I am sure glad we can re-READ what is written. I think I took this the wrong way the first time through.There is the automatic presumption that the problem is with the church (the established congregation) rather than the individual doing the asking. There can be many factors...the pastor...the preaching...the music...issues with other members. If the church wasn't made up of human beings then there'd be no problems...right? I have found that in most cases issues arise over:
1. The preacher not being truly gifted to preach, teach or lead. (This is NOT saying he doesn't love the Lord or the word of God...but simply he isn't gifted in the capacity that he occupies.)
2. Individuals being allowed to teach that are not gifted to teach and have poor (or non-existent) study habits.
3. Deacons who are not gifted to truly serve in the role as deacons, but are put into the position because they're popular, well known, or liked...and end being the supervising body over the pastor....who ends up doing his duties as well as the deacons duties
4. Church leaders who are more interested in getting what they like and want rather than what is God-honoring and for the edification of all.
5. Failure of repentance, and the seeking and extending of forgiveness, within the congregation.
6. Gossip.
7. Making mountains out of mole hills...color of carpet...piano/organ or a keyboard...someone didn't wear a tie, etc.
So now I say yes Lord I will slow down and stop doing more then one thing at a time.
My apologies and blessing sir!