Where do dinosaurs fit in?

They were with everything else in creation, and I believe some were on the ark, but because the entire earth changed post flood, they died off. Since pre flood earth saw no rain, we can suppose that there was a much higher oxygen content on earth, allowing for ability to live longer and to have giant creatures.After the flood, we see the earth as it is today, eliminating some of the larger dinosaurs. For the rest of the kinds of dinosaurs that were smaller in size, they were probably driven to extinction with a growing human population. Every culture, from Asia to South America has stories about giant lizard like critters killing people, I don't think its a coincidence.

I have no clue myself. However, if they were on the Ark it seems to me that it would have been recorded in the Scriptures.
I believe that the mist was more of a water canopy, and the rainbow shown to Noah seems to be the first rainbow that man had ever seen. Of course this is all speculation, having only a few vague verses that go with it.


These guys are a lot smarter than me when it comes to creation based sciences.
Yes, a lot smarter, but since there is disagreement, they can't all be right......the possibility must exist then that none of them are right.:)
I have always been curious about this. Where and how do dinosaurs fit in from the creation story until their death?

I believe most existed before us and then some with us.

Mammoths and sabre tooth tigers possibly with us prior to the flood. But T-rexes, spinoasurus, mosasaurs and brontosaurus's....rofl no.

I like Ken Ham and what he is doing. If I was in Cincinati I would definitely frequent his museum. But this (only this) belief I cannot swallow. Why did Noah not take two of each dinosuar? There were so many. How can they have worse survival odds then the dodo?

If you shrink a mosasaur pro rata, you still have a really really big croc. Where are they today?
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I believe most existed before us and then some with us.

Mammoths and sabre tooth tigers possibly with us prior to the flood. But T-rexes, spinoasurus, mosasaurs and brontosaurus's....rofl no.

I like Ken Ham and what he is doing. If I was in Cincinati I would definitely frequent his museum. But this (only this) belief I cannot swallow. Why did Noah not take two of each dinosuar? There were so many. How can they have worse survival odds then the dodo?

If you shrink a mosasaur pro rata, you still have a really really big croc. Where are they today?

Atmospheric differences from pre to post flood could have inhibited large reptiles to exist due to less oxygen? My shot at it.

Also, Noah only took one of every KIND of animal, not one of ever animal. So he only had to take 1 pair of bears, not one pair of polar, grizzly and panda. Evolution exists within species, just look at dogs, so maybe crocs are just mosasaurs that have evolved to be smaller to adapt for their environment.
1. Atmospheric differences from pre to post flood could have inhibited large reptiles to exist due to less oxygen? My shot at it. Evolution exists within species, just look at dogs, so maybe crocs are just mosasaurs that have evolved to be smaller to adapt for their environment

2. Also, Noah only took one of every KIND of animal, not one of ever animal. So he only had to take 1 pair of bears, not one pair of polar, grizzly and panda. .

1. Yes this is true. Ken Ham has nailed this. But for me the issue is pro rata shrinkage. The closest we have to a 17m spinosaurus is a komodo dragon. That is a serious shrinkage factor. Were we 20 times larger? As for the mosasaur I just realized that Jurassic Park exaggerated its size :LOL:.

2. I am 50/50 on this. There is a big difference between many dinosaurs. Having just one pair of crocs and lizards would never recreate the genel pool for them all. But I guess a strong argument could be made that there were perhaps many more types of cats and dogs too etc etc.
I have always been curious about this. Where and how do dinosaurs fit in from the creation story until their death?

I sometimes wonder if it was really God who created Dinosaurs or if they were the product of a genetic experiment. The reason why I say that is God makes everything perfect. Yet, when you look at a T-Rex, they have the big head and these small little arms that do not seem to have any use. We assume that the ante-antediluvian were not advanced, but we know they were a lot more intelligent then we are today, if you believe that the stature of humanity went from perfect to worse, which the bible teaches.

I sometimes wonder if it was really God who created Dinosaurs or if they were the product of a genetic experiment. The reason why I say that is God makes everything perfect. Yet, when you look at a T-Rex, they have the big head and these small little arms that do not seem to have any use. We assume that the ante-antediluvian were not advanced, but we know they were a lot more intelligent then we are today, if you believe that the stature of humanity went from perfect to worse, which the bible teaches.

They were capable of advanced genetics but not...steam trains. I don't think so. I believe mankind was advanced, but not that advanced. A flood today would leave alot of evidence of advanced culture and many would escape it.

I believe dinosaurs are cute in their own way. There are many aninmals today that do not pass a ''human perfect'' standard.
They were capable of advanced genetics but not...steam trains. I don't think so. I believe mankind was advanced, but not that advanced. A flood today would leave alot of evidence of advanced culture and many would escape it.

I believe dinosaurs are cute in their own way. There are many aninmals today that do not pass a ''human perfect'' standard.
I am not so sure about that. A book called Secrets of the Lost Race makes a good case in terms of their achievements. You would be surprised of what exists in terms of evidence.

The word "day" can be used to mean "age", "time period", or "era". A quick search on the Hebrew word used in Genesis for "day" will give you these other usages. Also Jesus himself used "day in this way:
John 8:56 Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad.”

So, let's say that "day" in Genesis, as in "the evening and the morning were the first day", means time period. Thru Peter we learn that a day with the Lord is as 1000 years. I believe "is as (or like) a thousand years" just means a long period of time. Possibly as many as 1 million.

Now for the "evening and the morning were...". We all have heard the phrase "Dawn of the _____", whether Dawn of the Iron Age, or Dawn of the Age of Dinosaurs. "Morning" here in Genesis means morning or break of day or dawn.

"Evening" means evening or night or sunset. We all have heard the usage of the "sun setting on _______", whether on someones life, or an empire, or a time period.

"So the evening and the morning were the second day." could easily understood as "So the sunset of that age and the dawn of the next age ends the second age(era)."

In this way of thinking, the dinosaurs lived in the 5th age or era.
Genesis 1:20 Then God said, “Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens.” 21 So God created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves, with which the waters abounded, according to their kind, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. 22 And God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.” 23 So the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

God says "creatures" and "birds". Scientists are now telling us that dinosaurs are actually the ancestors of birds. The Bible had this recorded long ago. Dinosaurs are these unspecified creatures and birds of verse 20. Animals that we know today were created on the sixth day(Age) in verse 24 and 25.

This is where you find dinosaurs in the Bible.
The word "day" can be used to mean "age", "time period", or "era". A quick search on the Hebrew word used in Genesis for "day" will give you these other usages. Also Jesus himself used "day in this way:
John 8:56 Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad.”

So, let's say that "day" in Genesis, as in "the evening and the morning were the first day", means time period. Thru Peter we learn that a day with the Lord is as 1000 years. I believe "is as (or like) a thousand years" just means a long period of time. Possibly as many as 1 million.

Now for the "evening and the morning were...". We all have heard the phrase "Dawn of the _____", whether Dawn of the Iron Age, or Dawn of the Age of Dinosaurs. "Morning" here in Genesis means morning or break of day or dawn.

"Evening" means evening or night or sunset. We all have heard the usage of the "sun setting on _______", whether on someones life, or an empire, or a time period.

"So the evening and the morning were the second day." could easily understood as "So the sunset of that age and the dawn of the next age ends the second age(era)."

In this way of thinking, the dinosaurs lived in the 5th age or era.
Genesis 1:20 Then God said, “Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens.” 21 So God created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves, with which the waters abounded, according to their kind, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. 22 And God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.” 23 So the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

God says "creatures" and "birds". Scientists are now telling us that dinosaurs are actually the ancestors of birds. The Bible had this recorded long ago. Dinosaurs are these unspecified creatures and birds of verse 20. Animals that we know today were created on the sixth day(Age) in verse 24 and 25.

This is where you find dinosaurs in the Bible.
In this way you could make a case that we are still living in the 6th day(Age). God rested on the 7th day (Age). For God, this has all taken place within His will. When Jesus comes back is the beginning of the 7th Age. God the Father rests because Jesus is in control and creation is finished. This means God is still creating. Creating and working on mankind. What, you say, is He still creating? Babies, new humans for one.

I wouldn't call this new doctrine. But it is a different way to look at things.
I'll take the literal 6 day creation over the gap theory. I think that creation points towards a young earth more than an old earth. Plus there is proof that man has walked with large lizards in history.
I sometimes wonder if it was really God who created Dinosaurs or if they were the product of a genetic experiment. The reason why I say that is God makes everything perfect. Yet, when you look at a T-Rex, they have the big head and these small little arms that do not seem to have any use.
Well myself, I look at God's declaration that what was created was 'good' (or perfect if you like), as meaning just that.
Gen 1:12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good. Kjv Looking at just this one verse as a for instance, what do we have? It occurs to me that there are two possibilities and only two.
I- God 'saw to it' that what He created was good. That is to say that His superintendence over what He created was active.
2-God saw (observed) that what He created was good. That is to say that an after creation assessment checked all the boxes.
The notion that 'good' means satisfactory / perfect by our standards is in my belief not all that wise.
I believe that 'good' or perfect in this context merely means meeting God's specifications or expectations.
Now moving forward to
Gen 1:31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. Kjv.
That includes man. Can man swim in water? If you ask me I'd say yes. If we were to suggest to a dolphin that man can swim, it would laugh its dorsal fin off.
Man was created to function in specific ways and not others. Leaving moral decay out of the equation, I was created very good in God's eyes, yet I wish I could swim the ocean depths like a Dolphin, out run a Cheetah, out fly an Eagle, then I would be perfectly created (according to my dreams :( )
'Good' is a very subjective term I think.
I'll take the literal 6 day creation over the gap theory. I think that creation points towards a young earth more than an old earth. Plus there is proof that man has walked with large lizards in history.
Yes I agree.
Also, Leviathan and Behemoth don't sound like family pets either.
You tube is loaded with fairy tale stuff about pre Adamic races and Adam's life with someone before Eve.
Pure rubbish, the same as supposed UFO footage, etc.etc.
I read an article years ago and I can't find it now, but a scientist took baby fish and put them in double the barometric pressure tank for the rest of their lives and they were 300% bigger than under normal conditions. It had photos too. But I could only find these.

High Oxygen Levels Spawn Monster Dragonflies

Devonian rise in atmospheric oxygen correlated to the radiations of terrestrial plants and large predatory fish

The point is, the flood changed the planet, not just as judgment, but men ceased to live centuries long, and it rained regularly from then on, even the speed of light was much faster then, if the rate it's slowing down now is constant to the past, it 1.78 million times faster than now, meaning that the earth is indeed less than 10k years old. http://setterfield.org/ZPE-Plasma_model.html

The speed of light isn't constant

My point is, conditions from Creation to Noah's flood was drastically different than that of today, so there's no comparison.
Were exactly would we place the rule of Lucifer on planet earth in the Genesis account? We know he had a Kingdom, we know he had a throne and we know he ruled on earth for he had said....

Isa 14:12.. How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
Isa 14:13.. For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
Isa 14:14.. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

You can not "ascend" above the "stars", or above the "clouds" unless you are first underneath the clouds, and stars. Lucifer reined in his Kingdom on earth, so where in Genesis do we find his rein? He was already a fallen angel in the garden of Eden so it had to be for Genesis 1:2 onward.
Did the "dinosaurs" slowly die off over time? Not according to science, we know that there had to be a cataclysmic event that would have killed the dinosaurs off over a very short period of time. If the "dinosaurs" died off quickly that would mean if there were humans around at the same time they to would have died. Has there ever been a time when there were no humans on planet earth? Never!! The dinosaurs could not have died because of Noah's flood because Noah would have had some of them on the arch, to replenish the earth!!! The only time were there were no humans on planet earth would have been before the creation of Adam, and Eve, which would have been before Genesis 1:2
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I am not a very smart person, but I have fish aquariums before, and when I put fish in a big aquarium they grew bigger, and when I placed them in a smaller aquarium they grew to a smaller size.
But you assume it had a kingdom. We are not told this. The beginning if Iaa 14:12 says it has fallen from heaven; thus it could well speak of ascending again.
I still think they could have been hunted to extinction.......that is not without precedent even in our own time.
Scientist don't know everything.