Howdy Major,
The only reason I suggested a new thread was I did not want to keep taking Your thread in another direction. I think we even have a rule about that!
Now then Sir I do understand what you are trying to show with this statement that I quoted of yours.
Now then Sir let's talk about that for a moment.
Yes sir I agree that this was A Plan of God from the start. Key words here would be Plan, Desire, Will and so forth.
Out of His love for His creation, He On Purpose devised a plan that would bring us back to Him. That Plan was Jesus.
Of course nothing could stop this.
We must also Remember this was before the Cross and before satans defeat by The understood Subject of God's Plan Jesus our Christ.
However my friend, this says nothing of God being in control of Everything that happens or is done in this earth.
It does however give us His creation a way out of this cursed world. It offers us a new hope and future with Him.
It offers a way to escape and be free from the control of this world system or ways which by the way is Governed by our enemy the devil.
I just posted a new thread Jim. Just 2 minutes ago.
We can discuss your thoughts there.