Lets put it this way...........when one is moved by God to help some one such as her - well they do not tend to go have drinks and kiss and gain an atraction to them.......So you think she is lying
With that said............your judgment can be altered and you tend to see only what you want to see even if you dont understand this.
Take this time and step back and seek God in this. Gain His insight and then you wont need to be asking any one else other then standing with you in what God has directed.
Blessings.........Oh and YES I do want to see this girl delivered and saved etc.
One more thing..........you are going to know how to do spiritual warfare bro........are you built up for this? BECAUSE..........you are not fighting against this mans hold on her but hell it self.
This strong hold can and will keep pulling her back and in our strength - we are limited to what we can do or what lasting values they have..........
Think about that