Ok, ok, I left the gate late. I see you are a "Sr Encourager Mod". You are obviously good at the encouraging, you should ask for a raise.
My name is John. The only sign language I know is foul and can get you slapped or punched.
1) Tell me one random fact about you. I'm as clumsy as a moose, but I look cute with my thumbs attached to the sides of my head with my hands shaped as antlers.
2) Tell me a good joke. Why didn't Noah and his family have much fish to eat on the ark? They only took two worms with them.
3) Would you rather never have access to the Internet or have NIcolas Cage always be within one meter of you? Oh easy, Nick Cage with me. I'd take him to church with me and sing Christian music to him and see if he would catch on fire.
4) And what's been the MOST exciting thing that has happened to you in the 6 months? Was asked to sing "Drink a Beer" by Luke Bryan for the end of a church service, yes a church service, in which a widowed member spoke about losing her husband. This song spoke to her about her ordeal, and since I could play guitar and sing, she asked me to perform it. My wife told me to think about my sister who pasted away from cancer at age 45, so I would have more "feeling" in the song. I ended up getting all choked up through the song and was barely able to finish it. Talk about a humbling experience.
Also I play guitar and write some music. I have taken lyrics from old hymnbook songs and put new music to them.
I'm sorry about your sister.
I'm currently learning the classical guitar and piano. Guitar chords are killing me.