What Are The Doctrines In The Bible?


To deny the Trinity is to deny the Incarnation. And to deny the Incarnation is to wrongly understand the true gospel.

In saying that, I realize that such an answer is going to not only impact people that you may have witnessed to (like Mormons), but it also applies to some in the broader Pentecostal movement, called United Pentecostals or "Jesus-Only" Pentecostals.

But I have allways said those kinds of things and people get excited. You see, that is what happens when people believe what a man says instead of what God has said.

Such individuals hold to a kind of modalism, where God is sometimes in the mode of the Father or the mode of the Son or the mode of the Spirit, but He’s never all three at the same time. That too is a deficient and heretical view of the Trinity. It denies the distinct Personhood of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
It doesn't make sense that Jesus prayed to himself. When He taught the disciples to pray He opened with "Our Father, which art in heaven". He said to ask for things in His name (Closing the prayer) but we address it to Our Father. He said my Father and I are one, at His baptism we have all three mentioned. We have biblical proof of our triune GOD.
It doesn't make sense that Jesus prayed to himself. When He taught the disciples to pray He opened with "Our Father, which art in heaven". He said to ask for things in His name (Closing the prayer) but we address it to Our Father. He said my Father and I are one, at His baptism we have all three mentioned. We have biblical proof of our triune GOD.
Thanks brother for the response. I know that you are not denying the Trinity however.....Those who deny the deity of Jesus typically force a limitation on a specific word penned within the Gospels. This time it is the word “pray”.

So then, speaking of "prayer", According to the gospels, the word pray has different definitions depending on the context and who it is being used by.

In other words, the definition of the word pray does not have to be limited to a communication between a being of a GREATER nature with a being of a LOWER one.
3. The Doctrine of Creation: According to this doctrine, God created the world ex nihilo (out of nothing) and pronounced it good.

Genesis 1:1:
"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth".

Psalm 19:1:
"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands".

Colossians 1:16:
"For by him all things were created, things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him".

Hebrews 11:3:
"By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible".

Job 12:7-10:
"But ask the animals, and they will teach you… In his ( God ) hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind."

Romans 1:20:
"For since the creation of the world God's invisible attributes have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, even his eternal power and deity, so that people are without excuse."

Ephesians 2:10:
"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."

Ecclesiastes 3:11:
"God has made everything beautiful in its time."

These are but some of the scriptures regarding the very CLEAR truth that GOD is the CREATOR of ALL things. I never ponder on the fact that HE created things out of nothing. I just know that HE is the CREATOR.... and that matters BECAUSE.... we are NO ACCIDENT.

You cannot create something with mindful care and place it next to a BIG BANG THEORY... or whatever other theories are out there.... a CREATING GOD wins ... hands down... because of the CAREFUL and MINDFUL making of that which is created. .. and the continued care afterwards = Promise to finish that with which He has begun.

THERE is such comfort in knowing I am NO mistake... that no matter the circumstances of my life... I was CHOSEN to EXIST. I was CREATED by GOD... and in CHRIST... my creation is GOOD... without CHRIST.... I am DEAD in my sins.

I do not understand how the world lives with NO hope of SALVATION or AFTERLIFE.

Why would someone bother to LIVE if it was all for NOTHING??? I can't understand that type of thinking and most certainly...

If there is no purpose or reason for living... I would have been OUT... GONE... POOF..... SNUFF.... GOOD BYE ... many years ago. It is ONLY the HOPE in HIM that I have agreed to remain on this awful planet UNTIL HE comes to collect me.

SO..... I also think that GOD being CREATOR has got to be an essential doctrine for Christianity because leaving ANYTHING to CHANCE would indicate that HE is NOT fully in CONTROL or KNOWING.
Good stuff!
4. The Doctrine of Scripture: The Bible is the inspired and authoritative Word of God, written by human authors under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Logos and Rhema There are two main Greek words for the Scriptures that are translated word in the New Testament. Logos refers to the totality of the inspired Word of God and to Jesus, the Living Word. Rhema means “an utterance” and refers to the spoken, or personally applied, Word of God. https://www.ministerialassociation.org/

When I read the word Rhema used here... I do not get the full impact of what I learned Rhema to mean... which was GOD-BREATHED.... The Holy Scriptures are GOD-BREATHED. WOW.

I think of the Apostles being filled with the HOLY SPIRIT while writing what GOD was telling them to write... I think of things like... How long did it take them? Were they able to even speak afterwards? How did their lives change afterwards?

To me... this is another ESSENTIAL... and one that is deeply lacking in the modern church today.
5. The Doctrine of Sin: Sin entered the world through the rebellion of Adam and Eve against God. This is considered "Original Sin".

Not much one can say about that.... WE are born in sin because of the rebellion of Adam and Eve AGAINST God.

I'm not reading the list of your Doctrines beforehand.... so I don't know if this will be a topic on one of the others... but with this matter of SIN.... comes some very disturbing teachings.

In the Catholic church... it is believed that IF you die in a state of MORTAL sin

(( dying in a state of mortal sin means dying without repenting for a grave sin committed with full knowledge and deliberate consent, leading to eternal separation from God )).

So the above is the ISSUE of a person/priest having the AUTHORITY to forgive one of their sins which we know to be UNTRUE.

Then you have the teaching that one can reach what is known as SINLESS perfection.... which basically claims one can get to a point in their walk where they NO LONGER sin..... WHICH ironically is a SIN in itself.

Those are only two that I can think of... and SADLY.... many believe these lies to be TRUE.
5. The Doctrine of Sin: Sin entered the world through the rebellion of Adam and Eve against God. This is considered "Original Sin".

Not much one can say about that.... WE are born in sin because of the rebellion of Adam and Eve AGAINST God.

I'm not reading the list of your Doctrines beforehand.... so I don't know if this will be a topic on one of the others... but with this matter of SIN.... comes some very disturbing teachings.

In the Catholic church... it is believed that IF you die in a state of MORTAL sin

(( dying in a state of mortal sin means dying without repenting for a grave sin committed with full knowledge and deliberate consent, leading to eternal separation from God )).

So the above is the ISSUE of a person/priest having the AUTHORITY to forgive one of their sins which we know to be UNTRUE.

Then you have the teaching that one can reach what is known as SINLESS perfection.... which basically claims one can get to a point in their walk where they NO LONGER sin..... WHICH ironically is a SIN in itself.

Those are only two that I can think of... and SADLY.... many believe these lies to be TRUE.

Good morning, my dear In "Awesome" of Him;

This is why the Christian Church have solid doctrines in place (such as this thread) since the Reformation of 1529. It's important to have this study and constant reminders of the true doctrines.

When we are equipped to know the Body of Teaching we can discern Churches that teach incorrectly and not aligned with God's Word.

My wife and I didn't understand wisdom and discernment when we were younger but we prayed and asked God to lead us to His Church. He did just that and we quietly moved on from exactly
what you described.

Doctrines in the Bible isn't a quick workshop that one can just study and move on. The Doctrines must be a constant teaching and reminder as a way of God protecting us.

I hope many of us are encouraged by this teaching and can come back and revisit.

God bless
you all.
4. The Doctrine of Scripture: The Bible is the inspired and authoritative Word of God, written by human authors under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Logos and Rhema There are two main Greek words for the Scriptures that are translated word in the New Testament. Logos refers to the totality of the inspired Word of God and to Jesus, the Living Word. Rhema means “an utterance” and refers to the spoken, or personally applied, Word of God. https://www.ministerialassociation.org/

When I read the word Rhema used here... I do not get the full impact of what I learned Rhema to mean... which was GOD-BREATHED.... The Holy Scriptures are GOD-BREATHED. WOW.

I think of the Apostles being filled with the HOLY SPIRIT while writing what GOD was telling them to write... I think of things like... How long did it take them? Were they able to even speak afterwards? How did their lives change afterwards?

To me... this is another ESSENTIAL... and one that is deeply lacking in the modern church today.
Colossians 1:16.......
" For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him."

Does that then mean that It was Jesus who was responsible for the Word of God?
5. The Doctrine of Sin: Sin entered the world through the rebellion of Adam and Eve against God. This is considered "Original Sin".

Not much one can say about that.... WE are born in sin because of the rebellion of Adam and Eve AGAINST God.

I'm not reading the list of your Doctrines beforehand.... so I don't know if this will be a topic on one of the others... but with this matter of SIN.... comes some very disturbing teachings.

In the Catholic church... it is believed that IF you die in a state of MORTAL sin

(( dying in a state of mortal sin means dying without repenting for a grave sin committed with full knowledge and deliberate consent, leading to eternal separation from God )).

So the above is the ISSUE of a person/priest having the AUTHORITY to forgive one of their sins which we know to be UNTRUE.

Then you have the teaching that one can reach what is known as SINLESS perfection.... which basically claims one can get to a point in their walk where they NO LONGER sin..... WHICH ironically is a SIN in itself.

Those are only two that I can think of... and SADLY.... many believe these lies to be TRUE.
You should know that the Catholic Church views and teaches that original sin as distinct from personal sins committed by individuals.
Baptism, according to Catholic belief, removes the stain of original sin and restores grace. That is just one of the many un-biblical teachings in the RCC.
4. The Doctrine of Scripture: The Bible is the inspired and authoritative Word of God, written by human authors under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Logos and Rhema There are two main Greek words for the Scriptures that are translated word in the New Testament. Logos refers to the totality of the inspired Word of God and to Jesus, the Living Word. Rhema means “an utterance” and refers to the spoken, or personally applied, Word of God. https://www.ministerialassociation.org/

When I read the word Rhema used here... I do not get the full impact of what I learned Rhema to mean... which was GOD-BREATHED.... The Holy Scriptures are GOD-BREATHED. WOW.

I think of the Apostles being filled with the HOLY SPIRIT while writing what GOD was telling them to write... I think of things like... How long did it take them? Were they able to even speak afterwards? How did their lives change afterwards?

To me... this is another ESSENTIAL... and one that is deeply lacking in the modern church today.
In 2 Peter 3:2 Peter says something very interesting..........
"that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us, the apostles of the Lord and Savior,".

However, like the Old Testament, their collection, and distinction from other written documents, was a gradual and continuous process that took a couple of centuries to complete.

What makes that interesting is that Peter is putting the commandments of the Apostles on the same level as the word spoken by the “holy prophets.”