"Dave Lucas, post: I apologise but this is by far the biggest example of fallacious logic I have seen in many years.
This is pure west-centric propaganda.
The reason we had these revolutions is because of science, not Chrisendom.
Science that had been collected since ancient times, passed from China through the Silk Route and Spice Routes. Science that had been preserved by the Muslims that would have been lost if it had been left up to those in The West. It was contact through the Crusades that gave us so many of the inventions that would lead to the Renaissance. From there people began to think outside of only what the Roman Catholic church taught them.
Exactly why didn't China and Persia and Babylonia have this explosion of invention and technology, then?
The use of Indian letters and Arab numbers lead to double book accounting and modern business. The merchant class became more abundant and people could break the cycle of serfdom.
Yes, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Ben Franklin, etc., could not have invented anything without double book accounting.
More knowledge led to the overthrow of monarchies. People traveled thanks to better navigation and shipping. Rails came based on the demands of a growing consumer economy. Ideals long forgotten of freedom, democratic processes and republics took over. New advances in science allowed us to see our world, the heavens and medicine in ways we never had before.
The question is why did this all happen in a relatively short period of recent history? There was electricity in 1,000 B.C., but it wasn't until the 1600's that theories developed. Even that is only 400 years ago. China had thousands of years to work on it.
These things led to where we are now.
And the real power behind it all, was the desire to control and to attain wealth.
Material things. Worldly things. Flesh things.
Yes, mankind is motivated by selfish endeavors. That is why Paul warns believers to not use your freedom in Christ as an excuse for selfish desires.
Not anything to do with The King and his ways.
It was because of man's desires to dominate a world that is not his. To control a life that was already defiled. To worship Mammon unceasingly.
The Industrial and Technological revolutions are the direct response of man's will. And it has led to some of the most impressive and most heinous things we have ever seen on this planet.
It cannot only be man's will. Otherwise man would have attained this knowledge sooner, even before Christ.
If Jesus had anything to do with it, there would have been NO heinous things that came from it. Because a good tree does not produce bad fruit.
Any good idea can be corrupted for uses not intended by the creator. The Crusades and the Inquisition were both bastardizations of winning converts. Atomic energy can be used to create electricity or destroy entire cities. The Pharisees took God's good law and used it to control others and elevate themselves. Adam was given a perfect garden and misused it and sinned.
The question is why this knowledge was not gained before Christ's time, and why freedom was the catalyst, and why this concept of freedom was born of the Christian faith.