Totally brilliant ideas thread

You can't break even if you don't have much to begin with.
Most people here borrow and get a huge bank loan or overdraft. Then file for bankruptcy when they overreach.

Or the opposite, they don't spend at all, and leave it sitting in the bank and then use the money for something else. However to start something up requires a lot more than the average person actually has.

This is why only rich people can do their own businesses as like a hobby because they already have money or extra houses to begin with. If it goes under they aren't going to lose their entire home or savings and they don't have to put in all their hours working into it. It's just playing around with it to them. Plus they won't actually do any of the work themselves, they are in a position to pay others to do the hard work (usally the bare minimum) then reap the benefits for themselves.

I've never been in a company that you can have shares in. That's only reserved for management and their families nothing trickles down. I don't know why that is that's always been that way in most businesses. The people at the top earn twenty times more than people at the bottom. They deliberately rig it that way. The way business is done here is anathema to me. Churches are now run like this too.
I know communities now started to have a share economy. Couch surfing, freeganism, community good sharing etc, and it works well. I thought that was a good idea and it took off, although I never tried them. many enjoyed the benefits but not sure if they are still a thing.
I know communities now started to have a share economy. Couch surfing, freeganism, community good sharing etc, and it works well. I thought that was a good idea and it took off, although I never tried them. many enjoyed the benefits but not sure if they are still a thing.
I did a small business course but the way it was taught just didn't appeal, they had the bottom line thing and added environmental concerns to it but the underlying philosophy of it was to make yourself rich so you can spend it on yourself and have a holiday sipping a martini on the beach. After you sell it of course because you won't ever have time while you are doing it and most businesses don't make a profit until the 5th year. If it lasts that long.

Talking with small business owners its basically a thing to do to keep you busy, as long as you have a reasonable turnover, its enough to get buy, but you'll never get a holiday or day off it you running it by yourself. You need partners and workers. Unless you run it on a very lean budget and do everything yourself, you might be able to afford ONE day off a week lol
Your workers are basically your children which you train up. If you are going to be a CEO or something or even a farmer, you need to find a wife and have lots of children and then train them to help you lol
Otherwise you'll need to get migrant workers in , or lease the land and get tenant farmers, because you can't run a big farm all by yourself. A smallholding yes but I think a lot don't make enough to break even and depends on the weather.

If you want to own a factory or a mall or something you need to have some serious money already. As far as private schools are concerned, they are often owned by multinationals. To run, they need donors with deep pockets. So they become this thing only the wealthy can afford. If you know rich people, all power to you, but most of us don't run in to them and know them well enough to casually suggest what they can do with their riches lol.

Have you got a million dollars to spare to invest in books?
I don't think any angel investors will be reading this twiddling their thumbs going I have a billion dollars and I really just don't know what to do with it.

Hmm maybe I'll google this 'brilliant ideas thread' over on Christian Forum Site.
That’s what I like about investing. People are there with the money to help in exchange for share of your fortune. But you have to have a head for knowing what is missing in the world to be a good entrepreneur and I’m not that good at noticing or, it’s already been invented.

If I had a business it would have been training animals. They follow me everywhere😇
I don't think you can be an entrepreneur with no money.
You could be a fundraiser though.

Anyway I'm astonished that anyone would think I'm out to make profit or all my ideas are about how to make money or that I would even want that.

Its not about that its my ideas are all about making the world a better place.
Sorry investors you can't cash in on my ideas they aren't going to make you a fortune. Now I don't know if its was any different to olden day slavery where rich people just bought poor people as slaves to work for them.
Well, for brilliant ideas to work without money I would go around asking people what they thought of mine.

I would be like,” shall we do this?” “It may be of benefit to everyone”or, “how about this?”

Not everyone will want what I want of course, and that’s the beauty of intentional communities. I nearly joined one of those once. Sometimes they don’t ask for money they just want willing participants.
yea thats what happens on dates a lot of the time. lol
Sorry am not giving my body over to you. Is that selfish of me? A lot of men just treat women so rough like we are punching bags or something.

anyway. Either that or ATMs.
Sounds depressing…

I hating dating too, but I wasn’t a Christian back then. Everything seems so surreal nowadays. Bad boys look like nasty nabals and Mary mother of God is my heroine😁
I tried dating after I became a christian but it was worse because a lot of men were not and still didn't respect you.
I met one nice christian guy but we only went on one date and I don't even remember his name now. He probably thought I was too forward lol.

I'm happier single and not dating or looking or worrying about how I look etc.
Schools...its tough and rough at the moment but it's the last week of term. I remember when we had 3 terms though we seemed to have the same amount of holidays before it changed to 4. University used to only have two semesters as well.
I wonder if instead of terms we had 3 weeks on and 1 week off and it was throughout the year. Not just in schools but in most workplaces, or would that just be too much disruption?

We did used adhere to a 6 days week and shops had to close on the weekend and cease trading on Sundays. But maybe that only works for a select group of people (some things still need to run on Sundays! plants don't stop growing, toilets don't stop flushing...) as I can't imagine an enforced rest like we had in lockdowns people would get all angsty and want to go out and do stuff and work. lol

And I'm sure people would find ways of violating the Sabbath all the time, or doing things they can't help but do even Jesus was accused of doing so by Pharisees when he snacked on some corn or helped heal someone.