Exactly why didn't China and Persia and Babylonia have this explosion of invention and technology, then?
Yes, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Ben Franklin, etc., could not have invented anything without double book accounting.
The question is why did this all happen in a relatively short period of recent history? There was electricity in 1,000 B.C., but it wasn't until the 1600's that theories developed. Even that is only 400 years ago. China had thousands of years to work on it.
Yes, mankind is motivated by selfish endeavors. That is why Paul warns believers to not use your freedom in Christ as an excuse for selfish desires.
It cannot only be man's will. Otherwise man would have attained this knowledge sooner, even before Christ.
Any good idea can be corrupted for uses not intended by the creator. The Crusades and the Inquisition were both bastardizations of winning converts. Atomic energy can be used to create electricity or destroy entire cities. The Pharisees took God's good law and used it to control others and elevate themselves. Adam was given a perfect garden and misused it and sinned.
The question is why this knowledge was not gained before Christ's time, and why freedom was the catalyst, and why this concept of freedom was born of the Christian faith.
1st Part. There was an explosion of invention and technology, but sadly due to culture, war and politics most had been forgotten until the Renaissance or later. Though some like glass blowing, gun powder, castles and many medicines were used in the Middle Ages and forward.
2nd Part. It was double book accounting that gave rise to the merchant being a class in feudal society. This "Middle" class allowed people that either would have become monks or lived only as serfs into a new structure that allowed more time off from the year of work, more money to spend and led to a consumer economy. This spurred on the desire for goods from the East and led to the Renaissance which led to the colonisation of the New World and Far East.
There are connections that come from just a single event. Touchstones were discovered by accident and led to non-fiat currency instead of barter. Another good one is the loss of pitch and tar from the Carolinas after the American Revolution spurred on a series of events ending with making plastics.
One thing leads to another in history.
3rd Part. Covered in part one.
The rest of the parts. Ancient man was not dumb by any means. Ptolemy had already made star charts long before this era that are still only a couple of degrees off. The Chinese made the printing press, paper currency and other things before the West was out of its mud huts. The Arabs were creating triage, medicines, mathematics and even deduced that the Earth turned on its axis once every 24 hours.
The issue again was the culture and politics that kept it from leaving their borders. IF they had developed secular humanism as fast as the West had, we might be saying thanks more to Abu Nasr Al-Farabi and Muhammad ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi. But the inventors that made pinhole cameras, fountain pens, windmills, paper, movable type, blast furnaces and so on won't get much credit due to Western culture thinking they are so vastly superior.
The Renaissance would not have been so forward thinking if they had not been built on the ideas of the past.
And yes things can be misused, as Christians did so elegantly in so many ways in their wrestling with flesh even though God said not to.