Adam and Eve were mortal only because they sinned. See Romans 5:12: "Adam sinned, and that sin brought death into the world. Now everyone has sinned (because sin is inherited), and so everyone must die." The implication here is that by not sinning, one can achieve immortality.
This notion that everyone seems to have that Adam and Eve were mortal while living in the Garden of Eden, is not supported by Scripture. Makes me wonder where you all got that idea?
Hello, DK.
Hmm. Indeed? I hope you don't mind if I posit some things into all this, both questions and answers...the balance of which I have not yet measured.
Adam was immortal before he fell? Is that your premise, or conclusion? I realize you were asking, but this is indeed an interesting discussion.
That seems to pose some least, for me in what I think that I know.
Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Is there a declaration anywhere in scripture that states the dust of the earth was everlasting?
I would think we can safely assume the breath of life the Lord breathed into that vessel of dust was itself what can be said to be everlasting, but the dust? How do we ever prove such a thing from silence? could argue that all the universe was everlasting (immortal in a sense) before the fall. Was it? How do we prove such a thing? How do we know that what is called the Second Law of Thermodynamics wasn't at play already in the universe? Do we assume the Lord would have continued to feed energy into the universe to keep it from what is now known to be a "heat death" (lack of energy, and thus cessation of all molecular motion)?
Can we ever say for sure that the Lord did not actually intend for the fall to happen, and thus His forming Adam from mere dust rather than outfitting him with a glorified body at the outset, such as what we will have after this life (transformed)? It would seem the Lord knew and intended for Adam to fall, and therefore not having made the mistake of giving to him a glorified body that truly would have been everlasting.
I have never given this topic such thought before tonight after reading through some of the posts in this thread.
These are thoughts from what is actually written that I think are worthy of our consideration, and that can feed into an even deeper measure of glorification of the Lord who is worthy of our admiration and worship. Would you not agree?
So, Adam, then, came into existence inside a finite body, but as an everlasting soul. The only thing that changed was the entrance of sin that the Lord knew from before the foundations of the world was going to happen, and that was fully within the scope of His plan that spans the entirety of all time in this universe...the very universe the Lord declared before the foundations of the world would be burned up and recreated in a way that He knew would be everlasting. The difference, however, is that in the new Heaven and new earth, we will no longer be a people formed from dust, but living within glorified bodies not constrained by mere dust.
Wow. Thanks for bringing this all up. It's worthy of our thoughts AND our prayers and praise of the Lord, seeking out the Lord's own thoughts and ways about all this.