No, because the Word " Exclusive" is never used. This is like Satan did to cast doubt on God' s Word given to Her and Adam.....Genesis 3 v 1 Satan asked this question; "Yea, Hath God Said"?....So your asking me why should anyone use scripture only when defending the faith?To be fair, I never said "should we go by the Church or the Bible." What I did ask was "Which is the pillar of truth; the Church or the Bible."
The answer is the Church. In 1 Timothy 3:15, it says "but in case I am delayed, I write so that you will know how one ought to conduct himself in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth."
I absolutely agree with you that the Bible is the compiled book of God-breathed scriptures, and because of this, the Bible should ALWAYS be studied, practiced, and a used in teaching -- 2 Timothy 3:16 talks about how ALL of scripture is profitable in teaching. However, it was through Jesus that He left us ONE CHURCH (as you very clearly and rightly put), and it was that one Church that has compiled the Bible through the Holy Spirit. Anyone who puts trust in the Bible is putting trust in the authority of the Catholic bishops in the 4th century.
You said "This is why it is mandatory we put those teachings first. Anybody can start a false church where their personal pet beliefs trumpet The Scriptures by using scriptures out of context, or perverting them to back up the Church they started. Jesup only started ONE CHURCH."
I couldn't agree more that we must put teachings first. It's through these teachings that has served as a foundation of our faith. But these teachings were given to the Church to pass down to each of us. And the Bible isn't excluded, but it's not secluded either. Had it been secluded, then those before the scriptures had all been written (around 90 AD) would be in severe danger. And those before about the 18th century who couldn't afford a Bible would be in deep trouble too since a Bible was only affordable to the very wealthy (hence why they used to chain the Bibles to the pews and altars -- thieves would steal them and sell them to wealthy lords).
2 Thessalonians 2:15 says "So then, brethren, stand firm and hold to the traditions which you were taught, whether by word of mouth or by letter from us." This was especially crucial as it was only by word of mouth that so many could learn about the Christian faith.
The ironic part of your statement I quoted is that, while I absolutely agree with you that people can pervert the Church and start their own if they dismiss scripture and teaching, because people dismiss Church authority, it HAS lead to tens of thousands of churches separate from the ONE Christ started, and much of it is from the man-made tradition of Sola Scriptura. If any of us can go by our own interpretation of what we alone thing the Holy Spirit is saying, than this can lead to chaos. God isn't a God of chaos.
Can you show me which verse points to itself as the EXCLUSIVE source of Christian practice?
Let' s read these.....John 5 v 39 Jesus said: " Search the Scriptures; for in them ye think you have eternal life: and they are which testify of me"
Acts 17 v 2 " And Paul as his manner was, went unto them and, and three sabbath days, reasoned with them out of the scriptures"
Acts 15 v 7 " And when there had been much disputing, Peter rose up and said unto them, Men and Brethren, you know that a good while ago God made a choice among us, that the gentiles by my mouth should hear THE WORD OF THE GOSPEL, AND BELEIVE"......Peter never mentions believe Traditions and The Gospel.
Acts 17 v 11 " These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and SEARCHED THE SCRIPTURES Daily, whether those things were so". ( seeing if what was told to them lines up with the pure Gospel)
Mark 1 v 15: " And saying, The time is fullfilled, and The kingdom of God is at hand, REPENT, AND BELEIVE THE GOSPEL."
There is not one verse in the Bible to tell us to believe any church, Preacher, Priest or Pope .....If what they teach...does not line up 100% with scripture...Zero