What Defines God's Word?

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The "greater" works does not mean "better" works, as Jesus would come back to live inside his Saints, after his resurrection there by continuing working miracles through them.
Greater in numbers, not greater in better.

To carnal eyes 'greater' will be feeding 5 000 with a fish scale.

To spiritual eyes 'greater' will be 10 000 hungry bellies filled. Which can be done by many non miraculous means. It is carnal to always be after ''miracles'' that tickle the ears.
There is a scripture that comes to mind here. Luke 6:45
A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.

Some people can not help it for it is whats in there heart most.
Softly it is like beating a dead horse....best to just let it go and move on.
God Bless you my sister
Really Jim. I am of the devil because I don't accept ear tickling teaching?
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KingJ have I told you to put the dead heads of chickens on your fingers and demanded that you to go to Syria to preach the REAL 10 apostles in a finger puppet show? No.
Have you told me to go to Syria to kill myself?

Whether you believe me or not, please try and restrain yourself and live in Christ according to the word. If I may, I would like to remind you of how to walk in Christ;

John said to Him, "Teacher, we saw someone casting out demons in Your name, and we tried to prevent him because he was not following us." But Jesus said, "Do not hinder him, for there is no one who will perform a miracle in My name, and be able soon afterward to speak evil of Me.…

It is not uncommon for people to think God has lost his power, but that is what faith is about.

Please consider that there is real human being writing this, that is deeply hurt by your words, please wield yours more thoughtfully.

In peace.
There are a trillion oceans between literally seeing Jesus and healing the sick or casting out demons.

Why would Jesus reveal Himself to you and not to me? Are you more pure of heart? That is the message you are giving. We know why He would cast out demons. We know why He heals the sick. But why a literal manifestation of Jesus...when there is a Holy Spirit.

Moses had to remove his shoes and God only appeared to him as a burning bush. You had a greater experience then Moses and you are raising an argument with me about Syrians killing you? God parted the red sea for Moses and he only saw a burning bush.
Brother I can see what you are saying, but :) Don't you just dislike those buts? A "perfect" man as the five fold ministry is suppose to bring the Church to, does not mean "sinless" perfection, because he that is in us is already perfect. The word "perfect" is not referring to perfection, but to being "mature". Certainly we can become mature in this life. If we read about looking through a glass darkly, it is talking about a young baby Christian who know very little about his Lord, or how to exercise his spiritual senses as the Apostle Paul tells us in the book of Hebrews. Strong "meat" of God's will only be given to those who exercise these senses (Heb 5:14). No Christian when brought to the new birth has any idea there are any such things, and they need to be taught what they have and how to use these new senses that became awakened at birth. Even infants need time to learn to use their hands and feet, and how to focus their eyes. Their parents help them along the way to speed this process up. Spiritual grow is very similar to physical growth.

1Co 13:9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.
1Co 13:10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.

(What is the part, that will be don away? It is when when we become mature in our knowing, and understanding)

1Co 13:11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

(Paul now tells us exactly what he is talking about, just encase we are not getting it. Children don't know anything so they are only seeing through a glass darkly, until they become a full grown man, then they will see clearly. The perfect has to do with going from a child to a man!!!)

1Co 13:12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

God told Abraham to walk before him and be "perfect". Abraham was not a sinless person, he was sinner, but God was not talking about him to be sinless, but "perfect" in his faith, and understanding. Abraham believed God "perfectly". Walking perfectly has to do with believing God perfectly.

Speaking of Abraham.......

Rom 4:20 He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;
Rom 4:21 And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform.

Staggering hast to do with walking. Abraham did not stagger at the promises of God but he was strong in faith. God told him to "walk" before him and be "perfect" not immature in his faith which he did. He was "perfect" in his believing which is exactly what the five fold ministry is suppose to be teaching the Church.

I'll be brief, because I feel as though I'm cutting across the course of the discussion a bit. I would definitely agree that "perfect" isn't referring to sinless perfection, but rather completeness, or, as you say, maturity. But (yes, that word again!) I would ask simply: does any of us know in full, and does any of us know the Lord as He presently knows us? Do we see Him, face-to-face? We're in the scene of His absence, this is the waiting time, the time of the preparation of the bride, the edification of the body. That won't be perfect, won't be complete, until the Lord comes - and He won't come till it is complete. Now, I should add, as an aside, that the work of God - in you and I and in the assembly - is always perfect, in the sense of it's being flawless. But it isn't perfect, as in finished, complete, in you or I or the assembly. When the Lord takes you or I to be with Himself at the death of our bodies, or the whole assembly at the rapture - then we'll know the the work is complete with us, and the work is complete with the assembly. I know I haven't respond to all of your remarks, but I want to be brief, and I'll just finish with Paul's words:

"Not that I have already obtained the prize, or am already perfected; but I pursue, if also I may get possession of it, seeing that also I have been taken possession of by Christ Jesus." - Philippians 3:12
Whether you believe me or not, please try and restrain yourself and live in Christ according to the word. If I may, I would like to remind you of how to walk in Christ;

Mark 9:38-39
John said to Him, "Teacher, we saw someone casting out demons in Your name, and we tried to prevent him because he was not following us." But Jesus said, "Do not hinder him, for there is no one who will perform a miracle in My name, and be able soon afterward to speak evil of Me.…

But you are not doing anything like that person. I would have nothing to say to you if you were simply doing miracles.
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He didn't have to be crucified again for me.
He was, as previously mentioned several times, about 10-15% transparent. I knew he was spirit and not a physical flesh and blood man. He stood in front of me as real as you and me. I saw him with my eyes in front of me, as an individual being. It was not my imagination. In fact, I saw him when driving up to my home standing at the end of the driveway about 30 feet away and I was wondering if he would still be there after I parked and took my shopping out of the car. He was, I walked the (approx 30 ft) to stand in front of him. He had a brilliant white halo around his entire being that was about an arm length long, he was about 10inches above the ground and wore a gold crown of thorns and was dressed in white, in what seemed to be one long sheet or cloth.

To be honest I'm bored with this continuing line of argument and attack on my character every single day. I know the truth. There are other things worthy of my time, like people that believe me, believe in gods all mighty power, rather than the convenient condensed version you have acquired, and want the hope it gives them. I am not replying any more to this.

Good decision.
So every single person on this forum is an imposter or crazy if they say they spoke in tongues when baptised/received the Holy Spirit? More importantly you have stated with supporting arguments that NO ONE can receive the Holy Spirit.
That you have taken away from the book by saying Mark 16:9 is not authentic or to be taken seriously as it is in only one testimony and subsequently any elaborate reasonings given to cover this indescretion, discredits you and any argument you put forth, on all accounts in my eyes.
Look for God major.

My o my. This is what really concerns me. When we are faced with something different that what we have believed to be the truth, instead of trying to understand we go right after the messenger. Why is that do you think?????

We are not allowed to speak on tongues at all by forum rules my sister, so I really can not answer your question. If you would like to PM me I would be glad to give you my understanding.

I DID NOT say in any way that no one can not receive the Holy Spirit. That would be absolutely opposite of what the Scriptures tell us. There is not enough room on this page to list all the Scriptures that tell us that we are in fact filled with the Holy Spirit of God. He indwells the believer and gives joy, comfort, peace, understanding and the list goes on and on and on.

Then again.........I DID NOT say..... "you taken away from the book by saying Mark 16:9 is not authentic or to be taken seriously."

Why in the world would you try to discredit what I have said by saying such a thing?????
It is right there in black and white for all to see and read and everyone knows that I did not make up anything.

I said at least twice that Mark 16:9 ..........
"has been proven by people who are a lot more informed than me that those verses are not in the two oldest and most trusted manuscripts. That was a known statement of fact by most everyone and it was not something I just made up to prove a point."

If you do not want to accept the comment I made about Mark 16 then do not do so. I do not care one way or the other but please do not make it appear it was something of an opinion or thought I came up with because that is not the case is it?????

Please, if you are going to continue with the conversation, be correct in what you say others say and please do not put words into our mouths.
There are a trillion oceans between literally seeing Jesus and healing the sick or casting out demons.

Why would Jesus reveal Himself to you and not to me? Are you more pure of heart? That is the message you are giving. We know why He would cast out demons. We know why He heals the sick. But why a literal manifestation of Jesus...when there is a Holy Spirit.

Moses had to remove his shoes and God only appeared to him as a burning bush. You had a greater experience then Moses and you are raising an argument with me about Syrians killing you? God parted the red sea for Moses and he only saw a burning bush.
You are unnecessarily combative here.
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