Unless the inhabitants of the world have been birthed by our heavenly Father, Born again, they are limited to third-dimensional (terrestrial, earthbound, materialistic) thinking and living. All human originated knowledge has to do with life in the third dimension.
Fourth dimensional knowledge, spirit knowledge, comes only by revelation. Humans can comtemplate the fourth dimension, but can only speculate on it. No concrete meaning can be derived from it except by revelation from an entity that resides in the fourth dimension.
The spirit world is divided between good and evil, the good being from the one true God, and the evil from the rebel, false and self-appointed god, Satan.
The rebel spirit reveals deception to the fallen human race. This revelation knowledge comes in a form that appeals to and feeds the original lie of Eden that says "ye shall be as gods."
It says man has independence and is basically self-existent, that he is his own source of good, that he is the highest order of evolution, and that given enough information and education, he can progress to Express the deity he is.
He believes he has life in himself and if any outside help is needed, it is merely for assistance. Also, the deception says the human race will take control of the universe as man is refined by the evolutionary process. In the lie, there is a sort of caste system with the elite ruling over the ignorant masses.
The appeal to those at the upper level is for control and manipulation, Well to those at the bottom it is for the gratification of all the base animal passions.
Caught in the deception, the fallen human race pursues the fulfillment it longs for but can never achieve.
The opiates of temporal pleasure and gratification become the reason for existence. The lie out of the darkness poses as true light, and so man is caught in the loop of deception.
There is only one source of true light with no shadows or shades of darkness. There is only one source of pure, unadulterated truth, no Shadowy shades of meanings or half-truths. It comes from the One, true God and is made manifest (knowable) by the Father, Son and Holy spirit.
God has a plan whereby He purposes to make Himself known to "whosoever will" respond to His drawing by the Holy Spirit.
God (the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ), too, works in the realm of fourth-dimensional revelation, but His activity is all true. He uses no deception, half-truths or coercion that marks the operation of the evil one.
His plan encompasses the whole human race, with no exceptions; again it is for "whosoever will."
His source of communicable truth is the Living Word--His Son, Jesus Christ. In His Son, There is no place for so-called religious practice whereby man by himself, improves himself. He did not merely bring newer and better information. He brought life because He is life, the only true life. He did not give us a better doctrinal statement or other belief systems.
In fact, He is all truth in person. Outside of Him, as truth in person, all statements of truth are flawed and are held to be invalid by the Father. In other words, we are not of the truth because of our doctrinal statement, we are of the truth if we are partakers of Him Who is the Truth and He is our only true life!
Fourth dimensional knowledge, spirit knowledge, comes only by revelation. Humans can comtemplate the fourth dimension, but can only speculate on it. No concrete meaning can be derived from it except by revelation from an entity that resides in the fourth dimension.
The spirit world is divided between good and evil, the good being from the one true God, and the evil from the rebel, false and self-appointed god, Satan.
The rebel spirit reveals deception to the fallen human race. This revelation knowledge comes in a form that appeals to and feeds the original lie of Eden that says "ye shall be as gods."
It says man has independence and is basically self-existent, that he is his own source of good, that he is the highest order of evolution, and that given enough information and education, he can progress to Express the deity he is.
He believes he has life in himself and if any outside help is needed, it is merely for assistance. Also, the deception says the human race will take control of the universe as man is refined by the evolutionary process. In the lie, there is a sort of caste system with the elite ruling over the ignorant masses.
The appeal to those at the upper level is for control and manipulation, Well to those at the bottom it is for the gratification of all the base animal passions.
Caught in the deception, the fallen human race pursues the fulfillment it longs for but can never achieve.
The opiates of temporal pleasure and gratification become the reason for existence. The lie out of the darkness poses as true light, and so man is caught in the loop of deception.
There is only one source of true light with no shadows or shades of darkness. There is only one source of pure, unadulterated truth, no Shadowy shades of meanings or half-truths. It comes from the One, true God and is made manifest (knowable) by the Father, Son and Holy spirit.
God has a plan whereby He purposes to make Himself known to "whosoever will" respond to His drawing by the Holy Spirit.
God (the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ), too, works in the realm of fourth-dimensional revelation, but His activity is all true. He uses no deception, half-truths or coercion that marks the operation of the evil one.
His plan encompasses the whole human race, with no exceptions; again it is for "whosoever will."
His source of communicable truth is the Living Word--His Son, Jesus Christ. In His Son, There is no place for so-called religious practice whereby man by himself, improves himself. He did not merely bring newer and better information. He brought life because He is life, the only true life. He did not give us a better doctrinal statement or other belief systems.
In fact, He is all truth in person. Outside of Him, as truth in person, all statements of truth are flawed and are held to be invalid by the Father. In other words, we are not of the truth because of our doctrinal statement, we are of the truth if we are partakers of Him Who is the Truth and He is our only true life!