No, to the underlined. The bible is inspired by God. Other books are not. The danger is in studying with half a brain / half truths.
Yes, we have brains. We can deduce right and wrong with them. Yes, God knows that. That is why mentally handicapped and children are exempt from judgment for the moment. Better use of the brain in interrogating scripture would be to ask.... why God gave the Jews the ten commandments and the many prophets that came after, with more. Why was it not the Chinese or the American Indians? Why did God not give Adam, Eve and Cain the ten commandments? He visited them just like He did Moses.
Having worked with mentally handicapped children for 18 years some very much so . I would have to disagree with you as to them not knowing right from wrong .
Here are some thoughts on your questions .
Out of the generation of Noah he called out Noah and his generation perished .
Out of the generation of Abraham he called out Abraham.
In Biblical terms there is only the Jews who had the law and the gentiles who had not the law and were then "a law unto themselves "
In Romans Paul irifutably argues that those who had the law and those without the law are both found guilty either by the law or without it and ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
God chose a piece of land eastward in Eden and planted a garden .
God chose a piece of land now called Israel .
God chose a battle field long ago called Armageddon .
If Wellington could choose the battle field of waterloo two years before it was needed to fight Napoleon . I hold that God being a "God of war" can choose a battlefield 4000 years ago as the place to fight the final battle .
God did not send anyone to the gentiles .
For salvation is FIRST to the Jews THEN the gentiles.
God is a God of order and it is not mans.
Have you ever considered that you cannot make a brazen serpent in 5 minutes?
and all the time it was being prepared people were dying.
have you ever considered that the great fish that swallowed Jonah was also written " God prepared a great fish"?
Long before Jonah was called maybe even before he was born .God prepared a fish from a minnow to a great fish able to swallow a man.
Gods fore vision made provision.
" The kingdom of God is like a sower who went to sow "
No man sows seed on unprepared soil.
It took God 4000 years to prepare the soil for that seed that would "fall into the ground and die "
Adam and Eve received a covering of animals skins that foreshadowed the sacrifice of animals for the covering of sin . and to which Abel followed the pattern laid down by God in the garden .But which Cain did not .
But if the covering of animal skins would have restored them to their former estate then there was no need for the promise .
But to show that the covering was temporary he gave them m also a promise that was eternal.
God is a God of order .
and words being what they are can only be said one word at a time .
In then the order of words and their order of subject . Then man shall live by EVERY Word that proccedeth form the mouth of God .
The gospel first in embriyonic form then the law to convict of sin .The shadow before the substance.
For the shadow comes by having the light behind the substance ..
The Jews first then the gentiles.
The law then the gospel
in Christ