If you have the holy spirit then you just need to release His work in you and the way to do that is meditate on scripture DAILY.
Thinking of it this way perhaps like a plant youve been kept in the dark too long, to bear fruit or be productive they need at least 6 hours of sunlight a day. For you, you need to start walking in the light. Volunteeering is a good start. But also reading your Bible. When I first became a christian I was so hungry for his Word that I gave up pretty much everything i was doing to have time to simply read the Bible. But another thing is...you can read the Bible with others not just yourself so you get twice or even more benefit.
And you can do that right here on this forum cos lots of us read and study the Bible together. Go to the Bible study part of the forum and JOIN IN! You dont need to be a scholar just be open to His word.