The waters were separated, Gen 1:7, and when the waters were separated the land appeared, Gen 1:9-10. So space, the air we breath filled with water created a canopy around the earth, and the oceans were all separated and most of the water went under the ground, Gen 7:11. The earth's crust was floating on a sea of water under it, around it and above it. When the crust cracked, the water shot up much like a pimple popping, spewing water into the upper atmosphere causing it to rupture the water barrier around the earth causing it to rain for the first time, Gen 2:6. At the same time this water going up, it must come back down, and since it went so high, it began to freeze and when it came back down it caused the polar caps and a great deal of life on earth to become frozen in an instant. This evidence is everywhere - google it. The flood was caused by a close flyby of Mars which caused the great rift on Mars and the one on earth from Ethiopia to India. The gravitational pull of Mars caused the crust to crack. It's also when/why the earth's rotation changed from 360 days to ~365.2425 (or there about - Hezikiah and Joshua's events also cause global changes.) The Japanese tsunami caused the earth's rotation to shorted by 1.8 microsecond, moved the big island 8 feet and tilted the earth by 6.5 inches. Or look at it like this; the earth's north-south axis changed by 33 feet. Imagine what happened in a global flood. This will happen again when the two asteroids hit the earth causing it to lose 8 hours, Rev 8:8, Isa 24:20!
I hope this helps. As you can see I've been studying this for quite a while.