Is it, its not really in mine.
I think the only war that Jesus asks us to fight is the one where the saints are in His army. When you read revealtion there is a war on saints. The saints are clothed in white robes. They dont have weapons because the Lord goes before the, with a sharp sword comign out of His mouth.
Do you know a bit of history. Joan of arc went to battle right, she was female but she dressed as a man to lead France. The british were fighting and raping and pillaging Normandy. Anyway when she was in the front of the battle lines, she basically told the British to retreat and guess what they did. Just because she said it.
GOd gave her the words to say.
Thats power.
Didn't God make War against the Egyptians?
Exodus 15:3-4...…...
"Jehovah is a powerful warrior. Jehovah is his name. Pharʹaoh’s chariots and his army He has cast into the sea, And his finest warriors have sunk into the Red Sea."