No YOU made the assertion that these were against the law (which for the Jews would have been the Torah) so YOU show that it was (this is what I asked as a response to YOUR assertion)...Jesus was not saying people should not wash their hands He was saying these teachers were taking their tradition, and making it a law that is not in the Torah (and it is not)....As for the second Sabbath, following the first (Sabbath) in Luke 6, we are talking of one of the High Sabbaths not the weekly 7th day Sabbath (perhaps Unleavened Bread or else the second Sabbath in the counting of the Omer)...
If you carefully examine all the passages of Torah on "Sabbath" you will find that in most all references the word "servile" precedes the word "work"...gleaning a few husks of wheat as you pass by does not equal "servile work". Servile work implies labor or service (as in a job or duty) fact almost EVERY reference to Shabbat in Leviticus and Numbers has the word servile preceding the word work (this is how Torah understood the "rest")...The Pharisees had made all sorts of additions (those of Shammai made them a yoke of burden)...
In His love