gpresdo , I have taken onboard what you have said, and you're right, we do need to read the bible, and mediate upon it.
But I don't understand how this would even be possible.
under your reasoning, and please correct me if you think I am barking up the wrong tree....
Going back to my sin to my boss of thinking she is a ****. For me to repent and confess this To God, in front of all humanity, I would have to be televised doing it somewhere. Or chipped and plugged into a matrix somewhere where you could see exactly what my sin was and if I have naturally repented.. Now, whilst in this sinful world, I think is a good idea, it's actually not possible. Because there is one bible verse I remember. Only God can know our hearts. So, as Truth, sola scripturally, This is not open to being violated. So who is to say, that if we publicly repent, say, in a church, we are actually not really repenting but pretending to. Even chipped and plugged in, It is STILL not possible to know another heart. so what's the point of a public display?
I have found the scripture here:
1 Kings 8:39
Verse Concepts
then hear in heaven Your dwelling place, and forgive and act and render to each according to all his ways, whose heart You know,
for you alone know the hearts of all the sons of men
Your thoughts are most welcome.
Blessings brother.
Edit. lie detectors are not always correct I hear.