Pancakes this seems to have gotten long but it reads easy and fast....Walking in the spirit is such a hard thing to do..... I've its hard...
Love ya my Sister
Pancakes Yes it is both Hard and easy. It is hard when we look at our selves and compare it to Everything the word of God says we should be doing or living as. However it is a lot easier to simply keep plugging away and reading His word and when something grabs your attention - pray about it and allow God to show you what He has as time goes by.
Another words - this is a Life Long Event - It takes time for every one and if they say else wise then they are not being truthful. Key thing is to put forth or into practice of the Light that you have in you. As you do this - God will bring you to another level and a new step to climb up or over.
Please do not get all worked up and upset over this......keep making an effort to do of What You Know To Do - God will do His part and it gets easier and easier.
Hard is denying your flesh or learning to make your flesh ( flesh is the way you want to do things over Gods way ) do what Gods word says..........
Hint my friend..........We all must take the first step and then continue one step at a time.
You can and will gain ground - one step at a time !!!
One example that helps me...........When I know or am trying to change an area of my life
and make it line up with the written word of God. I read that scripture out loud every chance I get. Trick here is to make it past tense - Meaning if it says we must deny red pears covered in blue gue and red pears covered in blue gue is my - omg give it to me thing........then I read His word and SAY- I have no desire for red pears covered in blue gue for it is written we must deny these red pears in blue gue. Speaking things in this light will make a huge difference.
Then I do my best at not eating these pears.........oh but as I learn and I catch my self eating this pear - I repent and quote the scripture and move on. Some days I might have thrown out 50 yummie red pears doing this but the next month it was only 10 and now I dont even have a problem with red pears.........
I used the red pears in blue gue to make it easy to see what I mean....
I had to do this where forgiveness was concerned - I may have had to repent 50 times for allowing thoughts to preplay in my thinking about a certain person but each time it was - crap I am doing it again..........Lord God I repent of this and I forgave them and hold no aught against them and lifted them up and went out of my way to be extra nice to them and to love them no matter what.
Yea it took some time but now..........offenses simply fall away quickly and dont stick to me.
Yea it was hard at first UNTIL I excepted Grace...........Grace means if we blow it 100 times in a day.........we can repent and try again and God holds none of it against us. That is when things began to get a lot easier for me.
Just do not give up Pancakes - You can and Will grow in His spirit....
I hope this helps
God Bless