Yeah, I can understand that thinking, but not only have I watched many, many First Amendment Audit videos on Youtube, but I also have a number of law enforcement friends who have told me the kinds of things modern police academies are training officers how to think and deal with the public. The two first things they are taught is safety, being ready for the unexpected at all times, and get identification to check for warrants.
I'm pro cop, not anti, but I also understand some bad training concepts when I see them as well. What's worse is that courts allow cops to lie through their teeth to the public, but the public dare not lie to them. There was a time that cops were required to be honest with the public; back when they cared about public trust. Things have changed drastically. You can watch video after video on Youtube where cops will lie as a means of intimidating people to give up their ID, with threats of arrest. Most of the videos show the cops walking away without having gotten ID because most of them know that "failure to identify" is only a secondary charge if, and ONLY if there is a primary charge arising from a reasonable suspicion for a crime. They lie and lie and lie in those videos to try and get the compliance from free citizens that they want.
There's a video of a man in Mississippi being arrested on his front porch for refusing to had over ID. The deputy clearly stated that there was pot being grown on another property a distance from his house...not even on his property, but rather a neighbor two properties away. That was dead wrong, and the man sued that county and won some serious cash for false arrest. He had to push for a federal suit because the Sherriff and the county attorney both refused to do the honest thing and admit the truth of the matter. Instead, they lied, which only made them look worse in that community for their dishonesty and covering for each other in the face of gross injustice.
So, if you want links to some videos showing all that I have said, I will provide them to you through personal messaging of you wish.
So, knowing the law helps us all in identifying the cops that are lying vermin not worthy of their badges, and those who are honest and worthwhile. The courts and legislators have taken away our reasons for trusting them all. Many good cops are disheartened by the criminals they risk their lives to apprehend are just let go by the courts. Very sad indeed.