Well, can I just say, if you think about the promise of heaven, we will live under God for ever, and have no need of faith or Hope, Love will remain, pure love untainted by human needs or our nature. Therefore Forgiveness is because we live in a fallen world, with fallen people, and fallen Christian brothers, who try as they might have not been perfected and still need Faith and Hope, for themselves and others. Is it easy no, I still carry scars and wounds, and see those I have wounded, its not a once for all act, it is a daily requirement, just like the Lords' Prayer says "today" forgive us our debts as we forgive those who sin against us. I guess for you guys you could live in the Wilds of Alaska, but I guess there may be a few people there who will irk you. The engineer when your electric goes out, the IT guy, when you have no broadband, the TV engineer, or the trapper who catches your favorite otter. No, there is no escape.