spiritual realm then there is in the natural realm. It does not matter if you believe this or not Calvin for it wont change a thing. I am not applying all evil in that statement either.

I am not sure of myself at all neighbor.

I am sure of the accuracy and sufficiency of God's word.

I am sure that there are many who make a truck load of claims about things that frankly can not be backed up.
I'll give you just one simple example, but first, to be fair to Chopper, I have not seen his study results on the ephesians passage he mentioned in his above post.
So I can obviously say nothing to discredit him or his study in any way. (not that I want to anyway)
However looking at the passage he has indicated I see nothing to provide a strong implication of billions of personally appointed demons/unclean spirits or whatever.

The passage speaks firstly of the wiles of the devil...singular. V11 Kjv and it is talking devil singular though as the head honcho that would not mean anything overly significant.
Next V12 talks about rulers, authorities, cosmic powers over this present darkness, spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
This one is extremely interesting because it talks about 'this present darkness'. Now this can not be referring to those who are in the 'light', so it must be referring to those who are presently unsaved, but bot necessarily at an individual level, but more a global plight. I take the lead here as supplied by :
Rev 13:3. One of its heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but its mortal wound was healed, and the whole earth marveled as they followed the beast.
One beast, many followers.
Then v16 the Kjv translates the word πονηρός as 'wicked. This word is an adjective and says little if anything about numbers. It is merely descriptive of the power/s against whom we are pitted.

The other thing often cited is that the devil was turfed out of heaven taking some fallen angels with it. But the evidence points to a future time...In Rev 12:4 the dragons tail is said to sweep a third of the stars of heaven and cast them down to the Earth. Stars of heaven would denote the good guys.
It is not until V 9 are we told that Satan is turfed out of heaven, it along with its angels. So on closer examination, Revelation does not appear to supply enough nasties to personally attend to billions of people.
This that I have posted is not meant to be an exhaustive study of the texts referenced, It does however show that I look closely at God's word, and it matters nothing to me if it is rejected out of hand as long as there are some who will read this and stop to think, stop to question.
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I am not sure of myself at all neighbor.

I am sure of the accuracy and sufficiency of God's word.

I am sure that there are many who make a truck load of claims about things that frankly can not be backed up.
I'll give you just one simple example, but first, to be fair to Chopper, I have not seen his study results on the ephesians passage he mentioned in his above post.
So I can obviously say nothing to discredit him or his study in any way. (not that I want to anyway)
However looking at the passage he has indicated I see nothing to provide a strong implication of billions of personally appointed demons/unclean spirits or whatever.

The passage speaks firstly of the wiles of the devil. V11 Kjv and it is talking devil singular though as the head honcho that would not mean anything overly significant.
Next V12 talks about rulers, authorities, cosmic powers over this present darkness, spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
This one is extremely interesting because it talks about 'this present darkness'. Now this can not be referring to those who are in the 'light', so it must be referring to those who are presently unsaved, but bot necessarily at an individual level, but more a global plight. I take the lead here as supplied by :
Rev 13:3. One of its heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but its mortal wound was healed, and the whole earth marveled as they followed the beast. One beast, many followers.
Then v16 the Kjv translates the word πονηρός as 'wicked. This word is an adjective and says little if anything about numbers. It is merely descriptive of the powers against whom we are pitted.

The other thing often cited is that the devil was turfed out of heaven taking some fallen angels with it. But the evidence points to a future time...1 and the In Rev 12 the dragons tail is said to sweep a third ogf the stars of heaven and cast them down to the Earth. Rev 12:4.
But not until V 9 are we told that Satan is turfed out of heaven it, along with its angels. So on closer examination, Revelation does not appear to supply enough nasties to personally attend to billions of people.
This that I have posted is not meant to be an exhaustive study of the texts referenced, It does however show that I look closely at God's word, and it matters nothing to me if it is rejected out of hand as long as there are some who will read this and stop to think, stop to question.

Calvin it is so nice to see you and thank you for your views.
You said...(( talks about rulers, authorities, cosmic powers over this present darkness, spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
This one is extremely interesting because it talks about 'this present darkness'. Now this can not be referring to those who are in the 'light', so it must be referring to those who are presently unsaved, but bot necessarily at an individual level, but more a global plight.

Ephesians 6:12...KJV
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places

So Calvin here is the verse written out correctly. Where do you get your views of this ?
Unsaved ? global plight ?
Calvin you truly do not understand any of this. I am not bashing you but perhaps this is a time you should seek and learn over trying to prove others wrong. Just a thought. ;)

Calvin In easy to understand reading..........Look at it this way......these are all things in the spiritual realm, look at it like this, beings and powers that you can not see for the most part with your natural eyes. Now they are very real and they are what hinder, motivate, push, influence, and can control one thought at a time.

It does not matter if a person is saved or unsaved. We are instructed in these verses to know and understand that it is not the PERSON that is the problem BUT these out side forces. This is where the true basttle is.

As Chopper I too have studies and experience in this realm of things. So Brother I am asking you as a friend to stick around and ask questions and learn some truth but please stop trying to prove what is being taught or sharred as wrong.
Have a very Blessed and Peaceful Resurrection Day