I don't know about anyone else, but I just cant turn on and off emotions with the flip of a switch.
It takes a while to heal deeper wounds than the scratches in life; some scars are quite ugly and horrific.
So from my perspective while I can say yes I am very forgiving, the pain of that infliction may remain for a while as a reminder.
It lingers like an ego defense mechanism in the background of my heart. Do I mean to be this way? No, because I am in the flesh.
I wish I could be more like Christ and bounce everything off. I have been accused of being aloof in my responses to forgiveness.
However the opposite is true. Its because I care so much I break things down into smaller bites so I can digest them.
Less is more, simple is basic, and life is too short to hold in all that pain. It does go away, as healing takes time.
Therefore I conclude forgiveness can be a process depending on the offense. We are human after all.
I do try to see the beauty in all things, and something good in all people. I don't have to like the things they do, but we are commanded to love everyone.
We can all talk and teach because words are cheep!
It is another story however when it is YOU or your family who is damaged that we struggle to forgive the one who did the damage.