Understanding the God's Flood in Noah's day is pivotal understanding the truth of This Earth's history. The great deluge created:
*Layers in the Earth: Check out the comparison of Spirit Lake after the Mt St Helen's eruption, Yellowstone Parks petrified trees and the Grand Canyon.
*Coal and Oil deposits: there is a reason that "Big Oil" keeps a tight security on things and it's not just about money and terrorism. Crude Oil is 'decomposing organic matter' sandwiched in between layers created by the flood. Sure a lot of it is from the giant foliage that was on the planet, but there were also giant animals and giant people....can't have chunks of the 'old world' things being brought to light to validate the flood now can we? And never mind the human artifacts that have been taken out of coal mines....
*Fossils (see also :"dead pools"). Did you know: bone and tissue samples of dinosaurs have been found with red blood cells and hemoglobin? But evolutionists simply marvel that these tissues which at best survive a few thousand years have survived 'millions of years ago...'. Fossils have to be made rapidly by the subject being buried by material before decomposition can start; like by a FLOOD!
*(Started) the metamorphic change in people and animals we tend to call "adaptation".
*The "Ice Age" most likely followed sometime within a few hundred years after the flood explaining how mammoths and sabre tooth tigers (who could have been designed to live in tropical environments) were flash frozen and have been found with undigested food in their bellies.
Let's not forget the nearly 200 'flood legends' and 'dragon stories' from cultures and history around the world. The word "dinosaur" could easily be replaced with "dragon" historically. The word wasn't created until the 1800's. Also "Dragons" weren't consider mythical until this last century...
Don't try to explain our Supernatural God with what we interpret from a natural world.