Thoughts on original sin and Christs birth

Exactly. Thats how Christ was born without sin. According to that theory.
Okay, I had a look at the first model again. Sin nature is not in our DNA, but is passed on in a non-material way (spiritually). Sounds reasonable to me.

Would you agree with that model?
Okay, I had a look at the first model again. Sin nature is not in our DNA, but is passed on in a non-material way (spiritually). Sounds reasonable to me.

Would you agree with that model?
think that regardless of which model accepted, truth still remains that all save Jesus sinned in Adam, and as a result of the fall now have a sin nature at birth!
"Therefore just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned" (Romans 5:12).

im looking at the above scripture and so it must be through the male line?

but I thought eve sinned first???

oh dear, im confused☹️

Adam was the "FEDERAL HEAD" of the woman. Federal Headship means that the "man"/husband is the one to blame.

And Yes........Eve sinned 1st but Adam was her head so he is the authority figure.
Yes there us all kinds of scripture telling it happened. Question is how was Christ born free of sin. Thing is if women carry the sin nature as well as men, something had to occur to protect Christ from it. Being impregnated by the Holy Spirit was enough to insulate Jesus from sin? Perhaps. Perhaps there is more to it.

Hello "hopefull!
1st of all, lets ID what “original sin” means. This is a term used to describe the effect of Adam’s sin on his descendants (Rom. 5:12-32). Specifically, it is our inheritance of a sinful nature from Adam. The sinful nature originated with Adam and is passed down from parent to child. We are by nature children of wrath .

So then...what about Mary and Jesus is your question. Why didnt Jesus inherit Mary's sin nature?
I believe that the sin nature is passed down through the father. Let me explain.

Some Bible commentators, with whom I agree, hold the position that the sin nature is passed down through the father. Support for this position is found in the fact that sin entered the world through Adam, not Eve. Remember, Eve was the one who sinned first. However, sin did not enter the world through her. It entered through Adam.

Rom. 5:12 says, ...........
“Therefore, just as through one man (Adam not Eve) sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned.”

Again there comes that Seminary word of Federal Headship. This means that a person (a father) represents his descendants. We see this concept taught in Heb. 7:9-10......
“And, so to speak, through Abraham even Levi, who received tithes, paid tithes, 10 for he was still in the loins of his father when Melchizedek met him.”

So then the short answer is that there is ample biblical support for the idea that the sin nature was passed down through the father. Since Jesus had not a literal, biological father, the sin nature was not passed down to Him. However, since He had a human mother, he was fully human but without original sin. Jesus has two natures: God and man.

Colossians 2:9......“For in Him dwells all the fullness of deity in bodily form.”

Jesus received His human nature from Mary, but He received His divine nature through God the Holy Spirit. Therefore, Jesus is both God and man. He was sinless, had no original sin, and was both fully God and fully man.
Eve was not created when GOD told Adam he could not eat from the tree of knowledge, Adam told Eve "We cannot eat of the tree..." this is why the devil spoke to Eve and asked "Did GOD say YOU can't eat of the tree?" Adam was kept silent because he didn't really know, he assumed that the law applied to them both but GOD did not specifically say she could not. It was letter of the law vs intent of the law. Eve disobeyed her husband (equal) but Adam disobeyed GOD (superior) thus sin entered through Adam and is passed on to us through him. So Jesus is without sin because he does not have a human father.
Eve was not created when GOD told Adam he could not eat from the tree of knowledge, Adam told Eve "We cannot eat of the tree..." this is why the devil spoke to Eve and asked "Did GOD say YOU can't eat of the tree?" Adam was kept silent because he didn't really know, he assumed that the law applied to them both but GOD did not specifically say she could not. It was letter of the law vs intent of the law. Eve disobeyed her husband (equal) but Adam disobeyed GOD (superior) thus sin entered through Adam and is passed on to us through him. So Jesus is without sin because he does not have a human father.
Of the three theories in the OP, thats the one I like best. Law vs the intent of the law is a good observation.
Eve was not created when GOD told Adam he could not eat from the tree of knowledge, Adam told Eve "We cannot eat of the tree..." this is why the devil spoke to Eve and asked "Did GOD say YOU can't eat of the tree?" Adam was kept silent because he didn't really know, he assumed that the law applied to them both but GOD did not specifically say she could not. It was letter of the law vs intent of the law. Eve disobeyed her husband (equal) but Adam disobeyed GOD (superior) thus sin entered through Adam and is passed on to us through him. So Jesus is without sin because he does not have a human father.

Christ was born without sin. I dont know of any scripture that can be used to describe how it happened. The link offers three theories and there are probably others. I like the idea of option one because if sin was carried, for lack of a better term, by both sexes then Mary would have transferred it to Jesus. Ive heard Jesus was insulated in the womb and maybe its as simple as that. I know less than nothing but find the question as to how very compelling.
2nd Corinthian 5:21 context 18And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; 19To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. 20Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God. 21For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.