Thanks Major, nice to know people care. II will be OK, just a phase.
I have always believed that alcoholism is predisposed. I grew up with two guys who were my closest friends. One I already told you about (Henry the cop). The second was Javier, also a cop (retired) but with some serious demons. When we were young adults, we drank; however, I did not see any indications that Javier had a problem.
I finally saw the problem, after he and I both retired and I moved back to South Florida. After Javier retired, he did not do much. He really did not need to, as he was financially stable. He basically stayed at home, drank, and waited for his wife to come home from work and make dinner. There came a point, where his wife (Sonia) had enough and they divorced. By then, he was not just a drunk, he became a mean and ugly person. Unfortunately, because of his attitude, this resulted in us ending a life-long friendship.
About five years ago, he was drunk and home alone. He fell and broke his hip. When he was taken to the hospital, he started to have serious alcohol withdrawals and ended up in ICU. At the time, he was into Scotch. He went home a month later and stopped drinking. Unfortunately, sobriety did not last long and he found a new friend in wine. We were still not talking, but I kept up with him through Henry and Sonia. On January 1, 2017, I received a call from Henry that Javier had died. Apparently, on the night of Jan 1st, he left the house to buy some more wine. When he got back home, as he was walking back into his house, he fell, hit his head on a rock, and his neighbor found his body the following morning. This was a sad ending to a life that had promise. He was only 58 years old. Based on some credit card receipts that were fund at the house, he was drinking an average of 6 bottles of wine a night.
I sometimes feel guilty for not having done more, but he was just not in a place where he cared about himself, or others. He listened to no one and his demons were just too much for him to bare.
By the way, my oldest son was a cop for 25 years and he retired about 5 years ago.
Grieving for him is very normal. I am sure it was a terrible loss for you, however, I would encourage you to not feel guilty over this.
The Bible teaches us that we all have the "Freedom of Choice". We all have to choose the things we do and do not do and unfortunately some people do not make the right choices.