Many have often wondered what sin is exactly, and how to define it. I’ve heard it defined once as:
“‘Sin’ is a departure of the way things ought to be.”
However, I think that is a cop-out for people who don’t feel like thinking about it for too long. Here is a list of the infamous seven major sins of the Bible:
- Envy
- Gluttony
- Wrath
- Lust
- Pride
- Greed
- Sloth
I used to believe this categorization at one point, until I saw it was inaccurate. To understand what sin is, we must look at how sin was created. When was the first time sin came into existence? As most know, it was the fall of Lucifer.
“For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.” -Isaiah 14:13-14
Some would say, “Oh, that’s just the sin of pride.” Wait a minute, the word “sin” does not exist at this point, remember? What Satan did,
was sin. Sin is not a category. Sin is not the name of some folder you put your offenses to God in. Sin
is the wrongdoing. Pride is the same thing as sin. Pride is sin, and sin is pride. Pride is not just one of many sins, it
is the sin itself. That is why all sin will keep you from entering heaven, and why all must be judged. All sin is a fruit of pride. I understand this is probably a complicated concept to grasp, but consider the following:
Q: Why is “Lust” a sin?
A: Because when you lust for something, you scheme in your heart to take something that is not yours by force, to satisfy your own selfish desires. The root of lust is pride, which is the sin.
Q: Why is “Greed” a sin?
A: Because greed is the excessive desire to possess an overabundant wealth of something, for your own desires. You want more than you need to satisfy your own selfish desires. The root of greed is pride, which is the sin.
Q: Why is “Gluttony” a sin?
A: Because gluttony, like greed, is an excessive desire to over-indulge or over-consume something. You want more than you need and can handle, to satisfy your own selfish desires. The root of gluttony is pride, which is the sin.
Q: Why is “Envy” a sin?
A: Because envy/covetousness is a desire to obtain something that another person has that you do not, or a desire for another person to lose what you don’t have. It is the excessive focus of oneself that causes an envious person to seek satisfaction to their selfish desires, often neglecting others. The root of envy is pride, which is the sin.
My point is to show that every single thing we call “sin,” isn’t really the sin. The sin is pride. Take any sin you can think of, and you will find pride somewhere within it. Though the fruit of pride may take many shapes and forms, it is all coming from the same tree, and that’s why God hates it. The next time you are confronted with a question like “It doesn’t say in the Bible that ‘this’ is a sin, so how do you know if it is?” An easy answer to that question is “Is pride anywhere in that act? Are you elevating yourself above God (or others) by doing it? If so, then it is sin.”
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