God didn't smack me upside the head until I was closer to 30.
LOL, you and me both brother!
God didn't smack me upside the head until I was closer to 30.
I am fairly new here, and I don't quite have the grasp of the forum culture yet.
When a discussion goes personal and none of the person(s) involved are the OP, ought it to shift to PM perhaps?
First off I'd like to say I am a strong faithed Christian myself. Im 21 however and sometimes im not gonna lie ill post something un holy on facebook without even realizing it ... wether it be in a sentence I typed or what have you. I know my age shouldn't be an excuse but like 99% of the people in my age group dont care about God or religion or trying to be sin free. But Im still really good and have improved ALOT in my journey with Christ.... quit alcohol, weed,drugs, sex (by far the hardest part) swearing.....etc. But I still hang out with these people because they are still good people and as a Christian I think we should treat everyone with kindness and respect/love. Also their bad habits never have had an influence on me ... if my friends drink I never even get tempted at all. The only problem I have really is with girls since my hormones are through the roof at my age.I dont care if your a stripper I will still hang out with you and treat you with respect. Even Jesus hung out with sinners himself ... I forgot which passage but I remember reading it in the bible. Anyways lately I've been coming across a lot of rude and Judgmental Christians. This girl from my school she is a very righteous Russian Christian girl. Always posts very nice bible passages on her facebook statuses. So I message her and tell her how I like the things she post and how a lot of the things she says is eye opening. She didnt even reply lol. Thought maybe she was busy so like a month later she post this status and I message her and tell her how I agree ...etc and she still didnt reply .... I dont get that how are you not going to practice what you preach. Another girl at church around my age.. she always go to bible study and she seems really cool/nice. I go up to her the other day at church and she was giving me the cold shoulder the entire time so I basically just left.... Its like I try to be good and ditch my bad past and connect with good Christian people and they deny you basically. But my friends the ones who drink party and fornicate are so down to earth and nice. Sometimes you feel alone in this world.... I know Christ is always in my heart but it would be nice sometimes to have someone you can talk to about these things.
Oh, there is no need to eavesdrop. Churches are very accepting of gossip.You are judging wrongly and you don't even see it. Stop eavesdropping and you may find some people who are lovely to know. Waiting for a church that meets your likes may be the church who expects you to grow and change and to become more like Jesus, and to drop your critical view of people. You won't like it---will you stay?
Some people just need to bite the bullet and do what God is telling them to do.
It would seem like it. I always tell people they can PM me but very few actually do it.I am fairly new here, and I don't quite have the grasp of the forum culture yet.
When a discussion goes personal and none of the person(s) involved are the OP, ought it to shift to PM perhaps?
I have a lot of relatives who jump from church to church because this church did this and this church did that. Now a few of them refuse to attend church. @Huntingteckel you constantly get on us here for not showing a loving attitude toward a certain group and condemning them to hell. Aren't you doing the same thing with Churches? There are people who you won't like or agree with in every aspect of life. I'm glad I finally got back involved in a Church. If you lived close I would drag your butt with my family to our church. haha
Oh, there is no need to eavesdrop. Churches are very accepting of gossip.
I do try my best to be Christ like. I'm not critical of people, but I'm not going to go out of my way to sit with people that are the same or worse than the people you would say the OP shouldn't be hanging around.
I believe I said to PM me with any further issues instead of posting it publicly just to be showy.Not all churches are centers of gossip as you portray, especially seeing as you don't belong to one. Setting yourself above people who obey God and actually assemble together for the purpose of hearing from God, worshiping Him together, being instructed in righteousness and trained in ministry---is not of God.
We don't go to feel God---we go to bless Him and bless others. When we worship Him with all we've got, He shows up, and whoops!---we get blessed!
You need them more than you know.
I believe I said to PM me with any further issues instead of posting it publicly just to be showy.
Oh, Euphemia...Of course, I have no need to be showy. I didn't read the PM thing until after I hit, "send". Wish you would do what you expect others to do.![]()
That's alright. Authorities are necessary to keep the peace.Ouch, you two just got a scolding.
It's sir.Yes ma'am...sir?
Yea they do .... a lot of these girls who treat me like this went to my high school or live in my city and I know them. However they should know not to be so quick to judge.Do they know who you hang out with? Do they look at your friends facebook pages? A lot of variables to consider. If I had a girl at that age and I was raising her to save herself for her husband I would be teaching her to be cautious of a guys intention.
I've been going to the same church for 10 years since I was a little boy.... everyone in there knows me. I dress always with dress pants and a dress shirt.... tattoos always covered and piercings taken out. Maybe I need to be more patient well see.Well Christianity 101 is judging all things and with...depth. So you should be accepted by any Christian church after a few visits when they can discern your heart. You need to try and look at things from their perspective too. Tattoos have never been a sign of Godliness.
I would be interested to see how you dress. A few at my church have tattoos but dress properly. No issues whatsoever!
Don't be deceived by the unsaved. Sinners love sinners / people who tolerate / approve of what they do. But they will stab you in the back. Un-Godliness / sin = Selfishness.
So I urge you to judge with more depth please.
Thanks appreciate it .... yea I guess all I can do is wait .... but their is so many more similar situations like this one ...IMHO, I don't think the problem is you, Alang. I'm thinking the girls you have approached are not used to someone with your moral fibre. Patience is a virtue. Your Russian friend online may come around if she sees you're consistent in your beliefs and behaviour. Same with the girl at your church. I applaud you for being so young (I know, that's a relative term) and can already see that the lifestyle your friends are living is not for you. I was *certainly* not in your shoes at 21. God didn't smack me upside the head until I was closer to 30.
Agreed yea I pray everyday for this. I defiantly have some great Christian friends ..... never find any girls that practice faith though.... than again in my age group its really hard lol most people are more interested in partying and getting drunkI've found the judgmental and rude in every crowd, it just shows up in different places. Sores like that show more prominently on Christians since there's the hypocrisy factor, but it's a human problem more than a Christian one.
I have several Christian friends who, for whatever reason, don't have the Joe Christian look and they get the same kind of thing. Guilty until proven innocent.
Hang in there, man. Keep growing closer to the Lord, don't get discouraged and the good Christian relationships will come. "Seek first the kingdom of God and all of these things will be added unto you."
Until then you get to practice the same kind of mercy in both worlds. In one world you love and minister to you secular friends with out judging or adopting their debauchery. In the other you continue to look for fellowship with other believers without judging or adopting their fearful indifference and judgmentalism.
Let me throw in something slightly off-thread. Pray for and find some good fellowship with other Christian men your age. A lot of churches have basketball or soccer nights, men's retreats, work days whatever. It's a messy world we live in, and men have less reason to be nervous around a stranger. As you forge some good friends among men in the church, you will find many of the women who were already in their circle of friends will accept you by association.
annnnd one last shot for you to take or leave and then I really will let this post die
"I dont care if your a stripper I will still hang out with you and treat you with respect. Even Jesus hung out with sinners himself "
Amen. I love your heart, but keep in mind you're still more flawed than JesusAnd while we know Jesus was willing to fellowship with prostitutes we have no evidence he was ever alone with them. If you're wise enough to acknowledge hormones are your hardest struggle, be wise enough to have a sober view of your own will power. Avoid one-on-one situations.
Keep fighting the good fight, friend.
They are all Bible related. One tattoo is Jesus ... another is virgin Mary holding baby Jesus, Arch angel michael, arch angel Gabriel. 3 Bible scriptures written in Arabic (Im arabic). And praying handsYou do not reason like a Christian. It's like you don't know the difference between saved and unsaved.
Don't trust Christians...trust the unsaved more.....Did you miss John 8:44? Did you read my full post?
Tattoos are for vanity and have a history of paganism. Do you even care about that?
Christianity 101 = avoid ALL appearance of evil / Do NOT stumble our brothers and sisters. Do you even care about them?
End times 101 = wrong = right and right = wrong. End times 101 = Sinners want to justify their sin / rebellion...the holy must just tolerate them.....
IQ > 10 = Unless you have a just and significant higher reason for getting a tattoo it is nothing but pride and vanity. Hardly Christian traits. Where is fear, respect, humility, holiness, self sacrificing?
Tell me... what tattoos do you have exactly? Lets judge them with some Christian common sense.