KJ think what you are saying here.
Why did the three go into the furnace ? Because they knew God would deliver them. It was their Faith that was strong in God that got them through the furnace. If all you do is have faith that God is real and in gravity then brother you will burn in the furnace and get home sooner then planned on.
The mouths of lions were closed through FAITH and not just faith in gravity or that God is real. Trials and such come from living in sin filled worldly system. The devil brings these things at you as well as choices people make.
C'mon Jim. You really believe this? It was not because they mustered up faith that they survived the furnace. It was because they were prepared to die for their belief and knew that despite what happened God is with them. What transpired was, God was literally with them and He let them know that it was not their time to die. No positive confession and mustering up faith that God > fire was needed...
at all.
Daniel did not close their mouths by faith. Daniel knew that God still had things for him to do. Daniel knew that it was not his time to die. The many early Christian martyrs that died to lions, did not die because of a lack of faith, they knew it was their time. Would you say they lacked faith to close the lions mouths? Steven lacked faith to turn the stones thrown at him into fur balls?
We can relax. God will never leave nor forsake us. He is with us in the fire. He is with us in whatever situation we are in. Not because of our faith to repel the negative and hold onto promises, but rather because of our already existing love and commitment to Him.
The most nervous and fearful of lions Christian in the world can be thrown into a lion pit and if it is not God's will for him to die there, he will not die there. The most confident and full of faith Christian in the world can be thrown into a lion pit and if it is God's time for him to go, he will die there. Our confidence and faith is in God being with us in whatever we are going through. Whether it is deliverance or suffering.
Yes we are to say His will be done but this is NOT an exuse to let what ever happens as Gods will. That is disrespecting Him and His will out of NOT knowing His written word or His ways.
Example....a hot head comes into this forum and you make him so mad he begins to burn with anger and gets drunk and then shoots you between the eyes. Was this Gods will then for you and for this hot head ? By your thinking it would be but in truth it was because the hot head in his anger gave satan right to steel, kill and destroy and caused this hot heads thinking to be wrong or against the word of God and then satan killed ya and ended this hot heads freedom.
Does this make sense to you ?
Making ourselves martyrs and tempting God is obvious foolishness and we can expect to be taught a lesson. But the bottom line is that if God still has a purpose for us on earth, that bullet will not kill us. It is 100% His decision. As are all things. No amount of positive confession changes that. God is there for His people, God is not there for those who don't know Him. That is all there is to it.
We need to always pray as Jesus did ''Lord if it is they will remove this cup from, but if its not, so be it''. The only magic that happens after this is God visits us and tells us that it is, or He visits us and tells us that its not. He then proceeds to hold us tight if it's not. As I said before, His peace surpasses all understanding
for a reason.