Jesus was silent on the issue. And you cannot logically use Jesus' silence on a matter to assume he opposed it.
Jesus didn't condemn Zoophilia, pedophilia, nor rape. But I will argue those sins remain sins.
Furthermore, Jesus was a Jew. And at the time of his ministry he and those Jews who traveled with him and those to whom he spoke were all under the Mosaic covenant. Which did condemn homosexuality. Leviticus 18:22 and; 20:13. Jesus was aware of this as were the Jews to whom he ministered.
Also, you can not argue that because you imagine Jesus did not condemn homosexuality outright that it is not a sin. Well, you can. But you can not support that argument with scripture. The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence of Jesus condemning immoral fornication.
And that is an awful lot of assuming on your part. Do you have an authoritative source to prove the relations mentioned were homosexual in nature? I'm guessing not.
The scriptures should suffice. However, other than that, knowing the culture of the time, ancient Rome being pagan, polytheistic, and that scripture condemns male temple prostitution as well as references to men laying with men as with women, the evidence is apparent.
While you elect to ignore it, because it is hard to miss when the word of God condemns the sexual act of a man laying with a man as he would with a woman, no one can change your mind. The scriptures are clear. You do not agree with God's word and yet you do not have any scriptures to show God validates homosexuality as behavior he approves.
Would you like to harbor a guess as to how many different ways that single line of scripture can be translated, retranslated, mistranslated, interpreted, reinterpreted, misinterpreted over thousands of years? Even now it reads as extremely vague to my own eyes. First of all, is a man being addressed, or a woman? If it's a woman, you're telling her not to lie with mankind. Should we then assume man? Also, if I "lie with" a man OR a woman, how is anything sexual being understood? And, if you're going to tell me that in those days "lie with" meant "have sex with", then again, you have to tell me what translation you're using, who interpreted that translation, and based on what. My best guess is there is no one on earth with that kind of insight, knowledge or understanding. No, what I believe you are doing, is taking a personal prejudice against homosexual people, and bending your Bible to support your own beliefs. As so many do.
The problem here is you keep telling others that it is their beliefs that are wrong. That is your opinion.
What you do not do, indeed what you can never do, is show any translation in scripture wherein God identifies homosexual relationships as under his grace. What you can never do is show any scripture wherein God says he created the man for the man, the woman for the woman, and that same sex sexual relationships are blessed by God's ordinances.
Enough with saying it is other peoples beliefs at work here. Prove with scripture your beliefs. That God approves homosexuality. Using of course any word in lieu of "Homosexuality" , per any translation you prefer, to do so.

Just because you deem it false does not make it so.
Prove me wrong. Show us any language translation of Bible scripture wherein Homosexuality is approved by God.
And what have you proven? If a person falls in love with someone else who's a consenting adult, and they are happy and compatible and enrich one another's lives, why should anyone, God included, take issue with that? You're looking for scriptural proof and finding at best a few tenuously worded and hotly contested bits of scripture.
Contested by whom? Ultra-liberal advocates for sin that argue homosexuality is natural? While from a Biblical perspective they can never argue that with a Christian and show that Christian the scripture that supports the perspective?
Natural Law (which is God's creative laws) concerns itself with survival of the species. Survival of the fittest. Pro-creation.
Show me the scientific data, not talking scripture or religious ideology here, wherein homo-sexuals in and of themselves can pro-create so as to survive the human species.
Take those away and you yourself are left with nothing to attack homosexuals with, so why do it? Especially now that you've been given room for doubt with the article you were sent earlier. A beautiful opportunity to consider that maybe the Bible doesn't want you hurting other human beings. What are you going to do with that opportunity? Shoot it to the ground so you can continue to discriminate, or consider that just maybe there has been a flaw in your understanding?
My dear, for all your protestations against scripture and God's word you have demonstrated repeatedly that you can not prove God created homosexuals as part of his divine plan to insure the earth's population be fruitful so as to multiply.
You can not demonstrate using a single scripture that God does not call same sex carnality a sin.
Of course Jesus condemned homosexuality. In the old testament and in the new. Are you familiar with
2 Timothy 3:16? All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
Are you ignoring Paul's writings concerning same sex sexuality? Are you choosing to ignore the fate of Sodom? Where do you imagine the term, 'sodomite', derived from?
What nonsense, I'm not making myself superior to God in any way, merely saying that I'm not going to condemn or judge anyone. You are considering homosexuality to be sin, and my opinion is that it is not, and furthermore my opinion is that it is GOD'S opinion that it is not. Why would a loving God create gay people just to persecute and hate them?
God didn't create gay people just to persecute them.
Would you ask why did God create serial killers just to persecute them after having set down the sixth commandment? Would you ask why did God create the rapist just to condemn their behavior as sin? The thief? Just to condemn their behavior under the 8th commandment?
Christians don't hate gays. No matter how frequently you insist that is true it is not so. Christians are to hate sin as God hates sin. What you espouse is to ignore sin. You don't judge so as to send people to Heaven or Hell. But you are commanded to employ righteous judgment when encountering the behaviors of your neighbors.
Do you imagine there is no reason for the scriptures commanding the Christian to put on the armor of God in this world? Where Satan prowls like a hungry lion seeking souls to devour?
No one is arguing that sinners should be repentant. But I fail to see how falling in love is a sin. And you have a real problem with that, apparently. Are you suggesting gay people live loveless, sexless lives? Do you think that's what God wants for them? Do you think that that's the only way for them to avoid hell? If so, I want nothing to do with the God you believe in.
It is like arguing serial killers are good people. Car jackers are good people. Rapists are good people. Pedophiles are good people.
Serial killers love to kill. Car jackers love to steal cars. Rapists love to assault their victims and use their body as a weapon because they derive satisfaction from violence. And pedophiles argue theirs is a sexual orientation that has every right to exercise itself if the child, as sexual being, consents.
Perhaps you should study the Bible to learn that people who exploit and indulge their sinful nature because they love it are still sinners.
In matters of homosexuality, there is no gay gene. People are not born gay. It is a sinful behavior like any other behavior. Heterosexuals are as culpable as sinners when they engage in sexual behaviors outside of the Bibles ordinance.
Rather than condemn God for his laws of nature and righteous behavior, perhaps you should ask yourself why you believe this one particular sin should be condoned because it is exercised under the excuse those committing to it love to indulge in it.
As to your remark regarding, "my God", my dear I would hazard to tell you there is only one God. And it is my sincere hope that you find your way to him while there is still time.
That is an old and ridiculous and often-debunked myth. You cannot lobby a medical/scientific body merely because you don't like their evidence. We have far more studies on the subject than ever before, we know a lot more about human sexuality than we did when the Bible was written. It's as simple as that.
Thank you for admitting you never read the links I provided to both the APA/DSM and the indisputable proofs afforded by mental health professionals in their testimonies related to the bullying that ensued against the APA due to the DSM2's classification of homosexuality as a mental illness.
Your proclamation of myth is a falsehood in light of those proofs. Your proclamations are also invalid when you care to protest in line with the same ultra-leftist gay lobby that commenced the bullying and harassment against the APA.
And "ex-gay" organizations are likewise found to be fraudulent, with the main one, Exodus, shutting their own doors recently, repudiating their own aims with an apology to gay people
What happened to your proclamation of no judgment?

Where is your tolerance for those who have renounced their sin and are no longer sexually active as homosexuals?
I'll refrain from "debating" you at this point. I do thank you for making your agenda here very clear in the midst of your emotions allowing the truth to pour forth from your mouth. (keyboard) May God find his way into your heart. Amen.
*edit: fixed quote bracket error*