the transgender bathroom laws are being pushed..hard

Just like the final days of Sodom and woe to those who call evil good. This is not from God but from Satan.

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Hi Buzzy204,

Satan is the god of this world, so it is not surprising that such laws are being passed.

In Christ Jesus
No the Sodom part is the evil law letting any idea of sexual expression use any bathroom not the law limiting access to what God made you. A sexual predator got the law changed and now every pervert demands to go where they want.

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No the Sodom part is the evil law letting any idea of sexual expression use any bathroom not the law limiting access to what God made you. A sexual predator got the law changed and now every pervert demands to go where they want.

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Hello again, @Buzzy204,

I understand your meaning.

In Christ Jesus
There is nothing wrong with acknowledging the obvious dangers which any honest person can see. My wife was/is creeped out by lesbians who would ogle her in the locker room or a public bathroom. Now they want to make it possible for a man with gender issues who may be attracted to girls to go into women's bathrooms. That goes beyond just creeping out the women and girls who will have to put up with it. Many women, including my wife, have had stalkers who go to great lengths to intimidate and harass their victims.
The politically correct crowd are always worried about offending those who should be protected. They have CHOSEN to worry more about the feelings of transgendered people than the safety and feelings of all women.
New protocols will have to be developed by women to ensure safety. Buddy systems will now have to be used. I can already imagine that high school girls will start going to the bathroom in groups of like 4 or 5 to keep this creepy element from invading their personal spaces. I see lawsuits galore for these issues. Already I saw a news story about a woman who was complaining that women were looking at her in the stall to see if she was a woman or not.
The more that politically correct politicians are elected to office, the more we will have to deal with these type of issues.

Strange, was just discussing this with a work friend on Friday and although it is yet to come to South Africa it is very concerning for everyone. It is as if being politically correct seems to be far more important than being moral, respectful, thoughtful, loving, humble, etc. IMO too many people thinking that legislation corrects behaviour. Jesus said that putting God first and loving your neighbour is the way to go - He was right then and He is just as right now.