I'm sorry brother. It's normally relatively peaceful. I'm not sure what has been up with Euphemia lately. I hope she works it all out.I'm starting to get a better idea of the dynamic of this place.
I'm sorry brother. It's normally relatively peaceful. I'm not sure what has been up with Euphemia lately. I hope she works it all out.I'm starting to get a better idea of the dynamic of this place.
I'm sorry too. It's hard sometimes to keep the peace when people are angry.I'm starting to get a better idea of the dynamic of this place.
Well that many dislikes in a row I don't think it's because she disagrees. I think its a deliberate attack. I'm not sure what she is trying to accomplish.It's sad when people start x-ing and disliking peoples opinions because they disagree with them.
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Sigh. I don't think saying I'm offended warrants a dislike. But she thinks so. And I haven't given her any Xs or dislikes. It's obvious she's upset and I'm upset too.Well that many dislikes in a row I don't think it's because she disagrees. I think its a deliberate attack. I'm not sure what she is trying to accomplish.
and here comes more:
ROFLFight! Fight! Fight!
Didn't know I was dealing with a she, usually when I find people that extreme in their views I assume it's a man I'm dealing with. I don't know why. It's probably unfair of me.I'm sorry brother. It's normally relatively peaceful. I'm not sure what has been up with Euphemia lately. I hope she works it all out.
I might come across angry but usually it's just that I like to test the strength of my own argument. But I will admit that I don't have a lot of patience for hatred or bigotry.I'm sorry too. It's hard sometimes to keep the peace when people are angry.
Didn't know I was dealing with a she, usually when I find people that extreme in their views I assume it's a man I'm dealing with. I don't know why. It's probably unfair of me.
I might come across angry but usually it's just that I like to test the strength of my own argument. But I will admit that I don't have a lot of patience for hatred or bigotry.