Three Lesbian Women 'marry' Each Other, Claim To Be World's First 'throuple'

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You took the words right out my mouth, what ever it is you just said. It sure sounds good. I do agree that violence in the physical is not the way to go, as the problem is in the spirit where the battle between light, and darkness, truth and error are raging using only spiritual weapons that are mighty through God.

I find your responses to be full of edification, and often drawing attention to spiritual matters.
May the Spirit of the most high bless you immensely for your sensitivity to His workings
I do wish people would stop trying to come this type of thread as a way to insinuate that somehow gays are more perverted than straights, it is nothing short of slandering

obviously I do not support this type of relationships, whether it is between straights or gays.

Heterosexuals do not have the perversion of homosexuality. So, what do you mean? That's what this thread is about. We come to this thread to discuss it.
a three way marriage between heterosexuals is every bit as perverse as three way relationship between homosexuals.

fornication between heterosexuals is every bit as disgusting as fornication between homosexuals.

so no difference there.

I mean, do you God actually think three way relationship between heterosexuals are somehow more acceptable and less perverse?

Yes, it is all perverse and indicative of a sexual addiction, but the homosexuality is a double burden for the person who bears it. These people have thrown all caution to the moral standards whatsoever.

That said, God hates all sin, but He commanded a very severe penalty---death---for those who commit homosexual acts. Making comments with the intention to mitigate the ugliness and the seriousness of the sin of homosexuality is not working.
He commanded a very severe penalty---death---for those who commit homosexual acts. Making comments with the intention to mitigate the ugliness and the seriousness of the sin of homosexuality is not working.
Wasn't it acceptable to stone a woman for committing adultery during Jesus's time? Are you trying to tell us if the person had been a man doing homoactivities in John 8, then Jesus would of let the guy get stoned?
no offense, the highlighted part of your answer, pure false propaganda being spread by organizations such as Focus on the family.

this is what I am talking about, false stereotypes that damages gay community reputation.

What false stereotypes other than the ones they themselves advertize by their own behaviour? They already have a questionable reputation.

we already talked about this, this type of behaviours, whether engaged by homosexuals or heterosexuals, are no different in God eyes what so ever, yet a gay person who does it has lower moral standard?

A homosexual who does it is compounding their sin by adding more. The spiritual consequences are the same, but there may be further deepening of mental, emotional and physical consequences because of the specific perversion they are engaged in.

God also command severe penalty for adultery, which is also death. And did not Jesus taught us that adultery could be committed in the heart as well?

Jesus indeed says that the sin committed in the mind is just as if it is committed ion the body---the homosexual is also guilty of that kind of lust. Compounded sin, again.

so a married Christian man crossed the line in his heart, is that not punishable by death?

No. God is not currently punishing anyone at the moment. Punishment comes at the final judgment. Do you not take note that a born again man has the added help of Holy Spirit who will convict him and lead him to repentance through Godly sorrow? He will not see condemnation, because He is a child of the King and a citizen of Heaven.

I am not trying to mitigate the seriousness of gay sin.

it seems to me many of you tries to make it more serious than other type of sins, including fornication committed by straights

and the stereotype you have just used just proved my point.

it saddens me to see so many Christians such as yourself would believe just about anything when it comes to gay community.

Just the fact that there is such a thing as "community" is rather reminiscent of Sodom and Gomorrah, to me---and is rather disheartening to see you use that terminology.

The bible is clear that there are levels of punishment in hell for sinners depending on the sins they participate in. The main point is that people who commit various sins do not go around defending themselves and calling it normal and acceptable and declaring those who know what the truth is about it phobic and intolerant. Actually, it is the other way around.

Wasn't it acceptable to stone a woman for committing adultery during Jesus's time? Are you trying to tell us if the person had been a man doing homoactivities in John 8, then Jesus would of let the guy get stoned?

I don't think He would. His point was that he offers forgiveness and mercy for sin---and then warns, "Go and sin no more."
Wasn't it acceptable to stone a woman for committing adultery during Jesus's time? Are you trying to tell us if the person had been a man doing homoactivities in John 8, then Jesus would of let the guy get stoned?
Jesus would and does forgive the "gay" but that forgiveness (grace) empowers the one who receives it to "go and sin no more"..For sin shall not have dominion over you, because you are not under law, but under grace" So there is no such thing as a "gay" Christian.. nor should it be upheld in any way as acceptable. That's the issue, that this sin is being PROMOTED by many as acceptable, when it is clearly defined as the most wicked example of mans reprobate condition in sin.
Do you think Jesus would forgive one of these folks who came to Him, and said "I have gay pride"? Then they demand that He forgives them and approves them in their sin? No! He gives grace to the humble and resist the proud! He rejected Herod and his wickedness, and warn against BOTH leavens of the hypocrisy of the Pharisee and wickedness of Herod.
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It’s not pleasant news to share, but we need to be aware of what is going on regarding marriage in the USA. In October last year, I published a post on a CNN news item on ‘polyamory’—basically it means that instead of the biblical family of one man and one woman in marriage, any mixture of relationships is encouraged. The October article is at this link:

Three Lesbian Women 'Marry' Each Other, Claim to Be World's First 'Throuple'
MASSACHUSETTS – Three women in Massachusetts claim they are the world’s first lesbian ‘throuple,’ after they all exchanged...

Hello and I hope you are well. Not pleasant indeed, I'm afraid across here in Scotland it's getting worse and worse and our Christian beliefs are now becoming more offesive in our PC world. Still, the Apostles faced big issues too and overcame them in the Lord but like you said, it's just so sad to see it happening. God bless you...
Whatever these three women did or think they did, I would say they are by no means typical of most gay or lesbian people, whom as far as I know have only the desire to be joined as a couple. I wouldn't say this was the "start" of anything dramatic.
Whatever these three women did or think they did, I would say they are by no means typical of most gay or lesbian people, whom as far as I know have only the desire to be joined as a couple. I wouldn't say this was the "start" of anything dramatic.

Nothing these people do are typical, as sin and perversion are getting more and more blatant all the time. People feel they must invent new ways of being wicked.
Nothing these people do are typical, as sin and perversion are getting more and more blatant all the time. People feel they must invent new ways of being wicked.

The point I'm making is that most gay and lesbian people would see this situation as strange and unacceptable as you or I, and some people will try to paint this is as "the latest thing in the gay agenda" which is, I feel, ridiculous.
The point I'm making is that most gay and lesbian people would see this situation as strange and unacceptable as you or I, and some people will try to paint this is as "the latest thing in the gay agenda" which is, I feel, ridiculous.
Well perversion promotes more and more perversion and there is no such thing as a "gay couple" in the eyes of the Lord!
Hey if you use the "old" button it counts more negative points against the member...I need a little help there are some folks getting near my high negative score...:D
Well I do and can and He has made this about as clear as any issue can be made, for those who believe His Word.

Amen, indeed!

2 Corinthians 5:20 (NLT)
So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!”
Well I do and can and He has made this about as clear as any issue can be made, for those who believe His Word.
It seems to me the discussion is about a single issue involving three lesbians in a purported marriage, and not a blanket condemnation of "perversion." I don't know why "gay couples" was even introduced as it's irrelevant.
It seems to me the discussion is about a single issue involving three lesbians in a purported marriage, and not a blanket condemnation of "perversion." I don't know why "gay couples" was even introduced as it's irrelevant.

Well if TWO is a perverse arrangement, then THREE surely would be.

Are you born again, PeaceLikeaRiver?
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