To begin, the charismatic church preaching the prosperity gospel is complete and utter falsity. Causing false pretenses to be saved and faith in false promises.
The Holy Spirit baptism being separate from salvation is again wrong. As soon as we are saved, we are given the Holy Spirit, as shown in 1st Corinthians 6:19-20 and also in 1st Corinthians 3:1-2
The general idea of the charismatic church tends to be the "I believe it (the spirit) because I've felt it" Instead of relying on the scripture to believe.
The evidence of the Spirit to many of these churches is based upon again, vocal or physical attributes. Babbling in useless, unbiblical, tongues, being slain in the spirit, and other outcries. Biblical evidence though is the fruits of the spirit, the works done in faith.
The idea of tongues is misguided in many churches. The tongues in Acts 2 are not babbles, but an actual language. Somebody understands it and it can be interpreted. Whereas, in my experience, and many others, the tongues predominately shown in the charismatic church on a sunday morning are nothing more than the shouts of nothing. You could get every linguist and language scholar in the world, and not a single thing would be translated. Even Paul predicted that tongues would cease in the future (1st Corinthians 13:8) I am not saying tongues are finished, but I am saying that the tongues typically seen in churches are not the tongues we see in acts.
The idea that there are still prophets that have visions to proclaim the future completely undermines the word of God and the bible. If we were still receiving visions of the future, it would mean that the bible is not yet finished, and the word of God needs to be added to. Rev. 22:19 warns us against this. Now, there is the gift of prophecy, which is proclaiming the word of God as in preaching, but it is not the prophecy that is announced within these churches.
These are some issues I have seen inside the Pentecostal/charismatic movements.