What Are The Doctrines In The Bible?

Have you ever wondered about the fundamental beliefs and teachings found in the Bible? Do you know how many there are?
Exploring the Doctrines of the Bible can provide valuable insights into the core principles that shape Christian faith and practice. Some will insist on there being 100 doctrines and some will say 12.

I am breaking down the Doctrines to 22 that are basic to the Christian. Understanding the Doctrines of the Bible can offer clarity and guidance in navigating the complexities of life and faith. These doctrines serve as a roadmap for believers, helping them anchor their beliefs in the timeless wisdom of Scripture. By studying and reflecting on these essential truths, we can cultivate a more profound appreciation for the rich tapestry of doctrine found in the Bible, deepening our knowledge of God and His divine plan for our lives.

I hope many of you will Join in on this enlightening journey as we explore the significance and practical implications of the 22 Doctrines of the Bible.

1. The Doctrine of God: This doctrine affirms the existence of one true God, who is eternal, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent.

2. The Doctrine of the Trinity: Teaches that God exists as three distinct persons – the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit.

3. The Doctrine of Creation: According to this doctrine, God created the world ex nihilo (out of nothing) and pronounced it good.

4. The Doctrine of Scripture: The Bible is the inspired and authoritative Word of God, written by human authors under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

5. The Doctrine of Sin: Sin entered the world through the rebellion of Adam and Eve against God. This is considered "Original Sin".

6. The Doctrine of Atonement: Jesus Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross atones for the sins of humanity, for all who repent and believe in Jesus.

7. The Doctrine of Salvation: Through faith in Christ, believers are justified before God and receive the gift of eternal life.

8. The Doctrine of Justification: Justification is the act of God declaring sinners righteous on the basis of Christ’s righteousness imputed to them.

9. The Doctrine of Sanctification: Sanctification an ongoing process by which believers are conformed to the image of Christ .

10. The Doctrine of the Church: The Church is the body of Christ, composed of all true believers in Jesus Christ.

11. The Doctrine of Baptism: Baptism is an outward act of obedience of an inward regeneration. It is not a part of the salvation experience.

12. The Doctrine of the Lord’s Supper: Also known as Communion or the Eucharist. Lord’s Supper is a symbolic meal instituted by Jesus Christ.

13. The Doctrine of Prayer: Prayer is the means by which believers communicate with God, express their praise, and intercede for others.

14. The Doctrine of the Second Coming: Christians believe in the imminent physical return of Jesus Christ to establish his kingdom & judge the world.

15. The Doctrine of Judgment: All human beings will stand before God in judgment, either to receive eternal life in heaven or eternal separation from God.

16. The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit: The HS is the third person of the Trinity, who indwells believers, empowers them for ministry, convicts them of sin.

17. The Doctrine of Spiritual Gifts: Believers are endowed with spiritual gifts by the Holy Spirit for the edification of the Church.

18. The Doctrine of Eternal Life: Those who are saved by grace through faith in Christ will experience eternal life in the presence of God.

19. The Doctrine of Hell: Hell is a real place of eternal separation from God, reserved for those who reject Christ and persist in unbelief and rebellion.

20. The Doctrine of Heaven: Heaven is the ultimate destination of believers, where they will experience the fullness of God’s presence, joy, and peace.

21. The Doctrine of Marriage: Marriage is a sacred institution ordained by God as alifelong covenant between one man and one woman.

22. The Doctrine of the End Times: Christians believe in the fulfillment of God’s plan for the world, culminating in the restoration of all things.

Now, I know that some of these are not able to be discussed so I implore you to not break the rules of the site. Some of the Bible doctrines are in the Bible but it seems that they can not be discussed because they bring arguments and confrontations -They are............
(1) Once Saved, Always Saved (OSAS)
(2) Speaking in Tongues - (either Pentacostal, unknown, or foreign but known language)
(3) Homosexuality ( It's OK to call homosexuality - the sin - an abomination, but NOT the sinner)
(4) Predestination, Calvinism, Arminianism or Preterism - (or any variations.)
(5) Soul Sleep - (any variant or any viewpoint.)
(6) Deviant behavior, including bestiality, animal sacrifice, human sacrifice, Voodoo, Witchcraft and variants or components of these.
(7) Anything dealing with transgender topics including psychology and surgery.
(8) Rapture in any form.

If you would like to pick a number......then explain your understanding which is validated with the Scriptures, I am sure that we can have a productive conversation.
WOW.... OK... now that is going to take some time to CHEW and meditate on... I feel like you have just given me a HUGE present here.... THANK YOU. I am excited to take point by point and ponder.
WOW.... OK... now that is going to take some time to CHEW and meditate on... I feel like you have just given me a HUGE present here.... THANK YOU. I am excited to take point by point and ponder.

Start at the beginning.... The Doctrine of God.
Surprise........Christianity is not the only worldview, or religion, that believes in the existence of God. But what makes Christianity different is its fundamental belief in who God is. This is where the importance of the doctrine of God comes in.

Now, without a stern knowledge of the God of the Bible, anyone can easily become vulnerable to the doctrines of demons. We know that to be true by simply observing the thousands of religions that are made up by man. It is for this reason that we need foundations of doctrine based not on tradition but on Scripture.
The Bible gives witness to two facts regarding the knowledge God.
#1. It teaches us that God is incomprehensible
#2. It also declares that God is knowable.

#1a. Both are true, but not in an absolute sense. To say that God is incomprehensible simply means that finite man cannot know everything there is to know about God who is an infinite being.

#2a. To say that God is knowable means that, though incomprehensible, God can be known and man can grow in the knowledge of God, at least in a limited sense and to the degree that is needed for man to trust God and have a personal and growing relationship with Him.

Isaiah 45:5-6.....
"That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things."

I am sure that everyone reading this has been constantly challenged by atheists, skeptics, and hecklers to prove that there is a God.
How do Christians prove the existence of God?

This problem is solved in the first verse of the Bible, Genesis 1:1 .....“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”
The Bible is not a textbook that attempts to prove the existence of God and this thread is not about that. the Bible opens with the positive fact that God does exist.

Chapter one, verse one on page one is "boom."........God!
Good morning, Major;

One of the doctrines that stood out with me is:

17. The Doctrine of Spiritual Gifts: Believers are endowed with spiritual gifts by the Holy Spirit for the edification of the Church.

There are many Christians who don't feel they have talents, abilities, spiritual gifts, or anything to offer to their Church and life. Therefore, they don't understand the meaning of Spiritual gifts. They misunderstand this doctrine for the type of work they do for a living, or the ability to play a sport, etc...

When I mention "many" and "they" I say this with love. These folks love the Lord, they just don't have the self esteem, or didn't receive the study / teaching, that our God loves us all unconditionally and this includes (Blessings) and equipping each of us with spiritual gifts so we can contribute to the body of Christ and pass our teaching / blessings on to others.

There are many Scriptures that teach us the Spiritual Gifts, Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4, 2 Timothy 1, 1 Peter 4 and etc...

I learned back in 1996 from my Pastor that my Spiritual Gift is the gift of Helps, reference 1 Corinthians 12:28. The beautiful thing about Spiritual Gifts is it's not a one time thing. It continues to grow in our lifetime.

This is why it's important for Church leaders to teach men and women of God about the Doctrine of Spiritual Gifts.

Actually, it's just as important to teach as many Doctrines exercised in the Christian Church so we all began to understand the right Purpose of God and His Church.

God bless you, Major, and thank you for sharing this topic.

Start at the beginning.... The Doctrine of God.
I am going to go through your entire list... but it's going to take me awhile.... I have been busy lately... the warmer weather seems to do that...

What I plan on doing is taking each of those Doctrines you listed.... meditate and ponder on them... find scripture about them... and then write something. This is going to be a project for me... so no time line... simply me checking in when I have finished pondering.

Thank you Major ... I am going to enjoy doing this.
Good morning Major ... I would like to submit my first offering as to the 22 Doctrines of God. I will probably.. over time... address 20/22. I am not equipped to reflect upon the second coming or end times... and this is good with me. Thank you once again for sharing this AMAZING opportunity to discuss the BEAUTY and MAJESTY of this GOD we serve. This will be my FIRST Bible type study I have ever partaken in. I think it is a wonderful introduction to STUDY.

Exodus 3:14: "And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you".
  • John 6:35:
    "And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst".

  • John 8:12:
    "Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life".

  • John 8:58:
    "Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am".

  • John 10:7:
    "Jesus said unto them, I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved".

  • John 10:11:
    "I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep".

  • John 11:25:
    "Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live".

  • John 14:6:
    "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me".

  • John 15:1:
    "I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman".

  • John 15:5:
    "I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing".

  • John 18:5-6, 8:
    In these verses, Jesus says "I am" in response to the question of who they are seeking.

The Doctrine of God: This doctrine affirms the existence of one true God, who is eternal, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent.

The prefix ''omni'' comes from the Latin for "all".

omnipotent.... all-powerful;


omnipresent... present everywhere at all times.

This is what lays the foundation of TRUST for me as a believer. God is EVERYTHING.... HE is EVERYWHERE and has ALWAYS been. WOW.

I can't seem to wrap my brain around these TRUTHS.... but even in my finite little mind... I understand this to be the CORNERSTONE of FOUNDATION for the reason of my FAITH.

The Doctrine of God for me is where it all began. It is where GOD met me... It is at this place of understanding that I was SUPERNATURALLY healed of decades long depression. It is at this place that GOD spoke to me 4 years ago and said. I AM who I say I AM. I AM the God of the BIBLE.

I find it interesting that this is where you have BEGUN Major ... because this really IS where it begins.

EVERYTHING for the Christian.... flows from the DOCTRINE of GOD. It is what puts POWER in the PROMISES...... AUTHORITY in the COMMANDS.... and HOPE in SALVATION.

The above is where my FAITH has been birthed and thus remains UNSHAKEABLE.

I am coming into the 4th year of my experience at the lake.... and I still have no explanation as to WHY God would choose to heal me after DECADES of depression. I was not complaining... I was NOT angry with God... I simply thought it was my lot in life.

I am beginning to see the DEPTH of this miracle because it has taken me all these years to unwrap it all... and I'm still not finished processing and understanding exactly the WHAT and HOW of it. I often think of the lady who was healed by touching the hem of His Garment.

It was very similar with me when God appeared as I was sitting in my little red beach chair one morning at the lake. It took all of 5 seconds to HEAR the words that were spoken to me.... and from those words came forth.... an ALIGNMENT of my SPIRIT to the TRUTH of WHO GOD is.

I believe that my emotional healing..... that occurred.... was simply a residual effect of having the experience of being spoken to by GOD.

I do understand that the reflection of my healing... is a slippery slope. Sadly... the topic of supernatural healing is deeply ABUSED... MISUSED and simply INVALID. However... with my experience... I can testify to a medical change in my diagnosis... I NO LONGER suffer yearly bouts of severe depression.... I am filled to overflowing with a JOY that surpasses my understanding... and I am filled with a peace that soothes my soul.

This came from the moment of my encounter.

I lay this testimony along with my understanding that the DOCTRINE of GOD is where it all begins.

It establishes the FOUNDATION by which ALL else is laid upon.
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Good morning Major ... I would like to submit my first offering as to the 22 Doctrines of God. I will probably.. over time... address 20/22. I am not equipped to reflect upon the second coming or end times... and this is good with me. Thank you once again for sharing this AMAZING opportunity to discuss the BEAUTY and MAJESTY of this GOD we serve. This will be my FIRST Bible type study I have ever partaken in. I think it is a wonderful introduction to STUDY.

Exodus 3:14: "And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you".
  • John 6:35:
    "And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst".

  • John 8:12:
    "Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life".

  • John 8:58:
    "Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am".

  • John 10:7:
    "Jesus said unto them, I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved".

  • John 10:11:
    "I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep".

  • John 11:25:
    "Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live".

  • John 14:6:
    "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me".

  • John 15:1:
    "I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman".

  • John 15:5:
    "I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing".

  • John 18:5-6, 8:
    In these verses, Jesus says "I am" in response to the question of who they are seeking.

The Doctrine of God: This doctrine affirms the existence of one true God, who is eternal, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent.

The prefix ''omni'' comes from the Latin for "all".

omnipotent.... all-powerful;


omnipresent... present everywhere at all times.

This is what lays the foundation of TRUST for me as a believer. God is EVERYTHING.... HE is EVERYWHERE and has ALWAYS been. WOW.

I can't seem to wrap my brain around these TRUTHS.... but even in my finite little mind... I understand this to be the CORNERSTONE of FOUNDATION for the reason of my FAITH.

The Doctrine of God for me is where it all began. It is where GOD met me... It is at this place of understanding that I was SUPERNATURALLY healed of decades long depression. It is at this place that GOD spoke to me 4 years ago and said. I AM who I say I AM. I AM the God of the BIBLE.

I find it interesting that this is where you have BEGUN Major ... because this really IS where it begins.

EVERYTHING for the Christian.... flows from the DOCTRINE of GOD. It is what puts POWER in the PROMISES...... AUTHORITY in the COMMANDS.... and HOPE in SALVATION.

The above is where my FAITH has been birthed and thus remains UNSHAKEABLE.

I am coming into the 4th year of my experience at the lake.... and I still have no explanation as to WHY God would choose to heal me after DECADES of depression. I was not complaining... I was NOT angry with God... I simply thought it was my lot in life.

I am beginning to see the DEPTH of this miracle because it has taken me all these years to unwrap it all... and I'm still not finished processing and understanding exactly the WHAT and HOW of it. I often think of the lady who was healed by touching the hem of His Garment.

It was very similar with me when God appeared as I was sitting in my little red beach chair one morning at the lake. It took all of 5 seconds to HEAR the words that were spoken to me.... and from those words came forth.... an ALIGNMENT of my SPIRIT to the TRUTH of WHO GOD is.

I believe that my emotional healing..... that occurred.... was simply a residual effect of having the experience of being spoken to by GOD.

I do understand that the reflection of my healing... is a slippery slope. Sadly... the topic of supernatural healing is deeply ABUSED... MISUSED and simply INVALID. However... with my experience... I can testify to a medical change in my diagnosis... I NO LONGER suffer yearly bouts of severe depression.... I am filled to overflowing with a JOY that surpasses my understanding... and I am filled with a peace that soothes my soul.

This came from the moment of my encounter.

I lay this testimony along with my understanding that the DOCTRINE of GOD is where it all begins.

It establishes the FOUNDATION by which ALL else is laid upon.
Excellent post.

Before anything can be thought, or discussed concerning God......we must come to grips that there is in fact God.
Good morning, Major;

One of the doctrines that stood out with me is:

17. The Doctrine of Spiritual Gifts: Believers are endowed with spiritual gifts by the Holy Spirit for the edification of the Church.

There are many Christians who don't feel they have talents, abilities, spiritual gifts, or anything to offer to their Church and life. Therefore, they don't understand the meaning of Spiritual gifts. They misunderstand this doctrine for the type of work they do for a living, or the ability to play a sport, etc...

When I mention "many" and "they" I say this with love. These folks love the Lord, they just don't have the self esteem, or didn't receive the study / teaching, that our God loves us all unconditionally and this includes (Blessings) and equipping each of us with spiritual gifts so we can contribute to the body of Christ and pass our teaching / blessings on to others.

There are many Scriptures that teach us the Spiritual Gifts, Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4, 2 Timothy 1, 1 Peter 4 and etc...

I learned back in 1996 from my Pastor that my Spiritual Gift is the gift of Helps, reference 1 Corinthians 12:28. The beautiful thing about Spiritual Gifts is it's not a one time thing. It continues to grow in our lifetime.

This is why it's important for Church leaders to teach men and women of God about the Doctrine of Spiritual Gifts.

Actually, it's just as important to teach as many Doctrines exercised in the Christian Church so we all began to understand the right Purpose of God and His Church.

God bless you, Major, and thank you for sharing this topic.

My wife also has that gift of "Helps".

When someone died, she was the 1st person to take the family a meal.
When someone went into the hospital, she was the 1st one to visit them.
When a church woman became pregnant, she was the 1st one to organize a baby shower.
When someone was sick, she was the 1st one to start the prayer chain.
When ever there as a disaster, she was the 1st one to go to work and she had no fear.
When I mention "many" and "they" I say this with love. These folks love the Lord, they just don't have the self esteem, or didn't receive the study / teaching, that our God loves us all unconditionally and this includes (Blessings) and equipping each of us with spiritual gifts so we can contribute to the body of Christ and pass our teaching / blessings on to others.
Honestly BOB.... NOTHING begins until we UNDERSTAND who we are in CHRIST. EVERYTHING and NOTHING impedes us from doing the work of GOD until ... UNTIL... we understand and claim our proper position. THEN... NOTHING matters and NOTHING can keep us from doing His work because WE know... that in HIM... all things are possible.
Honestly BOB.... NOTHING begins until we UNDERSTAND who we are in CHRIST. EVERYTHING and NOTHING impedes us from doing the work of GOD until ... UNTIL... we understand and claim our proper position. THEN... NOTHING matters and NOTHING can keep us from doing His work because WE know... that in HIM... all things are possible.
Honestly BOB.... NOTHING begins until we UNDERSTAND who we are in CHRIST. EVERYTHING and NOTHING impedes us from doing the work of GOD until ... UNTIL... we understand and claim our proper position. THEN... NOTHING matters and NOTHING can keep us from doing His work because WE know... that in HIM... all things are possible.

Hello In Awe of Him;

You are correct and what you shared is key: "NOTHING begins until we UNDERSTAND who we are in CHRIST."


This doctrine jumped at me. It has been difficult for many Christians, that is, many were/are attending our Church and worshiping God but when we discussed the spiritual gifts it came out in the open for some: they didn't understand (in this area) who they were in Christ.

Bible studies, discussions over coffee and one on ones led these individuals to open up and in return they received loving encouragement; ❤️ that we all who follow Christ have something to offer for the Kingdom, God's promise.

This was the beginning of understanding which led to further study of the spiritual gifts. Many of these individuals were raised in God's time to offer their spiritual gifts and are today.

God bless you, In Awe of Him.

ou are correct and what you shared is key: "NOTHING begins until we UNDERSTAND who we are in CHRIST."

I think Bob... that this is the main reason why people stay stagnant and do not grow. Perhaps this is what you have already said.

I will use myself as an example... BEFORE my EPIPHANY/REVELATION of God... and after.

I spent 20 years of being a CHRISTIAN... stuck in the black mud. This did NOT change my identity or my salvation...I was STILL a CHRISTIAN... but a dead one... because.... my burdens... and sins... were still all clinging to me. I could not believe that God could possibly forgive me... and absolutely.... HE would NEVER beable to love someone like me. That kept me enslaved.

It reminds me of a story I heard.. and it beautifully explains this. After the emancipation of the slaves occurred.... there were many that did not understand they were FINALLY free and so they kept THEMSELVES enslaved. That is what happens when we do NOT know the TRUTH about our MASTER and our POSITION.

I believe that the first thing a new believer should be taught is WHO GOD IS... and WHO we ARE IN CHRIST.
Doctrine of the Trinity

Matthew 28:19:
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit". This baptismal formula clearly mentions the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, all in the context of one divine name.

John 10:30:
"I and the Father are one". This statement from Jesus emphasizes his unity with God the Father, suggesting a shared divine nature.

John 1:1:
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God". This verse introduces Jesus as the Word, who is identified as being with God and being God, further suggesting a divine nature.

1 John 5:7-8:
"For there are three who testify in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one." This verse explicitly states the existence of three entities in heaven, the Father, the Word (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit, all of whom are one.

I get so excited about this TRUTH. WE have a LIVING GOD. There is no other religion that can support this claim. All the gods are dead EXCEPT the CHRISTIAN GOD. Isn't that exciting???


This is so comforting to me... because it means I NEVER have to BE AFRAID... WORRIED or ANXIOUS about ANYTHING. Rather... all I have to do when something difficult comes my way is ask my TRIUNE God to help me/intervene for me.

I always start my day with this GREETING..... Good morning Father... I love YOU.... Good morning Jesus... I LOVE YOU.... Good morning Holy Spirit... I love YOU.

I see the Trinity in this way.



HOLY SPIRIT our comforter ( whom Jesus promised He would leave when He died and rose again)

They are all equal... yet uniquely different in how they operate. This is such a mind-blowing TRUTH for us Christians.

Of course... my favourite position is to view myself as that little black sheep that sits at the FEET of JESUS. For me... at the FEET of Jesus is the place of HIGHEST HONOUR. With Jesus as MY VERY GOOD SHEPHERD.... I am FREE to roam around in the meadow... munching down on the clover... with my Shepherd watching over me. Doesn't get better than that.

What a lovely way to start my day. I will be meditating on the PRECIOUS TRINITY.
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Doctrine of the Trinity

Matthew 28:19:
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit". This baptismal formula clearly mentions the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, all in the context of one divine name.

John 10:30:
"I and the Father are one". This statement from Jesus emphasizes his unity with God the Father, suggesting a shared divine nature.

John 1:1:
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God". This verse introduces Jesus as the Word, who is identified as being with God and being God, further suggesting a divine nature.

1 John 5:7-8:
"For there are three who testify in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one." This verse explicitly states the existence of three entities in heaven, the Father, the Word (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit, all of whom are one.

I get so excited about this TRUTH. WE have a LIVING GOD. There is no other religion that can support this claim. All the gods are dead EXCEPT the CHRISTIAN GOD. Isn't that exciting???


This is so comforting to me... because it means I NEVER have to BE AFRAID... WORRIED or ANXIOUS about ANYTHING. Rather... all I have to do when something difficult comes my way is ask my TRIUNE God to help me/intervene for me.

I always start my day with this GREETING..... Good morning Father... I love YOU.... Good morning Jesus... I LOVE YOU.... Good morning Holy Spirit... I love YOU.

I see the Trinity in this way.



HOLY SPIRIT our comforter ( whom Jesus promised He would leave when He died and rose again)

They are all equal... yet uniquely different in how they operate. This is such a mind-blowing TRUTH for us Christians.

Of course... my favourite position is to view myself as that little black sheep that sits at the FEET of JESUS. For me... at the FEET of Jesus is the place of HIGHEST HONOUR. With Jesus as MY VERY GOOD SHEPHERD.... I am FREE to roam around in the meadow... munching down on the clover... with my Shepherd watching over me. Doesn't get better than that.

What a lovely way to start my day. I will be meditating on the PRECIOUS TRINITY.
Something that some people disagree with me on is that we must believe in the Trinity to be saved. A person can not say, I am a Christian but I do not believe in the Trinity. That person is not saved!

So, from the beginning, there was God and there was the Word, who became flesh in Jesus Christ. And from the beginning, that Word was God, and the Word was with God. Jesus Christ is the God-man, God in flesh, the one who was God and came into flesh. And though he was God from all eternity, he was also with God from all eternity.

Now, these are the kinds of texts from which is built the doctrine of the Trinity. We have God the Father — and we call him that, the “Father,” because in John 1:14, it says that the Word became flesh as the “Son from the Father.” And we have the Word, coeternal with the Father, who is called the “Son.” So, right here in John 1:1–17, we have God the Father and God the Son, one God in two persons.

Then we have the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is called the “Spirit of God.” Matthew 3:16: “The Spirit of God [was] descending like a dove and coming to rest on him.” And he’s called “the Spirit of [God’s] Son” (Galatians 4:6).

So, if the Spirit is the Spirit of God, and the Spirit is the Spirit of the Son of God, and if God is God and the Son is God, then the Spirit is God — if the Spirit is a distinct person from the Father and the Son, which clearly he is in the way Jesus talks about him in John 14–15.

So then...to reject One of the Godhead, is to reject them all as they are One.
So then...to reject One of the Godhead, is to reject them all as they are One.
and so... we agree that the DOCTRINE of the TRINITY is an ESSENTIAL.

I did not understand/know that people were actually calling themselves Christians and NOT believing in the Trinity. I found this out in the prior forums I belonged to. There was no effort to correct this from the forums.... and so right off the bat.... one had NO idea what ideology they were dealing with. It's SAD.
Good morning, Major;

One of the doctrines that stood out with me is:

17. The Doctrine of Spiritual Gifts: Believers are endowed with spiritual gifts by the Holy Spirit for the edification of the Church.

There are many Christians who don't feel they have talents, abilities, spiritual gifts, or anything to offer to their Church and life. Therefore, they don't understand the meaning of Spiritual gifts. They misunderstand this doctrine for the type of work they do for a living, or the ability to play a sport, etc...

When I mention "many" and "they" I say this with love. These folks love the Lord, they just don't have the self esteem, or didn't receive the study / teaching, that our God loves us all unconditionally and this includes (Blessings) and equipping each of us with spiritual gifts so we can contribute to the body of Christ and pass our teaching / blessings on to others.

There are many Scriptures that teach us the Spiritual Gifts, Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4, 2 Timothy 1, 1 Peter 4 and etc...

I learned back in 1996 from my Pastor that my Spiritual Gift is the gift of Helps, reference 1 Corinthians 12:28. The beautiful thing about Spiritual Gifts is it's not a one time thing. It continues to grow in our lifetime.

This is why it's important for Church leaders to teach men and women of God about the Doctrine of Spiritual Gifts.

Actually, it's just as important to teach as many Doctrines exercised in the Christian Church so we all began to understand the right Purpose of God and His Church.

God bless you, Major, and thank you for sharing this topic.

Before the Romans got a hold of the Bible, the Gnostics were very spiritual. The Roman church later termed it as heresy. So I suppose this refers to the Roman definition.
and so... we agree that the DOCTRINE of the TRINITY is an ESSENTIAL.

I did not understand/know that people were actually calling themselves Christians and NOT believing in the Trinity. I found this out in the prior forums I belonged to. There was no effort to correct this from the forums.... and so right off the bat.... one had NO idea what ideology they were dealing with. It's SAD.

To deny the Trinity is to deny the Incarnation. And to deny the Incarnation is to wrongly understand the true gospel.

In saying that, I realize that such an answer is going to not only impact people that you may have witnessed to (like Mormons), but it also applies to some in the broader Pentecostal movement, called United Pentecostals or "Jesus-Only" Pentecostals.

But I have allways said those kinds of things and people get excited. You see, that is what happens when people believe what a man says instead of what God has said.

Such individuals hold to a kind of modalism, where God is sometimes in the mode of the Father or the mode of the Son or the mode of the Spirit, but He’s never all three at the same time. That too is a deficient and heretical view of the Trinity. It denies the distinct Personhood of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Such individuals hold to a kind of modalism, where God is sometimes in the mode of the Father or the mode of the Son or the mode of the Spirit, but He’s never all three at the same time. That too is a deficient and heretical view of the Trinity. It denies the distinct Personhood of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
100% agreed.
3. The Doctrine of Creation: According to this doctrine, God created the world ex nihilo (out of nothing) and pronounced it good.

Genesis 1:1:
"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth".

Psalm 19:1:
"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands".

Colossians 1:16:
"For by him all things were created, things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him".

Hebrews 11:3:
"By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible".

Job 12:7-10:
"But ask the animals, and they will teach you… In his ( God ) hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind."

Romans 1:20:
"For since the creation of the world God's invisible attributes have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, even his eternal power and deity, so that people are without excuse."

Ephesians 2:10:
"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."

Ecclesiastes 3:11:
"God has made everything beautiful in its time."

These are but some of the scriptures regarding the very CLEAR truth that GOD is the CREATOR of ALL things. I never ponder on the fact that HE created things out of nothing. I just know that HE is the CREATOR.... and that matters BECAUSE.... we are NO ACCIDENT.

You cannot create something with mindful care and place it next to a BIG BANG THEORY... or whatever other theories are out there.... a CREATING GOD wins ... hands down... because of the CAREFUL and MINDFUL making of that which is created. .. and the continued care afterwards = Promise to finish that with which He has begun.

THERE is such comfort in knowing I am NO mistake... that no matter the circumstances of my life... I was CHOSEN to EXIST. I was CREATED by GOD... and in CHRIST... my creation is GOOD... without CHRIST.... I am DEAD in my sins.

I do not understand how the world lives with NO hope of SALVATION or AFTERLIFE.

Why would someone bother to LIVE if it was all for NOTHING??? I can't understand that type of thinking and most certainly...

If there is no purpose or reason for living... I would have been OUT... GONE... POOF..... SNUFF.... GOOD BYE ... many years ago. It is ONLY the HOPE in HIM that I have agreed to remain on this awful planet UNTIL HE comes to collect me.

SO..... I also think that GOD being CREATOR has got to be an essential doctrine for Christianity because leaving ANYTHING to CHANCE would indicate that HE is NOT fully in CONTROL or KNOWING.