Why is it important to believe Jesus is coming back again physically?

Howdy Major,
The only reason I suggested a new thread was I did not want to keep taking Your thread in another direction. I think we even have a rule about that!

Now then Sir I do understand what you are trying to show with this statement that I quoted of yours.

Now then Sir let's talk about that for a moment.

Yes sir I agree that this was A Plan of God from the start. Key words here would be Plan, Desire, Will and so forth.

Out of His love for His creation, He On Purpose devised a plan that would bring us back to Him. That Plan was Jesus.

Of course nothing could stop this.
We must also Remember this was before the Cross and before satans defeat by The understood Subject of God's Plan Jesus our Christ.

However my friend, this says nothing of God being in control of Everything that happens or is done in this earth.

It does however give us His creation a way out of this cursed world. It offers us a new hope and future with Him.

It offers a way to escape and be free from the control of this world system or ways which by the way is Governed by our enemy the devil.


I just posted a new thread Jim. Just 2 minutes ago.

We can discuss your thoughts there.
And we know that, ultimately, God controls everything in the universe, including Satan.

I believe Jesus says it a little differently.....
And knowing their thoughts, He said to them, Any kingdom that is divided against itself is being brought to desolation and laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will last or continue to stand.
Matthew 12:25 AMPC

And if a house is divided (split into factions and rebelling) against itself, that house will not be able to last.
Mark 3:25 AMPC
I believe Jesus says it a little differently.....
And knowing their thoughts, He said to them, Any kingdom that is divided against itself is being brought to desolation and laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will last or continue to stand.
Matthew 12:25 AMPC

And if a house is divided (split into factions and rebelling) against itself, that house will not be able to last.
Mark 3:25 AMPC

Matthew 12:25 is rooted in Jeremiah 17:10............
“I the LORD search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.”

That speaks to the Omniscience of God in that He know all things and controls all things...IMO.
Matthew 12:25 is rooted in Jeremiah 17:10............
“I the LORD search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.”

That speaks to the Omniscience of God in that He know all things and controls all things...IMO.

I honestly don't agree that it applies to God's control. Omniscience yes, but not control. In my reading this verse I think it speaks to the fact that man gets according to the fruits of his labor. According to his actions. If he is obedient to God's Word/will... God blesses Him.

One has to appropriate Deut. 30:19-20 to this also. We have to choose to follow His ways and be blessed or follow the enemies ways and be cursed.

I honestly don't agree that it applies to God's control. Omniscience yes, but not control. In my reading this verse I think it speaks to the fact that man gets according to the fruits of his labor. According to his actions. If he is obedient to God's Word/will... God blesses Him.

One has to appropriate Deut. 30:19-20 to this also. We have to choose to follow His ways and be blessed or follow the enemies ways and be cursed.

You do not agree with me??????????

Of course you realize that you are the very first person to say that don't you?

Yes, you are correct that the Bible describes God as offering humanity choices in Deuteronomy 30:15–19, holding us personally responsible for our sins in Exodus 20:5, and being unhappy with some of our actions in Numbers 25:3.

However, I think that you will agree with me in that God's divine traits set the minimum boundary for God’s sovereign control in the universe, which is to say that nothing in the universe occurs without God’s permission. God has the power and knowledge to prevent anything He chooses to prevent, so anything that does happen must, at the very least, be “allowed” by God.

God has the ability to do anything, to take action and intervene in any situation, but He often chooses to act indirectly or to allow certain things for reasons of His own. His will is furthered in any case. God’s “sovereignty” means that He is absolute in authority and unrestricted in His supremacy. Everything that happens is, at the very least, the result of God’s permissive will. This holds true even if certain specific things are not what He would prefer. The right of God to allow mankind’s free choices is just as necessary for true sovereignty as His ability to enact His will, wherever and however He chooses.
;) YA know even though I don't agree with you, I still love you!

Why wouldn't you????

I am really lovable.....really!

My grandchildren lay all over me in fact one is sitting here right now as I type this with her thumb up!

My dog sleeps with me and the wife which is why she is scratching all the time (My wife).

The truth is that no one will ever agree with anyone else all the time. I have been married 50 years and I know very well that you do not agree with your husband all the time and vice versa.

Also, the things we discuss are not back breakers or deal makers. They are just discussions. :LOL:
Absolulty correct in everything you said and I agree completely. But Those Christophanies were done before Christ had been glorified.
When He was glorified there was then something in heaven that had never been there before.....a "Glorified Man-God".

It seems to me that Luke 22:69 says something else...........
"But from now on the Son of Man shall be seated at the right hand of the power of God.”

There is no indication that Christ will come and go to the earth as He chooses after He was glorified, just the opposite. The Scriptures say to me that He will be seated at the right hand of the Father.

Matt. 24:30 then says this..........
"Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory."

Does that suggest that when Jesus does come, everyone will see Him and when they do they will actually see the glory of His position as Christ?

Stephen then confirms the words of Jesus as he said in Acts 7:56..........
"Look! I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!"

I know that people want to see Jesus. I want to see Jesus. but to me, the thought of Him showing up to talk with people is inconsistent with what the Scriptures say what He is doing today. And then there is the fact that Jesus said that He would send the "Comforter" to us as He had to go to the Father.
Why put God in such a box? You said "seated" Steven said "standing" so which is it? When you put that level of constraint on God, you'll wrestle with these "issues" that are not issues at all. Is anything impossible with God? Nope. So, why the doubt? He said Himself He's in our midst when two or three are gathered together. If you apply this saying ONLY to the apostles, then salavtion too is only for the apostles, as is any and all promises of God and we have no hope. See the circular argument? (My new phrase of the day apparently.) Don't get bogged down in static arguments. God is unchanging in character, but ever chaning in action. God repents too, which is "change His mind" with Noah, Moses and Hezekiah. See God completely and not in a box.
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Why put God in such a box? You said "seated" Steven said "standing" so which is it? When you put that level of constraint on God, you'll wrestle with these "issues" that are not issues at all. Is anything impossible with God? Nope. So, why the doubt? He said Himself He's in our midst when two or three are gathered together. If you apply this saying ONLY to the apostles, then salavtion too is only for the apostles, as is any and all promises of God and we have no hope. See the circular argument? (My new phrase of the day apparently.) Don't get bogged down in static arguments. God is unchanging in character, but ever chaning in action. God repents too, which is "change His mind" with Noah, Moses and Hezekiah. See God completely and not in a box.

A play on words....whether standing or seated does not place God in a box , so to speak. They are positions and to debate such a thing IMO is not needed at all.

Let me illustrate. You said .........."Is anything impossible with God? Nope!"

IF we are playing word games then I could correctly say that you are wrong. Why? Because it is impossible for God to tell a lie!

Now, I never said or even suggested that salvation is ONLY for the apostles. If you will look back to comment #12 you will see...........

Matt. 24:30 then says this..........
"Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory."

Does that suggest that when Jesus does come, everyone will see Him and when they do they will actually see the glory of His position as Christ?

Stephen then confirms the words of Jesus as he said in Acts 7:56..........
"Look! I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!"

The comment was made so as to show that someone, Stephen actually saw Jesus at the right hand of God. That testimony confirms the words of Jesus in Matthew 24:30.

That my brother is not placing God in a box at all. It is simply one verse confirming another on the location of the Lord Jesus Christ which those Scriptures say was at the right hand of God in heaven.

I agree completely that Jesus is God in the flesh and He can do or go anywhere He chooses. However, as I posted, the Scriptures do not say that He is coming and going from heaven to earth but instead actually say that He is AT the right hand of God. Whether He is sitting or standing or lying down is not know to me and neither do I care. I am just posting what Scriptures actually say.