I'm sorry, just trying to keep things light. It was only a joke.OK, enough.
Let's stick to the topic
I'm sorry, just trying to keep things light. It was only a joke.OK, enough.
Let's stick to the topic
You have a sly sense of humor so I'm not sure if you're serious about that text or not. To me it sounds incredibly harsh for the relatively minor infraction of practicing yoga. But the overkill of it made me laugh. So if that was the intention then well played.I agree with rav and that scripture relating. I don't think anyone would lose their salvation over it but could this scripture also relate:
hand this man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may be saved on the day of the Lord.
I did not know. I've only heard older people use these terms, and its always about the same thing.
But Halloween IS good clean fun. I did it as a kid and never attracted any kundalini spirits, or even any spaghettini spirits. It had nothing to do with Christ. It had to do with scoring candy. That's all.
Every kid I knew went out for Halloween, it was just fun and wasn't a religious activity. They dressed up in little costumes and went door to door. They got candy. They didn't become satanists. End of story.Notice where you said... it had nothing to do with Christ. I dont even need to comment here do I?
What are you talking about? Do you go to the movies for Christ? Crap for Christ? Not everything we do is for Christ, unfortunately. My wife wants to hand candy out for kids with bible verses attached to them. We'll probably do it this year.Notice where you said... it had nothing to do with Christ. I dont even need to comment here do I?
Are you one of those who don't celebrate Christmas because the Christmas tree is a 'pagan idol'?The fact people are posting on here saying yoga is harmless, its just a buch of streches, shows how clueless they are. when someone tells you this has to to with envoking unclean spirits, perhaps tou should do about 30mseconds of research before you start flapping your gums on the world wide web so even more people will believe the lie. Its like candy on halloween. Its just candy for the kids right... not a holiday for witches, no no no. Its just good clean fun right. Sure. Its called the kundalini spirit. Not the spirit of Christ. Not the Holy Ghost. Therefore if you do this you are performing spiritual fornication against Jesus. The bible says God is our husband in spirit... it also says we are the bride of Christ. It also says thou shall have no other gods before me, it also says not to learn of thier ways it also says to avoid the very appearance of evil. So goahead strech your muscles and fornicate with unclean spirits... its very obvious how some people do not truly revrence The Lord.
I see what you are saying. It's kind of like a couple colleges girls going to a party singing cyndi lauper songs, "oh girls, just want to have fun." Sure, it's all innocent fun, until someone slips them a roofie. This is why we should not be worldy, and of the world. Yoga, Halloween, and anything that's of the world we should stay clear of. If we play with fire, we will get burned.The fact people are posting on here saying yoga is harmless, its just a buch of streches, shows how clueless they are. when someone tells you this has to to with envoking unclean spirits, perhaps tou should do about 30mseconds of research before you start flapping your gums on the world wide web so even more people will believe the lie. Its like candy on halloween. Its just candy for the kids right... not a holiday for witches, no no no. Its just good clean fun right. Sure. Its called the kundalini spirit. Not the spirit of Christ. Not the Holy Ghost. Therefore if you do this you are performing spiritual fornication against Jesus. The bible says God is our husband in spirit... it also says we are the bride of Christ. It also says thou shall have no other gods before me, it also says not to learn of thier ways it also says to avoid the very appearance of evil. So goahead strech your muscles and fornicate with unclean spirits... its very obvious how some people do not truly revrence The Lord.
Are you one of those who don't celebrate Christmas because the Christmas tree is a 'pagan idol'?
I see what you are saying. It's kind of like a couple colleges girls going to a party singing cyndi lauper songs, "oh girls, just want to have fun." Sure, it's all innocent fun, until someone slips them a roofie. This is why we should not be worldy, and of the world. Yoga, Halloween, and anything that's of the world we should stay clear of. If we play with fire, we will get burned.
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them.
There is a major difference between doing sinful worldly things and doing stretches and poses for the health benefits. The teachings that go along with yoga are something different. I'd say doing the stretches are fine as long as you aren't letting yourself be brainwashed with all the energy and power talk.I see what you are saying. It's kind of like a couple colleges girls going to a party singing cyndi lauper songs, "oh girls, just want to have fun." Sure, it's all innocent fun, until someone slips them a roofie. This is why we should not be worldy, and of the world. Yoga, Halloween, and anything that's of the world we should stay clear of. If we play with fire, we will get burned.
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them.
The trinity is another one that has ties to the roman triads which was pagan.DING DING DING....WE HAVE A WINNER!!!
There is a major difference between doing sinful worldly things and doing stretches and poses for the health benefits. The teachings that go along with yoga are something different. I'd say doing the stretches are fine as long as you aren't letting yourself be brainwashed with all the energy and power talk.
Why would I do yoga poses daily and not call it yoga? I think that's ridiculous. I do really understand what you're saying, but I don't think we should avoid healthy things just because a group of people use it for something that isn't Christian.Then lets just call it stretching.
Why would I do yoga poses daily and not call it yoga? I think that's ridiculous. I do really understand what you're saying, but I don't think we should avoid healthy things just because a group of people use it for something that isn't Christian.
The trinity is another one that has ties to the roman triads which was pagan.
What is this stretching? Is she stretching? Or is she praying? See post #18
Well, I can't argue with doing research.Also, I would like to point out ALL of yoga positions are positions to envoke the kundalini spirit. If people would invest even 5 minutes to do some research on google, instead of justifying themselves, they could find the truth in what people are investing their time trying to tell them.