The spiritual record of how the Holy Spirit works in and through the lives of Christians bears out more of the truth than any historical record. We only need the word of God for truth...not any books.
That's very true. But, we can never forget that in Christendom we're surrounded by those "having a form of piety but denying the power of it..." (2 Timothy 3:5). Much which is attributed to the Spirit is in fact merely works and emotions and the arts and crafts of man. We need to discern what truly is of the Spirit, and the New Testament scripture would be our guide as to that. The record of history shows us, beyond any shadow of a doubt, what conditions were in the primitive Church. Jude writes, early on in the history of the Church, to "you who once knew all things" (Jude 1:5). This is "the faith once delivered to the saints." (Jude 1:3). It was once delivered: there was a full revelation in the Person of God's Son. Nothing of the traditions of men could add to that faith, once delivered. One who had received the faith once delivered to the saints was one who "knew all things". So, we see, by the authority of scripture, that what the Church had at the very beginning was complete, the full revelation. Very quickly it began to be lost and obscured, and the writers of the Epistles write to the saints to bring about recovery and restoration to the truth, and to lead new converts into it. We also see that what's been added, often at a distance of many centuries, to the Christian faith, is not the original thought. Truth that's been 'lost' for centuries has been recovered, some of it in the past few hundred years, and we have to distinguish between that and the innovations and interpolations of man's mind. Again, the scriptures are our unfailing guide to that. Does it stand the test of the word?
On that note, Mr J.N. Darby said the following about the Epistles:
"In the epistles, we find the exposition of the result of that glorious work of grace,
by which man is placed on entirely new ground with God, in reconciliation with Him; as well as the development of the counsels of God in Christ,
according to which this new world is established and ordered. In giving this exposition of the ways of God in connection with the work which is their basis, the perfect efficacy of the work itself,
and the order of our relations with God, are plainly set forth; so that the whole system, the whole plan of God, and the way in which it was put in execution, are presented. And in doing this, that which man is, that which God is, that which eternal life is, are clearly put before us.
The death and resurrection of Christ, as well as His exaltation to the right hand of God, form the center of all this instruction.
- 'Synopsis of the Books of the Books of the Bible' - Vol. 4 - Acts - Philippians - J.N.D.
In any assembly where Jesus is pastor, that is not the case. Perhaps you have witnessed another kind of church.
In my experience, response in worship to God is in Christ and by the Spirit - entirely in Him and by the Spirit. Nothing is offered up which could've been found in the emotions - however well-intentioned - of a person who doesn't have the Spirit - the offering is spiritual, not natural in terms of human nature.
Michal was disturbed by David's exuberance, and pure abandonment to exultation before the Lord, and she turned her nose up at him and what he was doing. This is what I am seeing you as well as a certain denomination doing in the face of pure, honest, freedom in worship. It's simply judgment, and the wrong kind of judgment.
There is NOTHING unfruitful in obeying the Spirit of God who exults with us in fully worshiping God with hearts, voices, dancing and instruments. God revels in it, and participates in it, and we are blessed by it!
It's important to study that scripture (and every scripture) in dependence in the Holy Spirit and in subjection. Then we can understand what Michal and David actually represent.
To make a judgment that those who worship musically with instruments that it is "nature" and therefore is somehow carnal, is wrong. We are free to use musical instruments in worship to the Lord...and free not to, as well.
Nature is right, in its place. Nature is God's ordering. But we, as believers, are privileged to have a part in what's spiritual and unaffected or enhanced by nature.
We're free to do as we like in the service of God. Does that sound like scriptural truth? Has God left us, without revelation, to do whatever's right in our own eyes? Thankfully and blessedly not.
@Euphemia @Grant Melville
I would like to take a moment of your time and share something God gave to me understanding on.
Worship Him with our all or whole heart and entrie being.
We all agree God is spirit and we worship Him in Spirit.
We all agree that musical instruments are a pluss and a good thing when included with the heart.
Now then there is more to this whole being.............
We are to worship God in every area of our lives which includes talents and jobs and gifts and oh yea money..
Just had to throw that one in there........shhh there is an explanation coming....
Lets start with Money- we worship God through and with our money through our Tithe and Giving and seeing to others needs. We honor Him by being obediant in our giving when He says give this amount here or there and this is a form of worship for we worship His every being and this makes us joyful givers and honoring Him in obediiance.
Our talents or jobs and gifts.........We honor or adore or worship Him through our obedience unto His word and ways when we keep Him and His ways first place. When we walk in love and forgivness with that co-worker in which every one wants to send them for a long walk on a short pier.
When we keep Him first place and strive for excellence no matter what. We use these gifts and talents to bless others and this might mean FREE no matter the cost. Dont grumble or complain and and do it joyfully in love and obedience unto Him and He will make it up to you. Grumble and walk in the flesh - well ...think of the children in the wilderness and you get the picture.
It is not that these things are " WORSHIP TOOLS" BUT rather obedient ways of worship unto Him in which we love and honor and adore.
If you walk with an attitude such as this - you can NOT go wrong for He will be there every step of the way. See sometimes OBEDIENCE IS TRUE WORSHIP. Think about it this became way side to God speaking to you to give this collection 200 dollars but refused because that is your money and you need things and they can go earn it. Then get all religious and try to worship Him and THINK TO YOUR SELF that you are truly in worship.........are you really?
Worship is more then just praising Him from your heart. It is your entire being and way that you do things in your every day life.
God Bless You both my friends
Now, brother, I've been quite able to go on with what you've said so far, but I think here we're straying from the solid ground of scripture. Where is the scripture that says we can worship God with money or talents or jobs or gifts? Is giving to others, or even tithing, worship? No. Giving to others brings glory to God - if they know why we're giving, then they'll praise God for it. We would hope it would produce worship in the recipient. Tithing, or giving money to a collection, that's ministering to the Lord's interests here in a practical way. Again, it may produce worship in the hearts of the saints, but the act itself is not an act of worship. We have to be clear as to that. We can glorify God in actions and activities which are not worship. For example, if I have a need and you give me money at cost to yourself, then you're ministering to my practical need. That's a great thing, and God's will, and it may produce worship in both our hearts - but the act itself is ministry, not worship. Perhaps it could be said that ministry manward secures and sustains worshippers - I hope that's a right thought. Ministry Godward is worship, I have no doubt about that, because God is its Object.
Again, in the way we deal with our brethren, or our co-workers, or anyone we come into contact with in life - that provides an opportunity to glorify God. We should be exercised to do all things to the glory of God, and if I'm minded to do something in which there's no opportunity for God's glory, then I should consider if my time is better spent doing something else. As I've said elsewhere, doing everything to the glory of God and in the name of the Lord Jesus, that
restricts our activities, rather than giving us an unlimited scope for whatever action we choose - that's the broad way. It guides our feet into the narrow path, and it's delightful to our hearts to be in it, because we love God's glory and the Lord's Name. Our every step in
that path present fresh opportunities to please God.
I appreciate the spirit of your remarks, dear brother. I do feel though that we have to be clear that not every action or thought of ours is worship. Not even every spiritual thought and action of ours is worship. If I think about the practical and spiritual needs of my brother or sister and I go and minister to them, then that is a wonderful thing, a privilege, and pleasing to God. But it isn't worship. It would be productive of worship. If I feel that the task is too much for me and I get on my knees before God to ask for help, then He would give it and that would produce worship in my heart. If the spiritual ministry I've been called upon to take up is to bring in something from the Lord to restore a brother or sister who perhaps has got away from the Lord in their soul, then I would be instrumental in restoring a worshipper. All these things tend to worship, but we have to see that they're the divine means to a divine end. In heaven, in eternity, there won't be any need for ministry manward - there won't be any need or any falling away. All will be worship to God, the service of God in praise and worship unfolding for eternity.
As i read what you said, In my mind what you are saying is that it is the attitude of the heart that is the core of true worship. And that is displayed in
1 Corinthians 13:1-3. We can be obedient all we want but if we are grumbling and such...the worship means nothing. Thank you for sharing what God ministered unto you
love you!
I know you weren't addressing me directly, Cturtle, but thank you for bringing in a scripture that's been in my mind too. God is love. If we don't have love, we aren't in line with God's nature. Judas performed signs and wonders, displayed power - but he didn't have love. He had no real appreciation of Jesus.