I do not completely disagree with you Jim. Grasping how God is good whilst He is omniscient and omnipotent is beyond us.
This discussion does come down to where we draw the lines I believe. God is omniscient. God is omnipotent and God is good. You apply ''God is good'' much earlier / further then I do. I see no evil in quick deaths, torture if God is with us, sickness and poverty. God allowing evil is not necessarily God being evil.
You are wrong to mock the saying ''well we don't know, God just allowed it''. We are not God. To God we are less the an ant in brain capacity. We don't always know.
I also dispute your line ''He put things in our control''. I would say the only thing in our control is our fate.
God did not put the devil with Adam and Eve? People blame God for evil because they do not grasp the cross and God's greater purpose.
Hello my Brother KJ,
Thank you for the respect and replying and for allowing me to get a little deeper understanding of where you are coming from. This is only one of the things I enjoy and look forward to hashing through things with you. You are one heck of a man and a very fine brother and friend as well.
Now with that said we know what time it is now ! ; ) lol yep now it is my turn to write my take on things. Don't you just Love the word of God ? I know I do and I would be nothing with out it. That is why I find this to be so very true.
Gods words are Spirit and Life to those who Find Them. So for those who have ears let them hear.
Lets first look in Deuteronomy 30:10-20 KJV
10.....is telling us if we will keep His commandments and walk in His ways and turn to or trust in the Lord thy God with all of your heart and soul.
11-13...is stating that this commandment which He is giving us this day is NOT hidden from thee, nor do you have to go up to heaven to bring it down to hear it nor is it beyond the sea that you have to go get it.
Now 14 is where it gets GOOD !! ; )
14.....But thy word is very NIGH unto thee, In Thy Mouth, and in Thy Heart that thou mayest do it.
His word has been placed all around you. Media and books and churches and Bibles so there is no excuse not to know it.
This is telling us especially for today that His word needs to be in our minds, our hearts and mouth. Why mouth ? Because speaking Gods words bring God results...He is moved by His word and when He is moved by His word He see's to it that it is carried out. BUT it must be DONE IN FAITH !!
Here we go now
16.....In that I COMMAND thee THIS DAY to LOVE the Lord thy God, TO WALK in His Ways, and to KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS and His STATUTES and His JUDGMENTS that THOU MAYEST LIVE And Multiply and thee Lord thy God Shall BLESS Thee in the land whither thou goest to possess it.
So in these two verses we see several key things.
1...God gives US the CHOICE TO CHOOSE Life and Blessing or Death and Cursing or evil. We choose....Not God BUT we choose...
2...Now in verse 16 we see that GOD is telling us Pick His Way. He says IF YOU CHOOSE TO WALK MY WAY FOLLOW MY COMMAND.....this good life will be yours....
3...So in this Good Life we find several things....First we must make the choice to choose this life....Second which is just as important.....We MUST Choose To Walk This Life His Way Every Single Day Of Our Life in Order to stay in The Good Life of Blessing and protection and every other good thing that is included in Thee Blessing Of Thee Lord.
People tend to claim this is not for us today but here is the deal. They are wrong for this curse was put into effect the day adam fell and the fact is you either choose His ways or your ways. His ways take you to being Born Again and redeemed from the curse of the law and don't let the word law throw you off course here. It is one in the same.
17...Now here is the flip side...the disobedient side....the side where you do not follow His commands such as walking in Love and Forgiveness and Living by Faith 24-7-365. You Step out side of His blessing. Remember verse 14 told us His Word is in Our Mouth and Heart so this says SPEAKING His word By and In and Through FAITH is also a commandment......or REQUIREMENT .
17......But if thine heart turn away, so that thou will NOT Hear, but be drawn away and worship other gods and serve them.
......Now remember a few things here. Heart turn away.....resist doing His word. Not allowing His word to take root. Not hearing.....again not giving His word a second thought so as to give it time to root in your heart. Be drawn away and to worship other gods.....This is as simple as walking in the flesh.....doing things your way or the way of the world. Giving something else leadership in your actions or believe over God.
18 tells us if we do not choose His way then.........I denounce unto you this day that thee shall surely perish, (( SEE THIS PLEASE )) AND that ye shall NOT PROLONG YOUR DAYS UPON the land, wither thou passest over Jorden to go to posses it.
Seems we can shorten or lengthen our lives here on this earth.... When you violate how God said to walk, live, think, speak, act and feed the body, or soul or spirit man you can shorten your life. We can Live the 120 years allotted to man found in Gen, 6:3 BUT you have got to be walking in the Blessing of the Lord which means, living, talking, believing acting on Gods word 24-7-365.
19 tells us simply this WE ARE WITH OUT EXCUSE.......
I call Heaven and earth to record this day AGAINST YOU, That I HAVE SET BEFORE YOU, LIFE AND DEATH, BLESSING AND CURSING; THEREFORE Choose Life , that both thou and thy seed may live.......
.....again God not only has left this choice up to us....He called Heaven and earth to record this day.....so we have no excuse......God even goes a step further......if for some reason you are still not sure which is better...Blessing or cursing....He tells us MAN....CHOOSE LIFE.....CHOOSE BLESSING....
20.. tells us please pick life and blessing so we can have this.....
That thou mayest Love the Lord thy God, and that thou mayest obey His voice , and that thou mayest cleave unto Him; For He Is Thy Life, and the length of thy days; that thou mayest dwell in the land which the Lord sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them.
Also Psalm 115:16 KJV
The Heaven, even the Heavens, are the LORDS, BUT the earth hath He given to the children of men.
In Heaven God is in Total Control. That is why there is No Crime, Poverty, Sickness, or any other evil thing.
Now here on earth there is evil ruining rampant.........Remember God has Given Man The Choice.......Choose His way and Blessing and Life will follow OR do it your own way with out God and you will have cursing and death.
God decided to give man free will so when God decided to do this, well it became a good thing so man has Free Will. Man makes their own choice to follow God or Not to.....Now man is not sovereign unto himself. What does this mean ? It means man needs a spiritual overlord. What does that mean ?
It means that there is NO such thing as the devils thoughts and Gods thoughts and there are MY thoughts.. No this is simply not the way it works.
Man is getting his thoughts or influenced either by Godly thinking through a renewed mind and heart and the Holy spirit and so forth OR man is getting his thoughts influenced by the devil and when this is true the devil will lead you down the road of destruction, one thought at a time. When a Christian is not functioning with in the word of God he is carnal minded and a man who is not born again is simply a natural man. A carnal minded man can not truly operate in Faith. This limits his results and is NOT the fault of God.
Now Then Brother KJ I want to show you why I said all of this.
The Curse in this
Poverty, sickness and disease and every other kind of evil and greed and so forth. These things are alive and active in this world. Our enemy the devil will do his best to get these things into a Believers life and he can ONLY do so if we give him permission or right of way. Any time we step out side of the Blessing of the Lord we have given satan this right of way.
Fear, doubt and unbelief are the ones most Believers over look as nothing to be concerned about. Disobedience puts you over in an area where satan has right of way and this can be things such as UN-Forgiveness or not walking in Love or sins one hides and so forth.
See God has set His way into being. Nothing any one can do to change this. It does not matter if you believe this or not for it still is working in every single persons life. If a born again Christian begins to walk in disobedience then they step out side of His protection..........
NOTICE I did NOT say God gives them up for He still loves them and will do all sorts of things trying to get you back over here where He can take care of you, any way then decides to get stoned drunk and drive a stolen car at 145 MPH and loses control and demolishes the car and kills himself and 5 children crossing the street it is NOT Gods fault nor Did God issue this nor did God simply allow it.
The believer made some bad choices and these bad choices ended in bad results. Now if this same persons would have said, NO I am not going to drink and I am going to seek God in this then all of them including the children would be alive.
Rapes and murder and all this evil running amuck in this world is because the curse, AND the CURSE is the cause of these things.
You said about the only thing man is in control of is his fate. KJ not according to what you claim in your reply for if God is in control or wills or allow or whatever then man could not be in control of his fate.
One last thing.....You said (( God is omniscient. God is omnipotent ))
Ok but God also decided to do things in a certain way- His way and it has been this way for all time. God is bound to His own words. This is not limiting God or making man more then He is. God simply swore an oath on His name. He can NOT lie so when He sets something into effect then that is just the way it is and will be.
So now then my Brother KJ it be your turn to reply !! I am looking forward to your reply and pray you enjoy writing it as well. Thanks again KJ for respecting enough to reply honestly. I do so admire this about you.
God Bless KJ